
With the wide world of grains we have access to, why have we by and large limited ourselves to rice? I invite you to join me as we experience the wonder world of grains. [bctt tweet=”Rice is so yesterday, try a new grain today.”]


Grains have been the central element, the star of the plate, for many cultures for innumerous years. From rice to quinoa, China to Peru, grains have nourished and sustained peoples all over the planet. If some of these are unfamiliar to you, I challenge you to try a new one this week. Many of these grains can be purchase at a health food store, food co-op, or even your commercial local grocery (though there may be a substantial markup in price). If you have access to a local food co-op, you’ll find these in the bulk bin section. If you’re nervous about trying something new, just purchase a small scoop and it will literally cost you about $2.00 or less. So let’s dive in to our wonderful world of grains.



At least 8,000 years ago, the Aztecs in Peru cultivated this tiny grain. Well, it’s actually not even a grain but a seed. It falls into the grain category because it is so nutritionally dense. It is a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids, giving it a higher protein content than most other grains, It’s a key source of vitamins and minerals and especially high in iron. Its even gluten free! You can enjoy it sweet or savory. Kick start your day by trying my breakfast preparation.


Apples and Amaranth



Here we find another seed commonly referred to as a grain. Studies conducted in population that consume a good deal of buckwheat have LOWER incidences of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Buckwheat is a powerful antioxidant; it’s high in magnesium, manganese and copper in addition to being gluten free. I usually eat mine raw as in my recipe here.


Raw Granola



This is a whole grain true to its name. We read time and again to eat WHOLE grains; well this one here is 100% whole wheat. A great source of soluble fiber, manganese and Vitamin B-6, this grain is a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine. Tabbouleh anyone?




I love the chewy nuttiness of this grain. While it’s recently been making it way to chic menus lately, this grain has been eaten around the globe for thousands of years. High in iron and fiber, it makes a great replacement for rice. It can be used in dishes from soups to chilled salad. Here’s my favorite way to enjoy farro.


Farro Salad



If you’ve ever seen “bird seed” you’ve seen millet but this is not just for the birds. While it’s really a seed, again this one falls into the grain category. Used for thousands of years, its even cited in the bible as an ingredient in bread. Good for your heart and insulin levels, try my modern take on a vegetarian classic.


Lentil Loaf



 In the last few years, quinoa has almost become a familiar household item. In my home it makes frequent appearances. From salad to soup, I cook up a big batch, then portion out and freeze for later use. Prepared sweet for breakfast or savory as a dinner side, we love it all the same. High in protein, iron, vitamins and minerals this one really lives up to its SUPERFOOD name.



Cornmeal Crusted Tempeh, Sesame Snow Peas & Quinoa w/ orange sauce


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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5 Replies to “Taste the Grainbow”

  1. […] always double quinoa when I cook it because I know I’ll use it sometime soon. In my house we eat quinoa in many […]

  2. Nice! I always see grains as part of staying fit and healthy. For good reasons.

  3. Thank you! We should seek God first…. in all things. I love your Grainbow post. I personally do not have adverse affects from grains. I’m inspired to try them more often. Such a great way to add variety to your diet.

  4. So, what are your thoughts of grains when trying to lose weight? I mean, you never see these on most “diets”! Many diets out there are low carb. Aren’t grains high in carbs? Thanks for your inspiration:)

    1. Alicia,
      I believe that these ancient grains were given to us by God to supply the essential nutrients we need in order for the body the function properly. I also believe in not following any particular “diet” plan, fad or trend. God has a tailor made wellness plan for each individual as He uniquely formed and fashioned each one of us. I pray that you ask and that you shall receive the tailor made plan HE wants you to follow. So to eat grains or not to eat grains when trying to lose weight, I can’t answer that. I’d have to say see how your body responds to them and adjust according. Thanks for stopping by.

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