Use Your Power

I knew I struck a cord when the enemy retaliated.


All year I’ve had a tremendous burden to pray. While I’ve long since considered myself a woman of prayer, God is showing me anew the purpose, procedure and power of prayer.


And the past week found me with the full armor of God on, warring in the spirit. There were some MAJOR events occurring in the lives of several close to me that warranted me going before the throne on their behalf. And I went forth with boldness in the power and authority given to me by the Lord. I had a new level of fervor, passion and holy indignation. I was downright ticked off and my spirit was dispatched to do something about it. Within minutes of concluding the prayers, I was seriously burned. I will share those details another day, but suffice it to say, I went into the enemy’s camp to reclaim and recover.


You want something to happen in the life of someone you know? Pray for them.


[bctt tweet=”Praying for a person is not merely tell God “about” them, but is instead praying God’s will “for” them.” username=”inspiredfully”] God already knows all about them. God knows about the person who has hurt you. God knows about the boss who has wronged you. God even knows about all the things concerning you so don’t merely pray about, but pray specific, targeted prayers concerning His will in all matters.


First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1


When we pray, our intent is not to inform God but to petition heaven for God’s will to prevail. When we pray we come into agreement that it is on earth as in heaven. When we pray, we dispatch angel armies to loose our prayers that the prince of the air has attempted to intercept (Daniel 10:12-13).


[bctt tweet=”You have the power to move heaven and earth with your prayers.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Use Your Power!


Your family needs, your friend needs, your neighborhood needs, your nation needs, your world cries out in agony and needs you to exercise your POWER-FULL prayers.


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18


Let us pray…


Father, I thank you that we can come boldly before the throne that we may obtain mercy and find grace. You are truly a Good Good Father. You are ever loving, ever kind and ever true. It is your desire that we know and receive your love for us. Oh your love is so deep and so wide and nothing can separate us from your love. Lord make this love real and tangle not only in our lives but in the lives of our family, our friends, our co-workers and our neighbors. For those that are not in relationship with you, draw them nearer. Let them experience you in an undeniable way. Let them have a life alter encounter with you. For those already in relationship with you, let your fire fall afresh on them, giving them a new zeal, a new hunger and a new thirst for you. Let your children seek you first. Let heavens realities be seen and felt here in the earth. Stir up the gifts in your children that they would use them to bring about radical change to heal the sick, to bring the dead to life and to give hope to the hopeless. May our sons and daughters dream God dreams and obediently follow you so that the dreams manifest. May our sons and daughters prophesy. God may your kingdom come and your will be done. Glory, glory, glory to your name; the name that is above all names. AMEN


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth

8 replies
  1. Rachel
    Rachel says:

    You want something to happen in someone’s life – pray for them. Yes, totally agree. Just been praying a power-full prayer for a friend who really needs the power of heaven to come to earth.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Intercession is an under utilized tool in the life of most Believers. It touches my heart to know you are bombarding the heavenlies on behalf of your friend. Not only will God intervene in her situation because of your prayers, He will bless you for your sacrifice to stand in the gap. Thanks for stopping by hope to connect again soon.

  2. Candace Playforth
    Candace Playforth says:

    Prayer is such an incredible gift. Unfortunately it’s also something I forget to do far too often. I really want to be that woman who automatically turns to God in prayer. This is the incredible woman I see you as, my friend. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration you always provide us in this online space, Tyra.

  3. Masirika
    Masirika says:

    Your post really is a challenge. God is searching the earth for those He can use to carry out His mission. The enemy places fear in our hearts and prayers because he knows prayer is a direct and sure weapon that will expose and can foil his plan. Who is bold, who is courageous who dares to go against the Goliath’s of this world with only small smooth stones and make direct contact slaying giants? Who will step up to the plate and take their small prayers and small faith but stand boldly before Our Father, petitioning and interceding in prayer? Even if it means that we get burned, laughed at or causes use to loose what maybe valuable to us. Well my friend, I’m going to take the challenge because whatever I loose here on earth My Father has already stored my rewards in heaven and while I’m here on earth it’s the least I can do because Jesus paid the ultimate price just for me, for you and for all of us who believe He is who He say He is. The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Truth and the Light. The One who is, the One who was and the One who is to come The Almighty God. So everyday every moment I need to seize the opportunities to serve honor and be obedient unto Him. Thank you friend for interceding for us.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Friend it is not merely a challenge but more so an invitation to exercise your rightful authority. You stated quite succinctly the mandate and position for prayer. You’ve so beautifully illustrated us; the weak, the small, but BOLD & BIG when armed with pray. So let us march on friend, linking arms, donning the full armor of God as we petition heaven on behalf of others. And the surety we have is when we pray according to His will, He sees, He hears and He answers. Happy to be joined with you on the battlefield.

  4. Liz
    Liz says:

    What a lovely and powerful prayer! Amen. All too often I think we forget the enormity of the power of our prayers. Thanks for this reminder today! Blessings!


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