
Today You Must Know

No Greater Love


The instant I awoke my heart was flooded with emotion.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”  


Those were to sweet gentle words Jesus spoke to my heart.  Those words arrested me on the spot and I had to just sit with them.  As I proceeded to begin with my Thanksgiving morning routine, those words wouldn’t let me go.  In my head I continued to try to think about my food preparations but those words still held me in their grip.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”


As I drafted in my mind the wrap up to my 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving, the words continued to resonate, floating around in my head and in my heart.  My mind wanted to craft an eloquent conclusion to the countdown about giving thanks but the magnitude of His simple statement to me “There’s no greater love than my love for you dear” still had me in it’s clutches.


Oh friends I am overwhelmed by the sheer weight of His glory.  So right now I give thanks that the Father in His infinite wisdom set about creating this world, placing us all in it, and ever so carefully orchestrated EVERY event of our lives down to the One Plank, the smallest measurement of time.


He loves us so much.  I cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude for the Father’s love for me.  And He demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Daily He demonstrates His love for you and I.  Don’t you see it?


You woke up this morning
You have someone who loves you
You have something to eat
You have been protect from hurt, harm and danger
You have joy
You have peace
You have LIFE


My friends this is good news.  Today, bask in the warm embrace of Jesus’ love for you.  Be assured, He does love you.  He assures us in John 15 that as the Father loved Him, He loves us.  Receive His love today then be a conduit of that love, allowing it to flow THROUGH you so that you are a channel for love flow.  All those that come into contact with you will feel the love flow from you through them.




Inundated…in His love


There’s no greater love.




20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving

Day 20 The Love of Thanksgiving


As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15:9

Know beyond on a shadow of a doubt that the Lord loves you.  And out of His limitless love for you, He will do what’s best for you.  Sometimes what’s best for you doesn’t always look good, feel good or seem good but its for your good.


Receive His boundless love for you today.  Embrace it. Bask in it. Relish it.  Know it. Believe it. Receive it.


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4 replies
  1. Anne Dahlhauser | Front Porch Inspired
    Anne Dahlhauser | Front Porch Inspired says:

    This is beautiful!! My word this year is Loved, and I feel like I’m on a constant journey of learning to just BE loved. Not earn it, not keep it, not work for it… just BE loved. This post was such an encouragement to me – thank you.
    And, thank you so much for linking up at Front Porch Inspired. I hope you will be back on Thursday – I look forward to reading more of what God’s doing in your life and how you are following Christ. You are a blessing!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Yes sweet friend I come into agreement with you that this year you will receive, embrace and bask in His unfailing perfect love for you. I look forward to connecting with you and the other inspiring bloggers on Thursday.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      I will join you in that prayer. I too had to embark on the journey of receiving God’s love for me. He led me through an in depth study on the bride of Christ. Some day I hope to share some of that in this space.


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