How much can I take?

I can’t take it any more!

Take your stuff and go.

I don’t have to take this mess!


Seems to me like we have issues with taking.


Have we not been commanded to take heart, take heed, take up our cross, take up our armor, take His yoke, take communion?


We see our sisters and brothers in the Bible instructed to take the blessing, take a journey, take a wife, take the rod, take provision.


God calls us to TAKE so that we have what we need. It is HE who calls us to pick up, to put on, and to lay hold of. Since the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, He’s set aside a special lot that’s ours for the taking. He wants you to take so that you are fed, take so that you can serve, take so that you can advance His kingdom of heaven here on earth. He calls us to take so that we can show Him honor by taking what He’s given and giving a portion back to Him.


Are you willing to take what’s yours?


Your adversary certainly doesn’t mind coming to take from you. He comes to steal from you, to kill you and yours and to destroy you. Even the blessings that God has ordained to overtake you, your enemy seeks to take those too.


And while there are very specific things, which we’ve been cautioned not to take, I trust that we, true disciples will take heed and obediently take only that which has been set aside specifically for each of us. Taking out of malice, greed or revenge will only lead to our own destruction.


The Word illustrates example after example of obedience then blessing in the taking.


And the Lord said to Joshua: “See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor.”


So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

Joshua 6:2, 20


Jesus took upon himself our sickness, infirmity and disease so what we may have life more abundantly.


Jesus took children and blessed them and healed them.


Jesus took his disciples, led them, and instructed them.


Jesus took food, blessed it, multiplied it and nourished his followers.


Jesus took a towel and girded himself as he was preparing to serve.


The incapacitated man took up his bed and walked.


Mary took precious oil and anointed THE ANOINTED ONE.


What will you take?


When you do take, what will you do with what you’ve taken? When we take in obedience, it isn’t merely for our own benefit but to be a blessing to those whom we’ve been called to assist.


Do you have the strength and courage to take what is rightfully yours?


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9


Just as in the days of John the Baptist, men were so eager and excited to go after the kingdom of God, Jesus likened them to those who would besiege a city and take it by force.


Where is that zeal today? Where is that hunger? Have we lost our passion for pursuing what is rightfully ours as children of the Most High?


Jesus offers an olive branch, but you must take it

Jesus offers salvation, but you must receive it

Jesus offers His guidance but you must follow it

Jesus offers provision, but you must lay hold of it

Jesus offers liberty but you must digest it

Jesus offers peace, but you must embrace it

Jesus offers but intimacy you must behold it

Jesus offers but love you must cherish it

Jesus offers victory but you must apprehend it


Go Ye, and take what’s yours!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with friends sharing the Good News #lifegivinglinkup, Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

5 replies
  1. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    This is so enlightening and refreshing! I will be chewing on this one for a while, considering all that God invites me to take hold of, by His grace. Thank you for sharing this with us at Grace & Truth! 🙂 We appreciate you!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      This was an interesting concept for me to digest. In fact, my flesh wanted to reject it as I viewed TAKING as a selfish act but when I went through the scriptures were very clear. I pray for your courage and boldness to lay hold of what the Lord ha set aside especially for YOU! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Crystal
    Crystal says:

    Did not realize how much God calls us to “take.” What beautiful revelation is found in the Bible when we really study it. Such a powerful post Tyra. This is something that has me thinking whether or not I’m taking what Jesus is offering.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      The word was revelation for me too. An when God gave it to me, I was uncomfortable with it but He confirmed it time and again throughout the word. Then when he told me to share it I was initially reluctant not knowing how it would be received but I obey what my Father tells me to do so I had to post it. I pray we walk obediently, and rightfully possess what He’s set aside with our names on it. Blessings to you friend and thanks for stopping by.

  3. Candace
    Candace says:

    Amen, my friend. I think I get this idea in my head that taking is bad, and I sit and wait for something to fall in my lap. Your words are so true though! We must take that olive branch Jesus offers, along with all the wonderful things that come with it. Thank you for your inspiring reminders here, Tyra!


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