
Gravity pulling, pulling, pulling the body straight down. At a swift pace, free fall ensues and the body plunges deeper, deeper and deeper into the black abyss. Never scared. In fact, quite freeing. Liberating.


I was about eight then. It was a recurring dream of mine for years to come. Almost nightly I’d fall free into inky oblivion.


But those are the things of dreams. Fast forward to the adult who becomes rigid, somewhat inflexible and seemingly thrives in order. The adult who manages her life in 15-minute increments and leaves no room for spontaneity. No freedom to coast, even in dreams. Control is the order of the day.


But in comes a new dream. A dream of flying. While the free fall is but a wisp of a memory, the flying dreams are fresh, new, invigorating, and exciting. What a stark contrast to the rigid one in real life. In the dreams she is FREE. Soaring on wings as eagles, she glides gracefully over valley and deep crevasses. From the ground she begins to pump her arms then as if propelled by rocket boots, she shoots straight into the air. Dip, twist, turn, and pivot. Slicing through the air. And it all feels so real.


Then the Lord calls to her. He says, “Come out of the box you’ve been hiding in. I see you daughter”. Slightly cautious and somewhat afraid she unfurls her contorted limbs and stretches out of the box.


But life has her feeling on edge. The pressures and demands of fullfilling so many roles, being so many things to so many people. Called to a higher calling in the Lord. Feeling, Lord if you ask for one more thing, I’ll fall. Lord, I’m right on the edge. I’m at the precipice and I don’t want to fall into the craggy rocks below.


But the Lord says, “Trust Me! Fall.”


She is usually one to obey. But this time fear and apprehension keep her locked it in place. Free fall? Umm…no thank you. Like the Flying Wallendas sailing through the air with no safety net? No, that won’t be me.  Where’s the harness? Where’s the safety net?  Where are my spotters? What’s the likelihood of an accident? I need the details. I need concrete information.  Again he whispers, “Have Faith.”


Oh how faithful is HE. She has a vision, a waking one this time. So akin to the flying dreams yet different. This time the Lord takes her to a HIGH place. He tells her to free fall. He takes her back to the time when she came out of the box and He revealed a new element in the scene. When she comes out of the box, from her back unfurls gigantic, iridescent wings. At full height they are nearly 10 feet tall with a massive wingspan.


Now back to that precipice. Together we step off the ledge…..AND


I do it again.


I smother the vision before I give it permission to unfold.


Afraid to use what I’ve been given. Afraid even though I’ve clearly seen that I’ve been endowed to take flight. Then the message continues to track me down.


[bctt tweet=”Unless you’re willing to fall, you risk not fulfilling your potential.”]


free falling


I read it in a book.

I read it over and over in the word.

He brings the vision back into my mind.

I see it on a sign I drive past.


fall into God


I get new revelation on what the wings are for (Looking forward to sharing more on that in a future post).


Earlier this year He was calling me deeper.


Now He’s calling me higher.


Until I give my own wings an opportunity to get some practice, He’s carrying me on His.


You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

Exodus 19:4


But soon, very soon, I’ll take the bold step. From that precarious perch, high in the sky, I’ll step off the ledge and take flight.


Free Falling


But confident because I KNOW I have wings.


But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Feature Image Photo Credit

What Dreams May Come….


A movie featuring one of my favorite actors, Robin Williams. It’s also one of my favorite genres of film, fantasy. Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, man I just love movies where imagination takes flight and other worlds become reality.


If…only I could dream those dreams.


If…I could give myself permission to dream an alternate reality and dare God to bring it to pass.


If…I could allow my dreams to unfold long enough to reach their fulfillment.


My dreams come but I smother them.


God gives the vision and I place it under a cloak of darkness.


I guess what I love about my favorite genres of film is that I believe those alternate realities can truly exist. I believe that one day we could actually live in a dystopian society. I believe that one day we might be able to connect with life forms that exist in space as illustrated in another one of my favorite movies, Contact.


But if I could only dare to believe what God says about me. If I could only allow the dreams God has shown me to completely unfurl and see them through to the credits rolling.


Well now is that time.


I’m daring to take God at His word. He said:


“Then you will know that I am in Israel,

that I am the Lord your God,

and that there is no other;

never again will my people be shamed.

And afterward,I will pour out my Spirit

on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions.”

Joel 2:27-28


I will stop getting up in the middle of my life’s movie and will sit through to see what the end will be.


I will stop playing it safe and will take the risk of trusting God. He certainly has a good track record with me.


I will take my hands off of my eyes and stop peeking through the cracks of my fingers and I will stand and watch to see the salvation of the Lord.


I have visions.


I have dreams.


What Dreams May Come? Not sure, but let them come.


Now I release them to unfold.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with #FiveMinuteFriday on this word #dream