
I felt something stirring within me.

An unsettling. A churning.

A tightness that was hard to put into words.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.


I was outside in the snow. Here in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. it usually begins warming up this time of year. But winter has managed to hold on.


snow covered tree1


Snow. Ice. Then snow again.


snow covered tree


But even in the midst of the snow and ice, the buds on the trees that have been dormant all winter are stirring. They are unsettled. They are churning. They are getting ready to stretch forth. They are getting ready to Break Forth. In fact, the buds on the trees have been there all winter. They began growing at the end of last summer. The buds then, were just waiting for their appointed time.


snow on branches


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot Ecclesiastes 3:1-2



The buds are layered with scales that are actually modified leaves protecting the bud against harsh elements. Inside the buds are tiny leaves ready to grow. When given the right conditions, longer days (more light) and a rise in temperature, the buds will begin to bloom.


buds ready to bloom2


Break Forth

The same can be said for you and I. Are you feeling the churning? Perhaps you can’t quite articulate it, but you know something is stirring. Have you been in the right conditions that stimulate growth?



The Lord makes His face shine upon you. He lifts His countenance upon you. God makes His love shine in our hearts and we see that glory when we look upon Jesus. Are you face to face with Him? Can you feel the heat and the light emanating from Him?



Has the temperature been turned up in your personal, work or ministry life? Have you been faced with various trials? Welcome to the club, my friends. The bible assures us that trials will come. We are encouraged though to count it JOY. Some days I can so relate to the scripture that says we are hard pressed on every side.   I can literally feel the squeezing. It is a very uncomfortable space and I just want to break out! I feel like God is squeezing, pressing, and turning up the temperature.


Israel Houghton and New Breed sing, “Stretch forth, break forth, release me. Enlarge my territory.” And it is with the LIGHT and the TEMPERATURE that conditions will be ideal to break forth. The light of His countenance shining on your face coupled with the intense heat of your trails has triggered your bud to break forth.


buds ready to bloom1


No my friend, you are not broken down but are breaking forth to enlarge your territory.


For as the earth brings forth its bud, As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Isaiah 61:11


tree buds close up

Break Forth

God is calling you forward. Just as God called and appointed Aaron to lead His people, He is calling you. Your name has been recorded on the rod. Your rod is about to bloom. And not only did Aaron’s rod bloom with leaves, it had blossoms and fruit.


Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds. Numbers 17:8


Again Israel Houghton says it this way,

“It’s a new season, it’s a new day. Fresh anointing is flowing way. It’s a season of power and prosperity. It’s a new season and it’s coming to me.”

All this…

snow covered lake

Will eventually give way to this…


What this new season holds, I do not know. But I eagerly anticipate it. I open myself to the possibility of all that abounds in this new season. I will insulate myself with the Word during this delicate time so that I’m not damaged by a late frost.


And the promise that awaits is this…


Then your light shall break forth like the morning,

Your healing shall spring forth speedily,

And your righteousness shall go before you;

The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

Isaiah 58:8



Friends, I want to join you in prayer. So tell me:

~What is the Lord stirring up in you?

~What is about to break forth in your life?

~What type of healing are you in need of?

~What types of emotions are conjured up when faced with a new season?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends:

What Joy Is Mine Purposeful Faith

A wonderful change has come over me. These were the words sung as I stood worshipping in church yesterday morning. Often we sing lyrics without deeply thinking about them. But as I sang the words, a movie of my many CHANGES since coming to know Christ began to play in my mind.



Hardened by childhood circumstances, I became a selfish person. Born out of my need for self-preservation, not knowing sometimes where I would sleep or when I would eat, I became territorial over MY things, MY space, and MY time. My selfishness was so severe that I even locked MY car and took MY keys with ME when I went out of town once leaving my husband without a car. Mmm. I am not proud of this at all. But I can be honest and share because my heart has been…




Growing up, I had a relative who was mentally and physically abusive to me. When I was rescued from her torment, I harbored bitterness toward her. This woman not only inflicted pain on me, but on my younger sister and her own children as well. She left a trail of hurt in her wake. But before she passed away I was able to forgive her because I was…




Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. I really did think I knew it all. Really. Hardheaded and a little rebellious, I was a piece of work. Until I had a head on collision with the King of kings and I was literally bought to my knees…



Scripture come to life right before my own eyes in my own life.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17


You and I are like pearls undergoing change. A foreign object or parasite gets lodged in the oyster’s soft tissue. To ease the irritant the oyster begins to secrete a smooth crystalline substance called nacre around the irritant. As long as the irritant is lodged in there, the oyster will secrete the nacre. The result is a beautiful, iridescent shimmering pearl. And unlike other gemstones, which are mined from the earth, the pearl is formed from a living substance.

oyster shell

The same can be said of our relationship with Christ. The Lord’s love for us is a living substance. Though we may have an irritant in our lives, like pride in my example, Jesus comes and wraps His loving arms around us, coating us in the TRUTH of His word, His nacre and out of that comes a new product, a changed heart.

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Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16


There’s no doubt about it. When you have a true encounter with Jesus, you change.


They came blind. They left seeing.


They came crippled. They left walking.


They came defiled. They left clean.


When you stand in the presence of that which is eternal, everlasting and unchanging, you can’t help but to be changed.


Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

1 Corinthians 15:51


He changes our hearts. He takes out the heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh that beats in concert, in perfect time with His.


Thump thump…thump thump…His heart. Your heart. Unified beats enmeshed in love. And it is this unification, this joining of hearts that allows you to now love like Him, walk like Him and talk like Him.


The one who is seated on the throne says, “Behold I am making all things new”. This is active present tense. Not just something that may happen in the future, but He IS MAKING all things new and that includes you and I. For me this is good news because there are still many areas in which I am undergoing or still need transformation.


This good work He began in me and in you will continue until we see Him face to face.


I know I’ve been changed. The angels in heaven done signed my name.

Holler back at me. I want to hear about the wonderful ways He’s changed you.


If you have never received Jesus as your personal Lord I Savior, I am praying for you even now that this wonderful change will overtake you too. It’s just so sweet; I want you to be able to experience for yourself in a deep meaningful way what I’m talking about here.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!