
April was National Stress Awareness Month and in May we recognize Mental Health Month. And in light of our current global crisis, it is critical that we proactively protect our minds and our emotions. Stress can certainly be a huge contributor to ebbing away at our mental health so we want to do what we can to get the help we need.


Let’s face it, if you are a human being, living on this planet, at some point you will come face to face with stress. We will all come to the place where life’s demands exceed our bandwidth, reaching beyond our capacity to handle. And that’s the place where we can begin to feel stress.


In and of itself, stress is not such a bad thing. God hardwired this response into every human. From the dawn of humanity until now, this automatic response mechanism has protected us from imminent danger. From warding off an animal attack hundreds of years ago to quickly stepping on the brakes to avoid a car crash today, stress gives way to the release of hormones enabling our bodies to jump into protective mode.


It becomes problematic though when our bodies are constantly operating from the protective mode. While we cannot control all the stressors that life presents but we can control our responses to them.  


You will manage stress, stress won’t manage you.


10 Practical Ways To Manage Stress

You don’t have to do all of them at once. Perhaps you can adopt one a day or practice one a week until they are ingrained and become part of your regular wellness protocol. Employing the following practices has personally helped me heal from past trauma, manage the demands of caring for a large family while serving my community, grow as a disciple of God and effectively handle the pressures of life.



Be transformed by renewal of the mind (Romans 12:2). Be purposeful in thinking about the things you think about. When your thoughts are pulled away by worry, fear, and anxiety, cast those down and shift your thoughts to those that are excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8).



Think deeply on God’s word. Day and night meditate on His precepts. Ponder on His goodness and faithfulness. The Psalms encourage us again and again to meditate day and night.



Sometimes I envy my husband. Laughter comes easily to him. I tend to be more serious and can get consumed by what needs to be done and that has a way of squeezing out laughter. A cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22) so take a dose of laughter so that you stay well.


Sun Therapy

Light therapy, also known as heliotherapy has been used for ages to heal people. From skin disorders to depression, studies have proven the sun’s ability to heal. So when possible, get outdoors and soak up the sun. It will work wonders to calm your nerves and boost your mood. Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you Isaiah 60:1


Deep Breathing

While you’re out there in the sun, breath deeply. Deep breathing calms your nervous system, releases serotonin, and increases your oxygen intake causing you to lower your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and exhale toxins. This is a powerful way to bring about relaxation and peace. 


Essential Oils

One of the things that you can breathe deeply is essential oils. Coupling oils with the above practices supercharges their effectiveness. Since the beginning of time, plants and herbs have been used to heal mankind. The bible tells us in Revelation 22:2, the leaves on the trees are for the healing of the nations. Essential oils like Clary Sage and Lavender promote relaxation and boost hope.



Have you ever experienced the rejuvenating power of a good night’s sleep? Review your sleep hygiene practices. Are you creating an atmosphere conducive for a good night’s rest? Limiting electronics, bathing before bed, using Lavender essential oil and prayer are all practices that can aid you in having a better night’s sleep. Your brain has A LOT of work to do in cataloging all the work you’ve done for the day so you’ve got to get some good sleep. Sleep affects for daily performance and even your weight so go to bed!



On the other side of sleep is movement. Exercise is an effective way to release endorphins promoting a release of stress and inviting in feel good emotions. So move that body and get your happy on. Exercise isn’t my favorite thing to do but I know it’s good for me so I make it a priority. I’m not saying you’ve got to be a super athlete but I am suggesting that you get that blood flowing, get that heart stimulated and move. 


Eating Right

Do you understand the powerful effect that your food has on your mood? Food like Soul Food, that you think of as comfort food actually does little to comfort. While they may bring delight to your palate for a moment, they leave you feeling cramped, bloated, sluggish and these foods lead to inflammation in the joints which further leaves you feeling poorly. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will leave you feeling light, energized and empowered knowing you are doing the right thing for your body. If you need help in knowing what to eat to energize you, improve your mood and reduce stress, get your hands on my book, 30 Days 30 Ways to Salad Heaven.



Listen, even in the hardest of times, God has been mmm mmm good to you. Think about how He’s provided for you. Thing about how He’s kept you. Think about how He’s empowered you to forgive those who have wronged you. Think about the beautiful friends and family He’s given you. Think about the talent He’s placed in you. There are so so many reasons to give thanks. So pause and reflect on His praiseworthy deeds and the mighty works of His hands and offer up a Thank You Lord! It will surely shift your focus off of your current stress and unto His goodness.


And I have so many others, I may have to do a Part 2. If you’d like to see a part two of this series leave me a comment. And also let me know how any of the above strategies have helped you manage stress.


While each of these suggestions may seem a small thing, when coupled together as part of your overall wellness protocol, they will yield a GREAT return. I pray your month is filled with God’s joy and His peace which surpasses all understanding.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!