















As I stood at my window watching fat juicy snowflakes fall, I thought of the intricate detail in which they are fashioned. Their complex design emerges as they travel through different temperatures and humidity levels. God knows each and every turn of the snowflake’s formation and knows what the end design will be.

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Not too different from what happens to us. God 1st knew us before we were knit together in our mother’s womb. Through the storms of life we experience changes in temperature and humidity levels: financial struggles, failed relationships, illness, change of job, births, deaths. And through these changes, we are being shaped and fashioned into intricate, complex human beings. If we allow ourselves to be saturated with more water droplets as the snowflake does, we too will emerge as the fearfully wonderfully made creations we were designed to be. His living water is the molecule that wants to bond to us, allowing us to be transformed into His image. You are the original Design Star.

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 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


We’ve been intricately designed, formed and fashioned to accomplish a specific purpose in the earth. We were born to the parents we were, with the physical attributes we have, in the neighborhoods we’ve lived, in the decades we’ll live, with the gifts, talents, skills and abilities we have all for a divine purpose.

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So free yourself to put His workmanship in YOU on display. He created you, His masterpiece not to collect dust in someone’s attic; in the attic of your own fears, self doubt and self denial. But He created you to be framed and hanged in the Louvre Museum, on display for the world to see. He said you were created for good works that He prepared beforehand.




Be the original design star He created you to be.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Feature image photo credit