
One of my all-time favorite desserts is the Lindt Lindor Truffle.   You can read more about my love affair with those here. They are luscious, creamy dreamy little bites of heaven. At the start of 2015 I went on a 10-day raw food cleanse. During the cleanse I got a bad Jones for the truffles. As to not give in and break my cleanse, I had to come up with a viable solution and here it is. Love at first bite. And it’s guilt free indulgence as it contains only good for you ingredients. I make a batch and put them in the freezer (they do not require doing so) and eat just one at a time to exercise discipline. And when I eat it, I slowly savor each tiny bite. So take this post with you to your natural food store, grab the ingredients and whip up a batch. Perhaps you already have these ingredients already in your pantry. Yay for a well stocked pantry. You can even find little raw bites like these for sale in your natural food store but they are way too expensive. Once you have these ingredients in your pantry, you can make these time and again for a fraction of the cost you’d spend buying them in the store. You can also use some of these ingredients to make one of my favorite smoothies.


SMOOTHIE: Black Forest Smoothie


So without further adieu, onto our little tasty bites of chocolate goodness.




12-14 medjool dates

¼ heaping cup raw cacao powder + 3 tbsp

½ cup walnuts

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tbsp water

small pinch salt

Shredded unsweetened coconut (optional)

Crushed pistachios (optional)


In the food processor blend the nuts until they are finely chopped. Do not over blend, as you do not want to make a paste or butter. Next add the dates, ¼ cup cacao powder, vanilla, water and salt. Blend until it forms a smooth sticky mixture. Lightly wet your hands, grab a small amount and roll between your palms to form balls. Then roll the balls in the remaining cacao powder, or coconut, or crushed nuts.


Guilt free, chocolate indulgence at its best. Enjoy!

raw chocolate truffles

To read more about the health benefits of raw cacao powder click here.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Running at a frenzied pace.


Out the door.


In the car.


Drop 3 at school.


Drop 1 at preschool.


Back in the car.


Errands. Errands. Errands.


Do it all again in reverse.


Boy Scouts, Church, Robotics.


In and out and in and out.


How about you?


Home, to work, to the gym, to the dry cleaner then back home again? In between all the GOING and DOING we can get a little hungry. So what do we eat when we’re on the go? How do you stick to your commitment to eat better when short on time or in a hurry? How do you prevent from falling into the quick and easy junk food trap?


How do you not succumb to pulling into the drivethrough?


What the formula to ensure healthy eating on the go? By always keep some healthy snacks on hand, that’s how you do it.


At a minimum I keep snack sized ziplock bags and dried fruit in the car.


Healthy Eating On The Go:


~Grapes (wash & dry them as soon as you get them home from the grocery and      store them in snack sized ziplock bags


~Clementine oranges

~Apples & Almond Butter

snack 2

(Not a prize winning photo but real time eating on the go from my passenger seat)



~carrot sticks

~Smoothie/Juice made the day before

2014-10-28 08.59.16

~Water (sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst to this is my 1st go to)

~Raw Revolution Bars (I buy these rarely to have on hand in a pinch)


As I often say, Proper Preparation Prevents Pitfalls. It is the first week of February.  If you made some health goals for this year, stick with them.  If you’ve fallen down while trying, that’s ok.  Pick yourself up and try again.  It’s one small decision at a time that secures the victory.  Now go and prepare those healthy snacks and  throw them in your bag so you’ll be prepared the next time hunger strikes.


Tell me some of your tips for healthy eating when you’re on the go.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!