
Imagine the toughest mental and physical exercise you’ve ever endured…


Think about 6 or 7 people carry a log that weighs nearly 200lbs. They carry this log together for nearly two hours while performing a variety of feats including carrying it overhead, sit-ups, running through sand and water and they do all these activities non-stop. This test of physical and mental endurance is part of the Navy Seal’s Hell Week training. Said to be the toughest training out of all of the U.S. Military, on average only a quarter of the candidates make it through the week. For those that make it through, the training is something they can look back on and have the confidence and push to go the distance in combat.


Yesterday at church, Psalmist Stephen Hurd and the choir sang,


“You are holy

Lord you’re holy

Hands uplifted we say yes

As we worship you in spirit

And in truth Lord we say yes.”


Do we FULLY say yes though? We eagerly say yes that we want His favor. We eagerly say yes to receive His blessings. We say yes to prosperity. But do we say yes when acquiring His favor, blessings and prosperity comes with the price of Navy Seal like training of taking up the rugged cross daily and following Him?


Do we say yes when He asks us to be more disciplined in our spending?


Do we say yes when He gently reminds us to choose well and honor the temple with our eating?


Do we say yes when He asks us to have restraint with our words when speaking to someone?
Do we say yes when He asks us to seek Him early and we hit the snooze button?



Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23



To become a Navy Seal requires intense training. Likewise being a disciple of Christ is intense on the job training. While Seal train is just 5 ½ days, God is training you minute by minute. And to properly condition you the weather the disciple’s journey of life, all He needs from you is your complete YES. Give Him your best Yes. When He has your yes, you are duly equipped us to take up your rugged, heavy log, the cross, daily and follow Him.


The Lord needs but one answer from you…YES. He needs your yes to FULLY surrender ALL to Him.


~A blind man said Yes to Jesus and could see.


~A woman with an issue of blood said yes to Jesus and was made whole.


~A chief tax collector said yes to Jesus and was saved.


~A man said yes to Jesus and was forgiven.


~A parent said yes to Jesus and his child was healed.


~I said yes to Jesus and was set free.


There’s a popular song that says, “When Jesus Say Yes Nobody Can Say No”. What about when you say yes? What modern day miracle waits on the other side of your yes? He’s looking for those whose hearts are fully surrendered.


For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9a


Yesterday I heard Bishop Bobby Perry of The Kingdom Church say, “The best praise you can give God is a surrendered life.”


What little something(s) have you been holding back from God? Will you surrender ALL and say yes to Him today?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Happy to connect with friends at Purposeful Faith Equipping Godly Women Dance With Jesus