
As I call them, they come.


My little flock of five.


They gather around me.


From the biggest to the littlest they find safety, comfort and assurance


in my apron. They wrap themselves around my arms and legs.


My little flock of five. They gather.


Brings to mind the image of Jesus saying,


“Let the little children come to me and hinder them not


for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”.


So glad today that this is my heart’s position. So glad today that my thoughts


have come into alignment with His thoughts and I too have welcomed


the little children to come to me.


In the hem of my apron they find love.


In the folds of my skirt they find safety and security.


As they gather, I see a vision of my future.


They’ve left home but return with spouses and children of their own.


They gather ‘round the table to a piping hot spread lying before them.


My little flock now has their own little flock.


My children are like olive trees as they gather around the table.


I am blessed!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to be connecting with friends today:

Five Minute Friday, Mommy Moments