
Did you start out the year with a long list of books you planned to read? Of those you read, did they cause a change in your beliefs, attitudes and behavior?

I’m an avid reader. As a little girl, reading was my way of escape from a tumultuous childhood. And my love for books has remained. From professional to spiritual development with a little fiction thrown in, I can go through stacks and stacks (albeit my real life responsibilities keep me from losing myself in the land of books). I probably read a minimum of 30 books any given year.


Below is a list of 7 books that changed my life in 2018 and I think they’ll change yours too! There’s reading to arm you spiritually, to strengthen you physically, personally and professionally and even some fiction that will leave you thinking.


[bctt tweet=”A good book will challenge what you believe, will cause you to think deeply and will stay with you long after you’ve put it down.” username=”inspiredfully”] These seven did just that for me. So here they are in no particular order.


The Dream of You by Jo Saxton

Who are you? Without the hurt, guilt and shame who are you really? In The Dream of You, Jo takes us on a journey of uncovering who we were when we were created in the image of God. When I read this book I felt like Jo knew me personally and was telling my story. If you need clarity and affirmation on identity, this book is a must read for you.


Possessing The Gates Of The Enemy by Cindy Jacobs

I would venture to say most Believers engage in some type of prayer. From, “Help!” to prayer for the sick, many of us are praying. But are we praying strategically? Are we praying prayers that have the ear of God and dispatch angels to move on our behalf? In Possessing The Gates of the Enemy, Cindy Jacobs sets forth strategic plans for prayer. This book is a must have for those who’ve been called to the ministry of intercession and still a great read for all Believers who want to strengthen their prayer lives.


Praying The Names of God by Ann Spangler

So I read this book in 2018, 2017, 2016 and you get the point. It’s a resource I pull off my bookcase often. I’ve read several books on the names of God but Praying The Names of God by Ann Spangler is my absolute favorite on the subject. It’s actually a devotional with 5 days examination dedicated to each name. She shows where the name is first found in scripture and leads the reader in closer examination on how it can be applicable to our lives and more. By reading this book I’ve drawn closer to God through understanding more of His nature and character. When I think I want to call my own shots, I’ve learned to call on Adonai, Lord & Master. When I feel like the enemy is encroaching upon me, I’ve learned to call on Jehovah Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts. Whoo, I’m getting excited just thinking about His names and this book. You’ve gotta add this one!


The One Thing by Gary Keller

You know that saying, jack of all trades and master of none? Well this book reminds me of that. I don’t want to be the jack of all trades, or jack of all tasks. I want to hone in on the ONE THING God has called me to focus my efforts on in this season. And this book just confirmed what the Lord had already been telling me. I was asking God for ideas, strategies and divine download of plans for my business. And God said, “Just do that ONE thing I already told you to do”. Well that ONE THING is in the works and will be released, finally, in February. If you are the type that thinks multitasking is effective, this book will challenge your beliefs. If you are looking to improve productivity, gain clarity or get better focused this is the book for you.


The 49th Mystic by Ted Dekker

Man, man, man! You ever read a book that holds you so tightly in its grip that you’re still thinking about it weeks after reading it? Well that’s what Dekker’s The 49th Mystic (and its sequel) did to me. Though this is a fiction read, Dekker infuses it with biblical truth but in a non preachy way. A few of the themes the book addresses are God’s love for man, man’s blindness, identity and the indwelling of Christ. I’m definitely going to re-read these in 2019 because they are so rich and meaty I’m still unpacking them and know a second read will uncover even more truth. If you want to treat yourself to some fiction reading but still want it to be stimulating, pick this up.


Purposeful Parenting by Me

Yes, my own book. Every time I read my own pages I am convicted, encouraged and empowered to keep running this parenting race. This book is all about examining what’s in our own hearts so that we can free ourselves in order to give children the love they need and deserve. So many things cloud our ability to parent in love; our own hurts, fears, and insecurities. But when we surrender these things over to God, we are then able to be conduits of God’s agape love. Filled with the promises of God, personal stories and practical applications, this book is a must have for parents, grandparents, educators and any person who is an influencer in the life of a child. Get a copy for you and one for a friend.


Alkaline Vegan Mommy’s Nutritional Guide to Health and Healing by Deondra Greene

So I finally took the plunge into eating the alkaline way. I’ve considered myself a clean eater for years but in 2018 God was calling me higher. You may already know that the Standard American Diet (SAD), is just that, sad. It is loaded with acidic foods that cause mucus, inflammation and are detrimental to the body. And that is certainly NOT God’s will for our lives as He wants us to be in health and prosper even as our souls prosper.

God had been prompting me to adopt Dr. Sebi’s African Bio-Mineral Balance Diet. But I just didn’t want to. I didn’t want to give up my two creature comforts: coffee & popcorn. Nonetheless, I obeyed God and embarked on this journey which took me even higher. In came this book. Deondra is a professional chef and mom of 3. Her book made this journey of alkaline eating fun, easy and approachable. Do yourself a favor and honor God by honoring your temple through eating more alkaline foods. And get this book to take the guess work out of where to begin.


Drop in the comment the books that really moved you in 2018 so I can add them to my reading list.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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