
In the face of what seemed like a mountain range of insurmountable issues and tasks, I desperately held on. I held on to the Word hidden in my heart. I held on to the promises God has declared for me and for my family. And though I felt I was hanging on by a thread, that thread was like ultra strong spider silk. Fiercely clinging, hands getting raw and blisters forming, the silk was a life LINE that fed right to the VINE.


So friends I want to encourage you. When facing the issues of life, here are 20 things about God that you can bank on:


Day and night Dwell On God’s unending love for you for He says nothing can separate you from His love.


Know that you are never alone. God always Looks In On you (Psalm 139:2-4).


Hold On to God’s unchanging hand (Deut 20:30) becasue He won’t let you go.


God is listening and watching. He has His Eye On you (Psalm 34:15).


Feast On God’s word and you will be transformed (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


A diet rich in the Word is surefire thing to Grow On (1 Peter 2:2).


You will Power On when the Holy Spirit has come upon you so operate in your power (Acts 1:8)!


His Word is your bread and His Spirit your water to Live On.


When He tells you Get A Move On He’s expecting you to obey and will bless your obedience (Genesis 12,13).


God’s promises are YES and AMEN and that’s a promise you can Bank On (2 Corinthians 1:20).


God places us in community so that we love, bless, encourage and Cheer On one another.


Got worries? God wants you to Cast On Him anything that concerns you (1 peter 5:7).


Safely on God’s wings you will Carry On (Deuteronomy 32:11).


You can keep your mind right when you Think On things that are lovely and true (Philippians 4:8).


When you remain steadfast and Hang On you will receive your blessing (James 1:12).


Stand On the solid rock of Christ and you won’t waver (pslam 62:6-9).


Abiding in Him is the only way to Get A Handle On your emotions. He wants you to bear good fruit.


He wants you to Get The Goods On what’s to come. He said before He does a new thing, He will tell you of it (Isaiah 42:9).


How good is to know you have His Sign On in the Lamb’s Book of Life?


Not only will God bless you but His favor will surround you as with a shield and that’s the Icing On the cake.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


I’m happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Salt & LightGrace & Truth, Faith N Friends

Have you ever felt that God broke a promise?


God I thought your promises were yes and amen?


God I thought you were not slack concerning your promises?


God I do ALL I can to obey you, to worship you, to honor you.


I do the uncomfortable for your glory.

I serve your people wholeheartedly.

I live your statues at the risk of being ridiculed.

I fast and pray.

I study Your word.

I hungrily seek you, commune with you.

I pray according to Your will.


And the payback?


A broken promise.


Blows that hit below the belt. Crushing events that are in directly violation against Your Word that I prayed in accordance with Your will.


So what do you do when the enemy’s darts penetrate your breastplate?


What happens when the arrows with their poisonous tips leech death into your marriage, into the lives of your children, into your self-esteem, your bank account, or your health?


I pray you DON’T do like I did initially.


My first response was to attack the ONE who would ensure my victory.


But isn’t that human nature? To turn on the ONE you are closest to? I lashed out in hurt and anger. I told my loving, devoted ONE He was a liar. I told Him He was a promise breaker.


As my flesh was having its tirade, my Spirit could not deny Truth. A song I had been listening to all week bombarded my thoughts. The song had me in its grip and wouldn’t let me go. The song says over and over, “You’re a great God, you are great.” This refrain was the weight that kept me anchored in Truth. It is so important to hide Truth in our hearts so that when we are faced with mountains too high to climb and valleys too deep to traverse, our hearts won’t fail.


With my face in the carpet I cried a river of tears. I repented for speaking contrary to His Truth. I asked Him for eyes to see. I asked Him for the mind of Christ. I thanked Him for being a promise keeper. And while I still can’t see the fulfillment of the promise, I thank Him that the promise still stands.


Not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed.

Joshua 23:14


Fellow blogger Patti, writing over at All Things New Blog also presents an interesting juxtaposition on forgiving God. Like God breaking His promises, these are sensitive topics that need to be handled tenderly with TRUTH. Her words of grace in this post blessed me tremendously. Please CLICK HERE to read her post On Forgiving God.


I stand on His Word. I stand on His promises. I’m learning day by day that His promises are rarely delivered in the manner that I expect. His method of delivery ensures His promises are delivered to the right address, at the right time and have been handled with care, even if I don’t recognize the wrapping or the return address.


And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

2 Peter 1:4


I’ll leave you with some words from singer Alan Jackson,


Standing on the promises I cannot fall,

Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call

Resting in my Savior as my all in all,

Standing on the promises of God.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!