
From the beginning of August through after Labor Day, children across America will be heading back to school. Whether public, private, homeschool or a combination of them, parents have expended MUCH energy ensuring their children are prepared (myself included).

If you’re a parent with a child headed to school chances are you’ve:

  • Researched schools, selected a school, tried to choose the teacher(s)
  • Attended some back to school event (school supply drives, back to school prayer, etc)
  • Talked to your child about the upcoming year
  • Purchased supplies, clothes, shoes, lunchbags, etc
  • Got kids hairdo’s, haircuts
  • And the list goes on…… know the drill

School Is In Session, Are You Ready?

What exactly have you done to get YOURSELF ready?

What you have done to pour into yourself so that YOU are equipped to give your child the love, support and encouragement they’ll need this school year?

What have you done to make sure you are mentally alert, emotionally available, and spiritually strong?  And if you’ve ever dealt with homework tears, in-school bullying, or learning difficulties you KNOW it requires you to be strong to help your child weather the storms.

So for all the back to school ads, campaigns, prayer vigils, meet & greets, and picnics, I’m here thinking what about my sanity and yours.

Am I the only one beseeching God saying, “Father, I need your help. I need you to guide me as I guide them. I need you to teach me as I teach them. I need you”?

Surely I can’t be the only one who knows that unless I fiercely cling to the vine, I won’t be able to adequately support them.

I’m wagering that I’m not the only one who knows making it through the school year is going to require God to continue working in my own heart so that I can give my children what they need and deserve.

SO…….since I’m not the only one, I want YOU Back To School ready.

Just like you did your best to get them ready, I’m going to do my best to get YOU ready.

I want us to employ the single most effective strategy for back to school readiness…PRAYER.

[bctt tweet=”The ONE thing your child needs most is for you to be connected to God.” username=”inspiredfully”]

With that one connection, you serve as a conduit for God’s love, purpose, and plans to be unlocked and to flow.

Prayer is truly the one thing that release all the other things you want for your child (CLICK HERE for more on the power of praying for your child).

So that’s what we are gonna do. We are going to pray and watch. We are going to watch God perform the miraculous starting with us. We are going to see God change our own hearts so that we are delivered, healed and set free. We are going to experience God take out our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh. We are going to witness God fill us with compassion and gentleness. We are going to bear the fruit of meekness and humility.

And here’s how we’re going to do it. For 21 days we are going to pray together. For 21 straight days you’ll meet me live and we will seek the Father’s face, we will seek His wisdom and we will hear from Him. We will pray for our children, for their friends, for their educators but more than that, we’ll spend the bulk of the 21 days praying for ourselves. The job of parenting is not for the faint of heart so we’ve got to be duly armed to carry out our assignment and I’m looking forward to partnering with you to make it happen.

We’ll be praying some points from my book PURPOSEFUL PARENTING. Do you have your copy?

We’ll meet HERE on my Facebook page so make sure you’re following.

But before we even begin our 21 days of Purposeful Prayer 4 Parents, how can I pray for you right now? Leave your requests in the comments and I count it an honor to carry them before the throne of grace.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith