
Vile speech, aggressive action, violence and calamity. Our world groans in agony.  Yet there is a cure.




So in light of National Poetry Month, here’s my ode to love.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth

Yes you are
Yes you are

The Anointed One

The Lamb who was slain

The King of kings the Lord of lords

The Alpha and the Omega

The Bright and Morning Star

The Beginning and the End

Yeshua Hamashiach
My Salvation
The Way the Truth and the Life
The Lion of the tribe of Judah

Yes you are

The Lily of the Valley
My Daily Bread
The River of Living Water
The Well that never runs dry

Yeshua Hamashiach
Grace wrapped in flesh
The Christ
Anything I need you to be,
that you are

Yes you are
Yes you are

You are
[bctt tweet=”I AM you say. I say yes you are. Yeshua ” username=”inspiredfully”]
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith Mommy Moments Grace & Truth

Free To Be {A Spoken Word Poem}








What’s apparent is that we can’t recognize real. Buried in Sheol like the “Los 33”. Trapped under layers and layers of fraudulent fabrication. Self-adorned, one dimensional, wash and shrink flea market finds.


New realities created.


New identities established.


Fake ID by way of your Gravatar, your avatar has become the new you. This carefully guarded new persona is shallow at best and when put to the test will prove defective. That plastic armor does not guard but suffocates. Check the warning label on your grocery store plastic bag.


Choking out your gifts, snuffing out what makes you uniquely you.


While your spirit smothers, your souls smolders and the soot and ash render you unrecognizable.


But when you KNOW that your identity cannot be shaped by:











You are unrestricted and unshackled. Like the grotesque beings removing their outer casings at the dawn of A Brand New Day, you are free to give rise to your true self. No longer caged, the bird sings and I know why.


Delivered from confinement, mind, body and spirit come into alignment. With jet propulsion, rocket boosters thrust, power ignites and takes flight.


The course is set. Charting to free.


You are free to BE.

On this, the day we recognize the birth of The Savior of the World, let us remember that He is:

~The One Who Was

~The One Who Is

~The One Who Is To Come


Eternity Beach



I pray this Christmas you are filled with the hope that your future is merry and bright. He who was, is and is to come, the One who has known you from the foundation of the earth, loves you with an everlasting love.


Ancient of Days

Daniel 7:9,13,22


From the beginning of time,

A ruler divine,

Creator of heaven and earth

From conception of the first birth,

The Ancient of Days.


Seated high on the throne,

With wisdom and power unknown,

All authority in hand,

Author of the master plan,

The Ancient of Days.


A great exchange

From times prearranged

From Father to Son

All glory and dominion

The Ancient of Days.


To defeat the enemy

Liberate the saints, you and me

To establish an everlasting kingdom,

Freedom and victory for me has been won

The Ancient of Days.


Eternal praise for the Ancient of Days

Mighty and wondrous

In all your ways

We cry holy, holy, holy

To your name

Glory glory, glory

To the Ancient of Days.

We cry holy, holy, holy

To your name

Glory, glory, glory

to the Ancient of Days.


© Tyra Lane-Kingsland


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


photo credit