On this, the day we recognize the birth of The Savior of the World, let us remember that He is:
~The One Who Was
~The One Who Is
~The One Who Is To Come

I pray this Christmas you are filled with the hope that your future is merry and bright. He who was, is and is to come, the One who has known you from the foundation of the earth, loves you with an everlasting love.
Ancient of Days
Daniel 7:9,13,22
From the beginning of time,
A ruler divine,
Creator of heaven and earth
From conception of the first birth,
The Ancient of Days.
Seated high on the throne,
With wisdom and power unknown,
All authority in hand,
Author of the master plan,
The Ancient of Days.
A great exchange
From times prearranged
From Father to Son
All glory and dominion
The Ancient of Days.
To defeat the enemy
Liberate the saints, you and me
To establish an everlasting kingdom,
Freedom and victory for me has been won
The Ancient of Days.
Eternal praise for the Ancient of Days
Mighty and wondrous
In all your ways
We cry holy, holy, holy
To your name
Glory glory, glory
To the Ancient of Days.
We cry holy, holy, holy
To your name
Glory, glory, glory
to the Ancient of Days.
© Tyra Lane-Kingsland
As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
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