
Anything worth something is gonna cost you something.

Last night I asked my husband to purchase my daughter a case for her tablet. He said he was going to purchase her a particular brand. I like this brand and it is very durable but I think they are WAY overpriced. (It’s gonna cost you something Tyra). I then suggested that we purchase a cheap, off-brand one instead. My 12 year old then chimed in saying, “You know Mommy, if you buy the cheap one, you’re just gonna have to replace it so you should just go ahead and get the good one instead of trying to go cheap.”

You know what? He’s right.

And relationships are the same way.

[bctt tweet=”If we don’t pay upfront, if we don’t make the investment, if we don’t value people, we’ll end up needing a do over.” username=”inspiredfully”]

And the do over may just cost us even more.

Yup, Relationships are gonna cost you something.

And relationships with children will cost you ALOT!

They will cost you:

and much, much more.

But the return on investment will be GREAT. For every positive word, act of service, ball game attended, smile offered, extra bedtime story, late night chat, it will be worth it.

Yes you were tired, overwhelmed, beyond tired, exhausted, exasperated even but you chose to dig deep and pay up because you deemed them worth it.

Yes, it cost you something. It costs you to examine yourself, to be honest with yourself, to change your attitude, to change your beliefs and to change your behavior. Yes, it’s costly but children are worth it and your investment will yield high dividends.

Take a listen to my interview with LCSW Mercedes Samudio of Shame Proof Parenting as we talk about Developing Healthy Parent-Child Relationships and the cost involved.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith