
My homeschooler has been studying Cubism. And while it ended up being one of the most influential art styles of the 20th century, at its inception it challenged what people knew, understood and accepted about perspective.


This is much like life today.


Conventional perspective says:

I’m at peace when I have money in the bank

I’m happy if I have new clothes

I’m happy when my children obey

I’m joyful when I’m on vacation

I’m content when everything is going my way


But I say we give ourselves permission like Picasso and Braque to change our perspective.

To see through eyes of faith

To see through eyes of love

To see with eternity in mind

To see with INsight


With a new line of sight we can see:

Abundance where we perceived lack

Joy where we felt pain

Peace where we saw chaos

Sound thinking where there was anxiety


How’s your perspective?


With a SHIFT in perspective you can be confident knowing that whatever situation you find yourself in, THERE in that place you have joy, you have peace, you have contentment.


[bctt tweet=”When you purpose to SEE beyond sight, with spiritual sight you see love, abundance and fulfillment.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Isn’t this what God wants you for? He came that you may have life and have it to the full, and that is possible when we shift perspective and give thanks.


In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


With a changed perspective I’m giving myself permission to laugh, permission to have fun, and permission to LIVE because with an eternal perspective I have more than enough. I am loved, I am love and I give love.


And where there is love there is life.



So how’s your perspective?


I’m praying your GODvision to see with INsight for heavenly perspective.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!