
I marvel over the myriad of ways God speaks.

Through a person, through a gentle summer breeze, even through a pack of gum that catches your eye at the checkout in the grocery, God uses the simplest of things to communicate with us.

On this particular day, for me it was a song. As the choir belted out these lyrics, I sang right along with them,

“We are here for You

Come and do what You do,

We set our hearts on You

Come and do what You do

‘Cause we need a move,

We need a move.”

Yes God, we need a move, I thought to myself. And I started to pray.

Make a move God. A big move. A bold move. A mighty move. A book of Acts, Day of Pentecost type of move. Holy Spirit move!

I need a move. I need a move. I needa move. I NEEDA MOVE!

Right then the Holy Spirit arrested me on the spot and said, “Tyra you are right, You NEEDA MOVE. YOU NEED TA MOVE. YOU NEED TO MOVE.

Did y’all catch that?

You want to see a move of God but He wants to see a move from you.

We cry, we beg, we pray, we lament, beseeching the Lord to perform great miracles, signs and wonders but are we willing to MOVE?

We are encouraged by the testimonies of biblical figures who made great moves.

God told Abram to leave his country, his people and his father’s house to go to a land he would show him. And Abram went as the Lord instructed him and became the father of a great nation.

The man at the pool of Bethesda had been afflicted for 38  years! Jesus commanded him to rise, take up his bed AND walk. We obey those moves and was made whole.

Four lepers stood at the entrance of the gate contemplating their next move. They could stay at the gate and die or risk heading into the enemy’s camp where death could just as easily meet them. But they made a decision. They moved! They headed right into the enemy’s camp only to find it abandoned and they spoils were at their fingertips.

How about you? Do you need to get unstuck? Have you been mulling over something God said for too long? Have you allowed analysis paralysis to hold you hostage? Are you still “praying’ about it? Come on now and make a move already!

Here’s how you do it.

  1. Repent. Let God know that you are sorry for allowing ______ to keep you from moving. Rebuke that thing that held you in place.
  2. Decide. Purpose in your mind that you WILL move.
  3. Step in Faith. Make the move. Make the call. Submit the proposal. Do that thing you’ve been promising yourself you were going to do for YOU.
  4. Flow. Moving has a rhythm. Get in sync with heaven by spending time with God and hearing from Him. Once you take those first few steps, you may begin to recognize or feel God’s flow. The unction may come around the same time of day or God may give you instructions to follow at certain pattern. Flow with it.

Yes, we need a move from you God, so we are willing to do our part and MOVE!

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

I eat clean.


I coach people on how to eat clean.


Guess What?! Even I got to the place where I need to LEVEL UP my health.


Has God been whispering anything to you about your diet?


Has He been gently urging you to Level Up in your health?


For over a year God has been calling me. He’s been calling me to go higher in Him and that called for a change in my diet. And I clearly heard the call, but I just didn’t want to do it. And truth be told, I really needed the level up in more ways than one. I was hormonal, cranky, gaining weight and my joints were aching. And I KNEW these symptoms would benefit from the leveling up but I just.didn’!


“God why? What more do I have to give? I’ve given you all of me. I’ve already surrendered my diet. I already eat clean. I already sacrifice. Really?! What more do you want?”

This was my reply to His beckoning.


Have you ever done this? Perhaps you’re like me. You pray and ask God for a thing. Perhaps you’ve asked him to create in you a clean heart. Maybe you’ve asked Him to bless you, to prosper you, to strengthen you, to change you. And when He sets about doing the very thing YOU’VE asked for, you reject it. Sound familiar?


But let me tell you this, your blessings are attached to your obedience. So don’t be hardheaded like me. Heed His voice. You want the results right? Are you looking to lose weight? Are you looking to feel great? Are you looking to reduce inflammation? Are you looking for better sleep and more energy? Are you looking to draw nearer to God?


If so, implement these 10 Tips To Lose Weight, Feel Great & Level Up In Your Health


1. Apologize To Yourself

Apologize to yourself for the ways you’ve handled or mishandled your body. Forgive yourself for the times you’ve dishonored your temple and commit to showing yourself how much you love YOU by purposefully nourishing your body.

2. Ask & You Shall Receive

Ask God to give you the desire, obedience, and diligence to level up in your health. He said ask and you shall receive so ask Him. Ask Him to change your mindset. Ask Him to give you the desire to crave foods which honor the body. Ask Him for the will to reject trash masquerading as food.

3. Choose Well

All day we are presented with choices. Be sure to choose well! I want you to write out Deuteronomy 30:19. Place it somewhere you can see it. Memorize it. Then walk in the power of the Holy Spirit so you can choose well.

4. Remove The Offenders

What things are you consuming that detract from optimal health? Remove the offenders. Don’t know what those are? Here’s a good place to start. Remove these highly acidic foods: coffee, soda, sugar, bread, chips, pastries, pasta, and soy. The consumption of acidic foods is a breeding ground for sickness and disease.

5. Fuel

Now that you’ve removed some detractors, fuel your body by consuming high alkaline foods. In my next post, I’ll share more details on alkaline eating but suffice it to say, foods that are high in alkaline support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Some high alkaline foods are: melons, squashes, quinoa, chickpeas, walnuts, onions, cucumbers, lettuces, mushrooms, and berries.

6. Supplement

To aid your body’s natural healing processes, add herbal supplements. Just as you would research and plan for a vacation, do some research on which herbs would help the ailments you may be experiencing. A few herbs I use: verbena, valerian, burdock root, sarsparilla, elderberry, and dandelion.

7. Rest

I cannot say enough about this one. For all the good we do to eat right, the body must also have rest. And by REST I’m talking more than Netflix and Chill, I’m talking more than a trip to the nail salon or a few extra hours of sleep. When I’m talking rest, I’m talking about cessation from mental, physical and emotional activity so that your mind, body, and spirit are RESTORED.

8. Exercise

It is important to move your body. You don’t have to go all Parkour, Crossfit crazy with it but do move. A prayer walk, a gentle yoga flow or rebounding on a mini trampoline will serve well in getting your limbs moving, your heart pumping and your bodily systems flowing.

9. Do Your Best

Be gentle with yourself because this is a process. There will be old patterns of behavior that will have to be broken. There will be shifts in the heart and in the mind and some of the old belief systems were forged over years so they will not be uprooted overnight. If you struggle, keep pressing. If you fall, get back up. If you slip, grab onto something and steady yourself. Surround yourself with people who are moving in the direction you want to go. Find one person that you can learn from whose approach, style and ideas inspire you to ACT.

10. Pray

Prayer is your lifeline for all of the above. In your prayer time, you will commune with the Father. You will hear His heart. You will cry out to Him. He will answer you, reassure you and strengthen you. You will make your request known. You will intercede for others. Yes, you will pray and He will hear. And because He hears, He will answer.


And let me tell you, I did it so I know this works. In the first week, my mood was better and I was sleeping better. After the second week, the fat around my mid-section began to shrink. By the fourth week, my joint pain had significantly decreased. I’ve been without popcorn, coffee and chips. I’ve been without ice cream, rice and pasta. And frankly, outside of the coffee, I haven’t missed the rest (ohhhhh coffeeeeee :/)


[bctt tweet=”Are you willing to let go so that your hands and heart are free to receive? ” username=”inspiredfully”]


Come on then, let’s LEVEL UP!


As always, it’s my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!



Ok. I’m officially putting out an APB for Spring.

SPRING, where are you?”

I don’t know how the weather is where you are, but where I am, temperatures are unseasonably low. In fact, most days here are more than 20 degrees below average for this time of year. And for some, the weather can impact how we feel. Cold temps, cloudy days and rain can leave us feeling depleted.

Have your personal wellness goals been S-L-O-W on the take?

SLOW to eat right?

SLOW to exercise?

SLOW to daily prayer, study and meditation?

[bctt tweet=”I’ve come to declare your winter season is over, it’s time to SPRING FORTH!” username=”inspiredfully”]

God says there is a time and season for everything under the heavens and even though spring has been delayed in the natural, in the spirit it is your time to Spring Forth.

Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Isaiah 42:9

Without even knowing all the details, I know God has been whispering some things to you. He’s been telling you what He wants you to do because He’s preparing you for the NEW. He just doesn’t sneak up on you. Before He does a thing, He gives you some insight. He says it right in the above scripture. And He also confirms it in the scritpure below telling you again that the new thing is going to happen, you’ll know about it and He’ll make provision for it. Isn’t that reassuring?

Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

But we’ve got to be prepared to receive the NEW. We have to be obedient to the things He’s already told us to do. We’ve got to be diligent and disciplined so that we are equipped to MOVE with that which is SPRINGING FORTH. If we are not equipped, we can miss our opportunity. And I don’t want us to miss out on what God has for us so let’s get ready to MOVE.

Here are 3 Easy Step To SPRING Forth


TODAY, purpose that you will meditate for 3 mintues. You can do this! Steal away to a quiet place. Grab a scripture. Heck, you can even choose from the 2 I’ve listed above. Still your body. Bring awareness to your body. Starting at the top of your head then moving down each part of your body to your toes, allow yourself to relax. As you move through this, you may notice some areas that are tense. Grant yourself permission to be present in that space, permission to breath and permission to BE. Embrace that moment by being present. Pick up your scripture and say it. Think on it. Repeat it. Then listen for what God has to say to you about it.


TODAY, you can commit to honor your temple through proper nourishment. If you don’t already have it, grab your HOW TO BUILD A BETTER SALAD free printable and prepare yourself a salad for lunch or for dinner. You can do this! Incorporating one salad a day is an EXCELLENT way to nourish your body. But you want a salad that will improve your wellbeing and not detract from it so be sure to grab that printable so that you are building a salad that honors not defiles as certain dressings and toppings can compromise your efforts.


Let us worship God in spirit and in truth. He is TRUTH. So take time TODAY to worship. Whether you do that through prayer, meditation, dance or song, connect your spirit with His. Oh even the though makes my heart soar and makes me eager to finish up this post so I can RUNNNNNN into His arms and dance, dance, dance. That is exactly what my spirit is doing right now as I offer myself to God in worship. He scooped me right up and we are dancing in a HUGE ballroom! WHOOOO!!!! However it looks for you, just free yourself to worship uninhibited.

I know you can do this.

Is one of the 3 a struggle for you? Let me know in the comments so I can pray for you.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community

“I don’t have any talent”.


I vividly recall saying that to my father when I was about 13. I was a decent dancer but not good enough to compete. I was on the softball team but spent little time on the field. I didn’t play an instrument. I couldn’t sing. Yup, talent-less.


But….the notebooks, the journals, the legal pads filled with writing.


Poetry. Short stories. Endless journal entries. Later news stories , articles, essays.


One spoken word piece I wrote 20+ years ago starts, “The pen and pad is all I ever had…”


I always thought that writing was just my way of escape; a coping mechanism I developed in early childhood to disconnect from what was happening in my environment. But with my father’s insight, I came to see that my writing was not only an escape but a vehicle by which I could bless others. My Dad said writing was MY talent.


The power of the written record.


The power of the pen enables you to go back, reflect and see the progress you’ve made. Two nights ago I stumbled upon a large binder with notes from when I was a new Christian. I was completely in awe of how God had taken all that Word, pages and pages of material from classes, workshops and bible study and stored it in my heart. I sat in amazement as I reflected on how those words are now my LIFE. Those words have been inextricably written on my heart.


From written records we learn about people, their cultures, and their habits. We learn about our planet, its variations and its inhabitants from maps, a form of written record. And we learn about the Most High God from the best-selling written record ever, The Holy Bible. The written record has POWER.


For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4


Today we have access to a wealth of information. The Library of Congress has more than 162 million items in more than 470 languages in its collection. And while that is a large breath of information, it is not all applicable to us individually. God has divinely wired us to receive information in ways that are specific and relative to us. There is a saying, “There is nothing new under the sun”. And be that as it may, God has attuned our eyes and ears to see and hear message in ways that we can receive and perceive. [bctt tweet=”God has a group of people whose eyes and ears are attuned to hear from Him, through YOU.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Yes, God has a people who are waiting specifically to hear from YOU. You and I may have something similar to say but your background, age, race, and life experience will color the message differently than mine. So don’t you ever doubt, not for one minute the value of your message. Don’t you ever question if the marketplace is saturated. Don’t second guess if you’re supposed to step into the already flooded arena. If God has called you to it, no matter how many others are doing it, there is only one with YOUR voice and that’s you. So take your wealth of knowledge, understanding and wisdom and write it down!


Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this. Revelation 1:19


God is looking for writers.


Who will chronicle the great and mighty acts He performs?


Who will leave a written record of hope for future generations?


Who will inspire those currently in despair?


I know you can do it. In a matter of months, I wrote 57,000 words and that finished product will be in your hands in late Spring 2017. In fact, I actually have a ridiculous goal of publishing 3 books this year. Yes 3 books in 2017. God is pouring His oil out on writers. He will give us supernatural grace to record His testimony. He simply needs our obedience.   As a busy mom of 6, I too wondered how I’d find time to write a book. From shuttle kids to and fro all day, ministry commitments, along with a nursing baby attached to me constantly, I wondering how I could get it done. He simply told me, “Just follow My lead”. I obeyed and watched him perform the miracle of writing the first of many books. And He can do it for you too.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Write on my friends, WRITE ON. The Holy Spirit flows healing out of your pen.


Have you heard the call to write? If yes, are you obeying? In the comments below tell me what you’re working on so I can pray with you and hold you accountable.


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth, Chasing Community


One then done!

Maybe two then I’m through!


Those were my plans as related to having children. I’ve always liked kids but when I envisioned family life it revolved around my husband and me, our careers and perhaps a child or two. That was until I heard Him say, “Your womb belongs to me.”


The birth of my first child was a carefully calculated event. Like everything else in my life at the time, having a baby was placed into a little box of my own making. I was used to meticulously planning every facet of my life. Throw in my professional training of facilitating time management courses and it made for a well-plotted life.


That was until baby number two came outside of the plan. You see, my plans were written in ink and not pencil. As a new believer, I hadn’t learned Proverbs 16:9, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” My veneer of planning and control had been cracked and out oozed fragility and vulnerability. As I came undone, I clung fiercely to my new faith, praying for answers.


And the answers came. God showed me that He loved me just as I was. He taught me that my works wouldn’t get me into heaven. He modeled for me how to love and accept others. And He was very clear that discipleship was a high calling. I understood very early in my Christian walk that He seeks for believers to be wholly committed and that’s what I intended to do. Yes, that’s what I intended to do, until He called me to do something that made no sense at all.


Join me over on Katie M. Reid’s blog as I share what God revealed to me, as part of the Listen Close, Listen Well series…

In God’s economy, 1+1 ≠ 2.


The God of this universe is not bound by mere mathematical equations as we’ve come to know them.


My God, our God is a God of multiplication. He wants to be and do more than we could ever calculate.


Staring into the face of my sweet week old baby boy, I began to think of how this addition would impact our family.


1 more mouth to feed.

1 more person to nurture.

1 more person to pack up.

1 more person to be responsible for.

1 more way to split the financial resources.


As these thoughts bombarded me, the Spirit gently led me to pray. As I began praying, the Lord began to speak. His words ministered grace and truth. He said, “With your natural eye, you may see subtraction or division, but in this blessing of baby #6, I bring compounded blessing. Indeed children are a blessing and the fruit of the womb is a reward”


I look up once again into the sweet face of my baby boy and sensed a surge of oxytocin, the love hormone flowing through my body. The Lord continued saying, “The surge of love you feel staring at this baby is but one example of how I multiply. This overflow of love is not just for your new baby, but it overflows to your other children. The patience, gentleness, kindness and love that are bonding you to your new baby will be compounded and shared with your other children.

Love Multiplied


So what brings about God’s abundant multiplication in your life?




“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Blessings Multiplied


God can take our “not enough” and multiply it exponentially


“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:9-11

Provision Multiplied


God longs to empower you so that you perform mighty works in His name


When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. 2 Kings 2:9

Anointing Multiplied


God’s economy is not what we see

In God’s economy 1+1=3

More akin to synergy

Not seven times,

But seventy times seven

One could chase a thousand

And two put ten thousand to flight

Divine multiplication

Blessing, anointing, power & might.


God’s desire is for you to experience His divine multiplication. What He wants is your willingness to surrender your wants and your desires for His will, His way. He wants to know if you are willing to freely give your time, talents and resources.


Has He been calling you to surrender more?

Has He been calling you to give more?


Try Him and see if He will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing you cannot contain.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Words With Winter, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

Yes, miracles are still taking place.


Right before our eyes.


Perhaps even in our own backyards.




Maybe even right where you stand.






Heaven touches earth and miracles abound.




Are your eyes open to see them?


Have you been chosen to participate in a miracle?


I feel so honored to have been chosen to participate in many miracles. I’ve been afforded the distinct honor of welcoming SIX children into the world. Conception is a divine visitation from the Lord and to me qualifies as a miracle. To grow, nurture and carry a human being is another miracle. To birth a fully developed, healthy little human is indeed a miracle.




And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. Luke 1:46-49


There have been times I’ve nearly forfeited being a participant in a miracle.


There was a time when I thought I’d have one…maybe two children at most. My reasoning for such was purely selfish. I’m grateful that I opened my heart. In doing so God took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh, granting me access to be used as a portal for a miracles.




Happening around us


Are you open, willing, and obedient to participate in a miracle?


[bctt tweet=”Are you forfeiting miracles by placing barriers, guard rails and limitations?” username=”inspiredfully”]


I encourage you to you open your heart, open your eyes, open your mind, and act in obedience to be positioned to participate in a miracle.


“He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes”  Deuteronomy 10:21


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

I look forward to sharing my birth story of baby #6. Stay tuned….


Happy to join with friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

With a God vision and a God plan I had carefully mapped out my 2015-2016. My 2014 ended with working on my vision book for 2015. Yes Lord! Let’s steamroll right ahead into the New Year and into my next level of success.


And for once, I was giving myself permission to dream big. Yes, big God-sized dreams. A few months into 2015 and I was working the plan. One of my goals was to be in the best physical condition to date. As a result I bought in 2015 with a 3-day green smoothie cleanse followed by 7 days of eating only raw foods. My exercise regime was great and I was dedicated and focused working out at least 5 days a week. And as always I continued to research new recipes, foods and findings that would support my efforts to maintain a nourishing kitchen.


Spiritually I was right where I wanted to be. Then in March I attended a retreat and had several supernatural encounters with God that absolutely blew my mind. Essentially He elevated me, calling me to a higher station and level of responsibility in the Kingdom. I was thanking Him, praising Him and experiencing worship in fresh new ways.


I researched pre-schools for my 2 year old with plans to enroll him in school 2 days a week in the fall. I would use those 2 days as office hours, continuing to establish the Inspired Life brand and enlarge my speaking platform. My 4 year old was slated to start kindergarten too, thus creating time and space to work my business.


After years of mastering smoothies in my kitchen, I finally decided to write a 30-day smoothie book. Even though I was making a different smoothie almost everyday, I never wrote any of the recipes down. But repeated promptings from friends and one conversation in particular, it finally hit me, yes you must do this project. That first day I sat down to write the recipes the Lord gave me 17 complete recipes in one sitting. Then a few months later, the Lord prompted a photographer to offer to bless me by doing the photo shoot as a deposit into my ministry. First book nearly there. Indeed it was a time to rejoice.


Yup, I had it all lined up only to find that the Lord was preparing me for something else entirely.


There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1


My husband started a new job and was inundated in getting acclimated to that new environment rendering him unavailable to assist in several ways he normally would. That additional work was to be physically and mentally absorbed by me.


The seat that I thought my kindergartener would secure at the same school as his 3 school-aged siblings wasn’t secured after all. In fact, quite the opposite happened. He was denied by the school, denied by the appeals office then subsequently denied by the school board itself. As it stood, he’d be separated from his siblings, forced to attend our boundary school.


My brother in law became ill and the fight for his life ensued. My sweet husband spent countless hours by his beside. My father was having a major crisis hundreds of miles away. After hearing the agony in his voice for months on end, I packed up the children to take an emergency intervention trip to visit him.


Nonetheless with all the added pressure, I was hopeful that the many God sized dreams in my vision book would come to pass as a few of them were already underway; my spiritual growth and my physical health, yes Lord thank you for faithfully bringing the vision to pass.


Then I began a 40 days fast completely surrendering all. Easy to say, but much harder to live out real time. Nonetheless, I surrendered control and my prayer for the 40 days was YOUR WILL YOUR WAY. Yes Lord, together let’s keep the vision moving forward. Little did I know He’d give ample opportunity for me to practice this declaration.


The school year began and my son still did not have a seat in the school with his siblings. While I continue to fight and pray, he was enrolled for home school. My pre-schooler was sign up and ready to begin his 2 days a week. My brother in law succumbed to his battle for life.


And in his departure, I conceived. In fact, in my brother in law’s passing, I specifically told the Lord, “A baby cannot replace him so don’t get an ideas.”


But since God has known each of us from the beginning of time, he knew exactly when this baby would be conceived. And conceiving a baby was ONE thing that absolutely was NOT in my vision book for 2015. Trade my four-pack for a fat pack? Umm…no thank you. I’ve been working diligently for you Lord to honor this temple and this is how you repay me? All day, everyday sickness and a swollen belly?


Really God?!


He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11


New life. What a blessing and a joy.


Extra time with my kindergartener before he had to leave for school.


Extra time with my husband to comfort him as he grieved.


Indeed He does make everything beautiful in its time. But in order to embrace that, we have to SEE through eyes of faith. We have to be able to see “In Time”. Seeing in time is begin able to embrace the now moment, not living in the past nor pining for the future but being “in time” for IN TIME is where God is.


But I wasn’t in time with God. I was on the sidelines of my life, having a temper tantrum. I pouted and whined as I saw the death of my vision book. I threw myself on the floor replete with kicking and flailing as I mourned the death of my God vision.


For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:3


But God is faithful. He sheds light, speaks truth, heals broken hearts and hugs you even mid tantrum. I thank Him that He’s not like me because I probably would have left me there kicking and screaming to flounder on my own. But he picked me up, wiped my tears and reassured me of His truth.


He whispered:

~Your prayer was MY WILL, MY WAY. I heard your prayer and I answered.

~This delay is not a denial.

~This is not the death of your vision but a pause for character development

~The appointed time for all I am working on will come to pass better than you can imagine or think

~I love you so much I made an in person visitation to touch your womb


For a moment my vision was blurry (read more on that HERE). I thought what I put in that book had died. But the truth is, He is working overtime on my behalf, behind the scenes to align the hearts (mine included), the people and the resources to bring the vision to fruition. The vision WILL manifest at its appointed time.


And in the interim, I will embrace the process. Oftentimes we want to circumvent the process and take shortcuts but in this there are no shortcuts, just the sure true steps of following paths of righteousness for his namesake.


[bctt tweet=”Circumvent the PROCESS and you circumvent your BLESSING.”]


What season are you in?


How do you behave when a season change catches you off guard?


Do you react with tantrums, rebellion or fear?


Or do you respond with a yes in your spirit and a yes on your lips?


It is my prayer that you delightfully obey Him and embrace the now moment as you have not seen, nor have you heard nor has it entered your heart the things the Lord has prepared for you. His thinking is SO vast, deep and wide that we cannot comprehend it. But we do know that His plans are to give us a future and a hope. Be hopeful and find delight in whatever season you find yourself.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends  sharing the Good News LifeGivingLinkup, Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith

Eat Healthy

Lose Weight

Quit Smoking

Stop Drinking

Attend Church Regularly


Wake Up Early

Write A Book

Start A Business


I find that most people start the year with lofty goals. Even for those who’ve renounced resolutions, they still espouse some type of yearly focus or goal i.e. a word, theme or phrase to help guide their choices throughout the year.


At the end of 2014, I hosted a small vision board party (CLICK HERE for more on vision boards). A few friends, my daughter and myself sat around my dining room table loaded down with poster boards, a plethora of magazines, scissors, glue, stickers and more. I had such HUGE vision and wanted to not only SEE it represented visually but also to WRITE it out, that I didn’t complete a board but a book.


vision book


I delighted to see my daughter quickly put hers together, as she has a very clear picture of who she is and what she wants to accomplish. I smiled on the inside as I saw my cousin put the theme of marriage on hers as I vividly pictured her beautiful chocolate skin in a stark white gown. I nodded in agreement as I saw my bestie of 35+ years put changes related to work and moving on her board.


2015-01-03 20.28.39


2015-01-03 21.31.26


2015-01-03 20.30.39

With guarded trepidation I wrestled over committing some of my images to the page. “Glue them on already!” I had to tell myself. I knew in my heart the images were things I did want to see manifest but what if they didn’t come to pass. What would that mean for me?


Would it say I was a failure?


Would it say I have no right to dream so big?


Would it demonstrate my shortcomings?


Would it expose my lack of faith?


In reflecting over the last year, I rejoicing in knowing that my 11-year-old daughter has lived the fulfillment of some of her vision. She has travelled to Texas and California with a competitive STEM team. She has spoken at the Department of Agriculture and at the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals annual convention. She has developed significantly in her flute playing and has just begun playing guitar. She was also voted student council vice-president.


I celebrate with my cousin for completing her Master’s in Divinity and landing a job that on paper she wasn’t qualified for. She travelled the country and grew emotionally and spiritually.


I give a shout of praise for my bestie for packing up and leaving all that was familiar and relocating out of obedience to Christ. I am in awe of her bravery to approach her job and outright ask for certain conditions and have had those requests granted.


vision board copy


Then I look back on my own 2015. It started with such great hope and promise. Dreams of writing a book, growing my brand and filling my speaking calendar.


Oh what dreams may come.


As I turn the pages on my vision book, it is difficult not to allow depression to reel me in. It is challenging to SEE the promise and feel like sand trickling through my fingers, that it’s not within my grasp. It takes ALL of the Jesus in me, to redirect these thoughts so that a toxic brew of self-condemnation doesn’t overtake me.


So how do you respond when you feel like your visions, goals and dreams for the year have not come to fruition?


So what do you do when the vision tarry’s?


What do you do when your vision is blurry?


You take your eyes off self and keep them focused on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith.


You remember the truth of His word that his promises are YES and AMEN.


You remember that indeed there is a time and place for everything under the heavens.


For the vision is yet for an appointed time;

But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it;

Because it will surely come,

It will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:3


You vigilantly stand armed with TRUTH as to ward off the lies that the enemy wants to recite over and over and over in your head.


There is therefore now no condemnation

to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do

not walk according to the flesh, but according

to the Spirit.

Romans 8:1


We also have to grant ourselves some grace for crying out loud. We can be our toughest critics. While my speaking calendar for 2015 was not FULL and my book was not completed, I did have several speaking engagements. I did write and facilitate a 5-week course on Honoring The Temple. I was the healthiest I’ve ever been. I was the fittest I’ve ever been. I may have read more books in 2015 than I’ve read in any other single year. I did write and nearly finish a book. I did minister to the hearts of my children. I did support my husband as he grappled with the loss of his brother. I did pack up my children and drive hundreds of miles run to my father’s aid as he suffered loneliness. I did minister to the women I’ve been called to lead in the women’s group for which I serve as director. And in 2015 I also managed to have a womb that was ripe and ready to produce new life. Yup! Kingsland Baby #6 is growing in that secret place as I type these words.


It is with the MIND that one thinks, decides and acts. And we’ve been assured that we have a sound mind.  So I will focus my mind on TRUTH and think, decide and act according to what HE instructs me to do.


And finally, we can rest in knowing that with man things may seem impossible but with GOD nothing is impossible.


For nothing will be impossible with God.

Luke 1:37


So my friends I rejoice over the possibility that 2016 holds. I am listening attentively to hear, and looking to Him to see what wondrous things He has planned for me this year. I already see that what “I” would have planned for 2016 has already been altered. But I yield, surrendering my will for the will of Him who orders my steps.


His Will. His Way.


I pray your 2016 is off to a great start. I pray your year is filled with the blessed assurance that Christ is indeed Lord over all and that His love for you is immeasurable and that with Him all things are possible.


What is your vision for 2016? Do you have resolutions, goals or a word that will direct your goals for this year?  I’d love to hear about it.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments, Words With Winter

“You can go your own way, go your own way”, sings Fleetwood Mac. The song rings in my mind as it was used a few years back in National Car Rental TV ads.


Yup. That’s what this world tells you.


Go your own way.

Do what makes you feel happy.

The world is your oyster.

WYW (Whatever You Want)


As a disciple of Christ I want His will to be done in my life. Yes to YOUR will Lord is a consistent prayer of mine. I’ve recently come to discover hidden in the dark recesses of my heart, in a tucked away-cobwebbed corner was a sign that said, “YOUR WILL, My Way”. Those two avenues travel in completely different directions. To bring myself into alignment, I have repented. Jesus has shed light in that dark corner and His light has permeated my ME-ness.


You know ME-ness.


What I want. What I don’t want. What I’m willing to do. How much I’m willing tolerate. What won’t cause me too much inconvenience. What works within my schedule.


I. I. I.


Me. Me. Me.


Can you relate? Ever suffer from of case of ME-ness?


Enough of self. Self take a knee and bow down to GREATER is HE!


With clean hands and a pure heart, I say yes Your Will and Your Way.


Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10


Then ME crept up a little again. And a second time, I asked if I could have my way.


Again, a second time, He went away and prayed, saying,

“O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it,

Your will be done.”

Matthew 26:42


He gently answered, [bctt tweet=”“Instead of trying to pray it away, pray that MY grace will carry you through”.”]


So again I had to declare, YOUR WILL, YOUR WAY. My best-laid plan of my way, gives way to the Lord directing my steps



A man’s heart plans his way,

But the Lord directs his steps.

Proverbs 16:9


Plans with my husband, plans for my children, plans for my ministry, plans for this blog, plans for my future…


There are many plans in a man’s heart,

Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.

Proverbs 19:21


I really did think I was being obedient to walking out His will. And while that was mostly true, I really desired for His will to be deliver in the way I wanted. I was committed to His will but I wanted it to come dressed in wrapping paper and a bow of my choosing. But what if the gift comes wrapped in newspaper or brown paper bags. Will we receive it or reject it?


Yes to YOUR WILL and Yes to YOUR WAY.  While the light that permeated my ME-ness was piercing, sharp and cut right through me like a laser, I give thanks that He loves me enough to expose my hidden me so that HE is free to BE.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith