
GMO, Organic, High Fructose Corn Syrup oh my. Information on healthy eating can be daunting and overwhelming. The onslaught can be paralyzing; forcing you to throw your hands up in resignation and continue to do what’s comfortable and familiar.


Well, the holidays are upon us and I think it’s the perfect time to examine our health, honor our temples and be purposeful about making decision that NOURISH LIFE. Everything we eat either improves or detracts from our health. So to get you started (or to keep you motivated) here are 10 Simple Swaps for Nourishing Life. Since you are probably going to take several trips to the grocery store between now and Thanksgiving, just print this out and take it with you.

 10 Simple Swaps*


1. Vegetable Oil/Canola Oil

Olive Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Coconut Oil

Rice Bran Oil


2. White Sugar

100% Maple Syrup

100% Organic Honey

Rapadura & Turbinado are natural, organic unrefined sugars


 3. Iodized Salt

Sea Salt

Himalayan Salt


 4. Salad Dressing

Annie’s Naturals

Homemade is the best. Chances are you have most of the ingredients at home. Your basic dressing will generally have a balance of oil, acid (i.e. balsamic vinegar), sweet (honey).


 5. Seasoning Salt


Virtuous Living Spices I can personally vouch for this line of spices which I use frequently in my kitchen. These products are responsibly sourced, gluten-free, Kosher and non-GMO. And the owner is a sweetie too!


6. White Rice

Organic Brown Rice




7. White Bread

100% Whole Grain Bread

Sprouted Bread (Ezekiel is a popular brand and sold in most conventional grocery stores)


 8. Dairy (Overall limit intake of dairy. Will expound on this in a future post)

Milk: Almond with no Carrageenan

Cheese: Organic. Non-dairy cheese

Yogurt: Plain Greek, Coconut Milk Yogurt


 9. Soda/Fruit Drinks/Juice

Make your own infused water: citrus (orange, lemon, lime), raspberry lime, mint lime, pineapple mint


 10. Canned Vegetables

Frozen vegetables

Fresh produce from local farmer’s market

Fresh produce from ‘pick-your-own’ farm or CSA (community supported agriculture)


*The 1st item listed is more commonly known and readily available in most conventional grocery stores. Subsequent items may be found in conventional grocery or may require a trip to your natural food store.


If you have questions about any of the items listed, please comment below. And after you’ve purchased something from the list, come back and let me know.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!


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