
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things…

So go the opening lyrics to one of my favorite songs played during the holiday season. This popular Rodgers and Hammerstein song is from the movie The Sound of Music. And it’s not really a Christmas song so I don’t even know why it’s played this time of year but it’s one of my fav’s nonetheless.


The things mentioned in that song are by far not MY favorite. I just love the melody. So let me share with you a few of my favorite things. Oprah isn’t the only one with favorite things.


MacBook Air

I’ve been using Apple products nearly all my life. When I was in 4th grade my class was selected to pilot a program for having computers in the classroom. This pilot was conducted my MIT. Each student had a computer on his or her own desk. We stayed in the same class, with the same students and same teacher for 4th and 5th grades. The outcome of the pilot, I’m not sure, as I was just a kid. But from my 1st experience with Logo until now, I am an Apple girl. In fact, my Dad has NEVER owned a PC. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But really, this computer is the best. Lightweight, efficient, user friendly, durable, safe, it’s worth the financial investment. When you are in the market for a new computer, check this one out. Kudos to the hubs for hooking me up with it.

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Really, it’s my favorite food of all time. Not just my favorite snack, but also my favorite food. Sweet, salty, savory, I love it all. The best popcorn I ever ate was popped old school on my stovetop (that’s how I always make it) and came from a farm I visited. I was visiting this pumpkin patch and a nice gentleman there handed me a dried cob and said, “Here Take home and make popcorn”. Now I’ve seen these ears for years on visits to farms and just thought of it as chicken feed or something. Can you say…BEST. POPCORN. EVER.



Oh sweet Joe. The ceremony of making it alone brings me such joy. That walk to the pot. Measuring in the grounds. Adding the water. Turning it on hearing the initial bubble to the final drip before the machine chimes indicating the coffee is ready. And my delight in taking that 1st warm, creamy sip is mmm, so big. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

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The Beach

San Tropez, Bora Bora, Greece, Tahiti. Yup, these are the locations on my bucket list. When I retire you can find me on a beach in one of these locations. I’ve always LOVED the beach. The rhythmic calm of the waves lapping immediately relaxes me. The smell of the ocean and the feeling of warm sand under my feet just makes me feel so connected to God.



“Girlfriends, my girlfriends, there through thick and thin” went the intro to a popular UPN television show. I have been blessed to have excellent relationships with many women. The girlfriend dynamic is so sweet and so special. One of my girlfriends and I have been friends for virtually my WHOLE life. There she is on my left, literally my best friend forever. Friendship is such an important relationship. To have someone of the same gender in whom you can confide, share, relate, laugh and cry…(insert wipe tear from eye). To all my girlfriends reading this, “I love ya sweetie!”

white button up

A Crisp White Shirt

There is something just so fresh and so clean clean about a crisply ironed skirt with heavy starch. I’m learning how to incorporate more color into my wardrobe here lately but nothing will ever take the place of my staple; the white starched shirt. Worn with a suit, jeans or khakis, it is versatile.

white button up


I’ve heard it said that you should never use the words always and never because no one person “always” or “never” does anything but I beg to differ. I have ALWAYS loved books. Autobiographies to historical fiction, I just love to read. And real books too, no Kindle or Nook for me. I love the smell and feel of paper. I actually went through a grieving process when Borders closed. I just loved that place. For me books hold hope. The ability to read something and be thrust into the writer’s creation or to read something and be transformed by its effect on your life amazes me. My poor husband has to compete for space with the ever-present book in my bed…and on the nightstands and in his chair and piled up beside my bed. I’ve got this stack reading for my Christmas break reading. I remember when my 2nd born was about 2 he really wasn’t that interested in books. I was crushed. I could not comprehend how a child who came out of my body could not love books just as much as I. Needless to say he is now 9 and likes book. Mostly anime but I can live with that.


The Ninja

Ok I use this thing every day and sometimes several times a day. I cannot thank my aunt enough for purchasing it for me as a surprise gift. I use it so much that within a year I had to replace a part. Fortunately I have a 5-year warranty and the replacement was hassle free. From grinding lemons for lemon water to daily green smoothies to soup, I make it all in my Ninja. I love it so much I even want to take it on vacation with me.


Thank you for coming into my world and sharing in a few of my favorite things. What are some of your favorite things? What one thing would your life not be the same without? Do tell.