
With a God vision and a God plan I had carefully mapped out my 2015-2016. My 2014 ended with working on my vision book for 2015. Yes Lord! Let’s steamroll right ahead into the New Year and into my next level of success.


And for once, I was giving myself permission to dream big. Yes, big God-sized dreams. A few months into 2015 and I was working the plan. One of my goals was to be in the best physical condition to date. As a result I bought in 2015 with a 3-day green smoothie cleanse followed by 7 days of eating only raw foods. My exercise regime was great and I was dedicated and focused working out at least 5 days a week. And as always I continued to research new recipes, foods and findings that would support my efforts to maintain a nourishing kitchen.


Spiritually I was right where I wanted to be. Then in March I attended a retreat and had several supernatural encounters with God that absolutely blew my mind. Essentially He elevated me, calling me to a higher station and level of responsibility in the Kingdom. I was thanking Him, praising Him and experiencing worship in fresh new ways.


I researched pre-schools for my 2 year old with plans to enroll him in school 2 days a week in the fall. I would use those 2 days as office hours, continuing to establish the Inspired Life brand and enlarge my speaking platform. My 4 year old was slated to start kindergarten too, thus creating time and space to work my business.


After years of mastering smoothies in my kitchen, I finally decided to write a 30-day smoothie book. Even though I was making a different smoothie almost everyday, I never wrote any of the recipes down. But repeated promptings from friends and one conversation in particular, it finally hit me, yes you must do this project. That first day I sat down to write the recipes the Lord gave me 17 complete recipes in one sitting. Then a few months later, the Lord prompted a photographer to offer to bless me by doing the photo shoot as a deposit into my ministry. First book nearly there. Indeed it was a time to rejoice.


Yup, I had it all lined up only to find that the Lord was preparing me for something else entirely.


There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1


My husband started a new job and was inundated in getting acclimated to that new environment rendering him unavailable to assist in several ways he normally would. That additional work was to be physically and mentally absorbed by me.


The seat that I thought my kindergartener would secure at the same school as his 3 school-aged siblings wasn’t secured after all. In fact, quite the opposite happened. He was denied by the school, denied by the appeals office then subsequently denied by the school board itself. As it stood, he’d be separated from his siblings, forced to attend our boundary school.


My brother in law became ill and the fight for his life ensued. My sweet husband spent countless hours by his beside. My father was having a major crisis hundreds of miles away. After hearing the agony in his voice for months on end, I packed up the children to take an emergency intervention trip to visit him.


Nonetheless with all the added pressure, I was hopeful that the many God sized dreams in my vision book would come to pass as a few of them were already underway; my spiritual growth and my physical health, yes Lord thank you for faithfully bringing the vision to pass.


Then I began a 40 days fast completely surrendering all. Easy to say, but much harder to live out real time. Nonetheless, I surrendered control and my prayer for the 40 days was YOUR WILL YOUR WAY. Yes Lord, together let’s keep the vision moving forward. Little did I know He’d give ample opportunity for me to practice this declaration.


The school year began and my son still did not have a seat in the school with his siblings. While I continue to fight and pray, he was enrolled for home school. My pre-schooler was sign up and ready to begin his 2 days a week. My brother in law succumbed to his battle for life.


And in his departure, I conceived. In fact, in my brother in law’s passing, I specifically told the Lord, “A baby cannot replace him so don’t get an ideas.”


But since God has known each of us from the beginning of time, he knew exactly when this baby would be conceived. And conceiving a baby was ONE thing that absolutely was NOT in my vision book for 2015. Trade my four-pack for a fat pack? Umm…no thank you. I’ve been working diligently for you Lord to honor this temple and this is how you repay me? All day, everyday sickness and a swollen belly?


Really God?!


He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11


New life. What a blessing and a joy.


Extra time with my kindergartener before he had to leave for school.


Extra time with my husband to comfort him as he grieved.


Indeed He does make everything beautiful in its time. But in order to embrace that, we have to SEE through eyes of faith. We have to be able to see “In Time”. Seeing in time is begin able to embrace the now moment, not living in the past nor pining for the future but being “in time” for IN TIME is where God is.


But I wasn’t in time with God. I was on the sidelines of my life, having a temper tantrum. I pouted and whined as I saw the death of my vision book. I threw myself on the floor replete with kicking and flailing as I mourned the death of my God vision.


For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:3


But God is faithful. He sheds light, speaks truth, heals broken hearts and hugs you even mid tantrum. I thank Him that He’s not like me because I probably would have left me there kicking and screaming to flounder on my own. But he picked me up, wiped my tears and reassured me of His truth.


He whispered:

~Your prayer was MY WILL, MY WAY. I heard your prayer and I answered.

~This delay is not a denial.

~This is not the death of your vision but a pause for character development

~The appointed time for all I am working on will come to pass better than you can imagine or think

~I love you so much I made an in person visitation to touch your womb


For a moment my vision was blurry (read more on that HERE). I thought what I put in that book had died. But the truth is, He is working overtime on my behalf, behind the scenes to align the hearts (mine included), the people and the resources to bring the vision to fruition. The vision WILL manifest at its appointed time.


And in the interim, I will embrace the process. Oftentimes we want to circumvent the process and take shortcuts but in this there are no shortcuts, just the sure true steps of following paths of righteousness for his namesake.


[bctt tweet=”Circumvent the PROCESS and you circumvent your BLESSING.”]


What season are you in?


How do you behave when a season change catches you off guard?


Do you react with tantrums, rebellion or fear?


Or do you respond with a yes in your spirit and a yes on your lips?


It is my prayer that you delightfully obey Him and embrace the now moment as you have not seen, nor have you heard nor has it entered your heart the things the Lord has prepared for you. His thinking is SO vast, deep and wide that we cannot comprehend it. But we do know that His plans are to give us a future and a hope. Be hopeful and find delight in whatever season you find yourself.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends  sharing the Good News LifeGivingLinkup, Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith

The antiseptic smell.


The incessant beeping of monitors.


The constant flurry of scrubs moving back and forth and back and forth.


Being in a hospital is quite unnerving. Even walking into the building is like being cloaked in a shroud of darkness. As I have a close relative in the hospital fiercely fighting to live, I am reminded of the fragility of life.


My birthday is in less than a week. Each birthday is a reason for me to rejoice, having lived to see another year. Again I am reminded of the fragility of life. My own mother died at 39. I was a freshman in college. I had just seen her as I had gone home for a holiday weekend. Sunday I said my farewell then Friday as I was planning my weekend fun I got an urgent call from my cousin telling me I had to come home again. My school and home were 500 miles apart. I told her I had just left there a few days ago and it wasn’t feasible to be running up and down, back and forth up the East Coast. Again she stated more forcefully that I HAD to come.


So I went to the ATM machine, withdrew money, packed a little bag and proceeded to the bus station. Little did I know I that little bag I packed wouldn’t be enough to carry me through staying an entire month. Riding that bus those 500 miles was the longest single event of my life. On that Greyhound I felt mature yet babyish, strong yet fragile as I travelled not knowing what I’d find on the other end.


In New York I had a bus transfer with a few hours layover. During the layover was the loneliest I have even felt. Thousands of people moving in and out of Port Authority, and here was a frightened 18 year-old girl, alone, trembling with anxiety at the thought of what awaited at the end of my destination.


As I took that final leg, I had an intense argument with God. I guess it was less of an argument and more of a tantrum on my part as God didn’t participate in my rant. I told God I would hate Him forever if He let something happen to my mother. I cursed Him for potentially letting something happen to a mother and her two young children. At the time I had no personal relationship with the Lord. My only connection to Him was going to church on Easter and all that meant to me was the coveted “Easter outfit”. There is an old quote that people often think is scripture though it’s not which says, “God protects children and fools”. Well He certainly protected me, as I didn’t not understand what I was saying and was speaking merely out of hurt and anger.


When I arrived at my destination I knew something was amiss. I stepped off the bus and saw my father standing there. I hadn’t talked to my father in a few days. “How did he know I was coming home?”, I thought. He then took me to my grandmother’s house, which again I thought was quite bizarre as it was just after 6:00am. Then they delivered the dreadful news. In fact, my mother had already died when my cousin had called me the first time to tell me I had to come home.


My mother who I had just spent the last weekend with.


My mother who had been stolen from me by drugs and alcohol, but recently given back was snatched right out of my grasp once again.


Why, you do not even know

what will happen tomorrow.

What is your life? You are a mist

that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

James 4:14


Here one day, gone tomorrow.


Life is fleeting, but a vapor.


As such, let us be reminded to:


Love deeply


Give generously


Show compassion


Dole out grace liberally


Take eye off self


I do want to point out, friends, that time is of the essence. There is no time to waste, so don’t complicate your lives unnecessarily. Keep it simple—in marriage, grief, joy, whatever. Even in ordinary things—your daily routines of shopping, and so on. Deal as sparingly as possible with the things the world thrusts on you. This world as you see it is on its way out.

1 Corinthians 7:29-31


So as I prepare to celebrate another birthday, I give thanks for LIFE. And out of my gratitude I am prompted to be more loving, more gracious, less impatient and less knit picky.


While our days are in short supply, our love should run long.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo Credit: My Dad

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, #LifeGivingLinkup, #TestimonyTuesday

Ok, sometimes, actually most times I think I’m just a bit too serious. My life necessitates it; lots to do for lots of people. This requires me to have laser focus and to carry out affairs in militaristic fashion. Then couple that with my A-Type personality, perfectionist nature and being a borderline Pharisee, leaves a sister little room to even think about fun, recreation or pleasurable activities.


The Pharisee in me thinks, “My God is a God of order. He is a God of rules. Just get the work done. Maybe you’ll have time for fun later”. But then God dropped this in my spirit, “Your denial of pleasure wasn’t imposed by me. It was self-imposed. Lighten up and have a little fun.”


Can it be? Does God want you to have fun?


I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;

I refused my heart no pleasure.

my heart took delight in all my labor,

and this was the reward for all my toil.

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done

and what I had toiled to achieve,

everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;

nothing was gained under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 2:10-11


My heart’s cry is to not meaninglessly toil, in an effort to serve the Lord and obey Him, yet do so with joy. I do carry out my work cheerfully as unto God. Still, in my working, living, moving and doing I am a vibrant BEING who should have fun BE-ing. It’s not as if I’m trying to imbibe in the pleasures of the world such as riotous living, I’m merely talking about granting myself permission to do things that are pleasurable. This has been a constant struggle for me. You can read more about that here. But God is helping me by continuing to reveal His truth. And He is showing me that fun; joy and delight are all close to His heart. He is showing me that my family would be blessed if I allowed myself to have more fun.


Jesus said in John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.


Life more abundantly sounds fun and lively to me, not stiff and always so business like. Let me just stick a pin here and say, I do have lots of fun with my children. They think I’m silly and funny. I like to make jokes with them, do silly dances and I always threaten to embarrass them at school with my funny antics; it’s allowing myself to have fun, be joyous and experience pleasure in things that are just for Tyra that presents a problem for me.


Does God want us to have fun?


Delight yourself also in the Lord,

And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4


Again, seems to me like God wants holy, righteous, delight, and joy and for us to have fun that is rooted in Him.


You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11


God Has Fun


I can only imagine God creating man and creating the heavens and the earth. Sure, it was serious business, but to play in the dirt and create man ….Mmm that must have been at least a little fun. Children love having fun playing in the dirt ’til this day. God himself delights in you. He also works in us to will and to do for His good pleasure.


God Created Us With Pleasure Sensors

God gave us our senses to relate to the beautiful, wonderful world He created. The pleasure sensors allow us to actively engage with Him and with others.


God Encourages Us To Have Fun

While the Word cautions us against riotous living, we also see many examples in the Word of people engaging in pleasurable activities. From David dancing undignified to feasts and celebrations, folks were having a good time. When the prodigal son came home they killed the fatted calf and proceed to have a PAR-TAY!!! God encourages fellowship among believers. So should I feel bad if I want to enjoy an evening out with a girlfriend sharing laughs and having fun?


God has granted me permission for pleasure. And step-by-step I’m giving myself permission to accept it. Last year I went on a week vacation with my husband, our 1st time away, just the 2 of us in 12 years. We hadn’t been away since before we had our 1st born. Before going I really wrestled with the decision to go. Even up to the week before I had guilt about leaving my children to do something fun. I had crazy, twisted thoughts like, “A good mother doesn’t abandon her children”. What?! But I know these thoughts stem from my childhood. But I thank God for walking me through the process to free me. And indeed that vacation with the Hubs was one of the best experiences in my life.


So I’ve declared that this is the summer of fun! I am granting myself permission for pleasure. I will go out to dinner with a friend just for the sake of laughs and fun and not feel guilty about it. I will go to a concert and dance and sing.


And right after I made this declaration to myself, my 6 year old daughter asked me randomly out of the blue, “Mommy what do you like to do for fun?’ I was so taken aback since I’d just gone through this whole dialogue with the Lord about this. Then I had to think on it for a while. I’ve denied myself fun pleasurable activities so much, I couldn’t quickly think of what I DO like to do for fun.


And wouldn’t you know, after making this declaration, I received a phone call. A friend has invited me to an all-day Jazz Fest. Oh what fun! But my 1st thought, “Oh, I can’t go.” But no, It’s a new day. I’m going AND I’ve given myself permission to be excited about it and to have fun. Thank you Lord for permission to LIVE FULLY!


A merry heart does good, like medicine

But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Proverbs 17:22


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with friends at Life Giving Linkup Purposeful Faith Women  With Intention Dance With Jesus Grace and Truth