
Love, Joy, Peace


Malice, Anger, Envy


They all spring forth from the heart.


Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23


From the heart our emotions flow. They can either course gently like that of a stream or crash violently like a torrent of raging rapids. And this rush of emotion isn’t isolated to adults. Children can experience intense emotions.  So how do we reach theirs heart so that loves flows freely from them?


[bctt tweet=”Connection is the KEY to unlocking the hearts of children.” username=”inspiredfully”]


When we reach out to children with gentleness and humility we create an atmosphere ripe for connection. And connection is an essential part of the human experience. Research Professor, Dr. Brene Brown says,


“We are hardwired to connect with others, it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives and without it there is suffering.”


Jesus was a Master at connection. We see Him do it time and time again. He’d ask a question as a way to gently invite people into a dialogue with Him. We see Him ask the Samaritan woman for a drink. We see Him ask His disciples why they were afraid.  He asks Peter who do you say I am.  He even asks the Father why He’d been forsaken.


Children must know we care and caring is found in connection. Connectedness occurs when we purposefully seek to engage in their world. Connectedness is about doing life together.  Doing life together not just a popular hashtag for marriage but is a powerful illustration of engaging and connecting with the hearts of children.


Just as readily as we’d dispense rules and expectations, we ought to be even more vigilant about engaging with them around the things that are important to them. Do you know who they eat lunch with at school, what they’re afraid of, what makes them smile the most? Do you know what they’d do with a million dollars, where they’d travel if they could visit any place on the planet and what one thing has caused them the deepest hurt?


Perhaps you have a child that is forthcoming and readily shares with you.  No matter your child’s temperament, the onus is on you to be PURPOSEFUL in connecting hearts with the children in your circle of influence. And while it’s necessary, it isn’t always easy to carry out.


Enter the Kai Kai Brai Shared Journal to help you along the journey.



Shared journaling is an effective strategy for connecting hearts. And the benefits of journaling are immeasurable. From increased intellectual ability to enhanced emotional intelligence, writing down our thoughts and feelings is an activity that yields a high return. Journaling is a stress reliever, confidence booster and self-esteem builder. In journaling you have an opportunity to confirm identity, self worth, and value. It is a safe place for your child to share with you. From what made them smile today to their deepest fears, a shared journal gives them a trusted place for connection.


In my book Purposeful Parenting, the chapter on Connecing With the Heart ends by advising the parent to begin a shared journal. And my go to journal of choice is the Kai Kai Brai Shared Journal. This journal is perfect for mom & daughter, mom & son and also for trusted adult & child. Not always sure where or how to begin journaling? This journal has already figured that out for you. With journaling prompts, fill in the blanks, about us info and more, you don’t have to feel like the topics are forced but have a smooth entry way into getting the child to open up.  And the journals are perfect for children of any age. They are beautifully designed and durable too!



The creator of the journal and I are both so passionate about you connecting hearts with children that she’s made a special offer available to you. And for the creator this is not just a business venture. This mom of 3 is committed to showing children love in ways they can perceive and receive and she’s taken up the call to help others purposefully connect with children. When you order your journal, enter the coupon code Parenting10 to receive 10% off your purchase.


The journey of Purposeful Parenting calls for us to be intentional, to be PURPOSEFUL in our interactions with children. Just think, if every child knew in their heads and felt in their hearts, unconditional love from caring adults…


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace and Truth

Their survival depended on it. They needed to access fresh water. This tool would give them access.



The Spile


Like Katniss Everdeen and her crew from The 75th Hunger Games, receiving the spile was a lifesaver. In the event of a natural disaster, we could use spiles today to tap trees for water.


Oh friends we are the trees planted by rivers of water and God’s word is the spile that penetrates our hearts and permits rivers of living water to flow. He and His word are one.


While water tapped from trees is only good for 24 hours, God’s word is good and true from everlasting to everlasting. But we need to tap into it daily to prevent it from becoming stale in our hearts.


In The Hunger Games, wealthy benefactors gift needed supplies. We have the ultimate Benefactor who gave Himself as the gift that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Because of Him we have boldness and access with confidence to not only approach the throne of grace, but to tap into His unlimited power supply. And the combination of His living water coupled with His power will not electrocute us unto death but will act as a defibrillator, creating in us a clean heart and renewing a steadfast spirit within us.


So exactly how do we go about tapping into the source? The methodology may be a little different for each of us but here are some simple, practical tips. We don’t have to be SUPER spiritual, or SUPER deep. We just have to come to God with clean hands and a pure heart. I thank God for purging me with hyssop and for presenting me without spot or wrinkle then I eagerly run on to tap in.


Tapping In


Worship Music

Music ushers me right into the presence of God. For the first few years of my salvation, I didn’t really understand how integral the role of praise and worship was to the Sunday church worship experience. It was one of those things I just didn’t GET until I got it. When I look back now, I can smile and say to myself, “Girl, you really had no clue.” And I follow that up with, “Thank you Jesus for being patient with me.”


Today, I can listen to the same song on repeat umpteen times throughout the day. I let the spirit guide me to the song. And sure enough the song speaks to my heart and serves as the gateway to worship and intimate fellowship with the Lord.


“Lord I reach for you, lead me to your heart. And I thirst for you, draw me deeper still. Deeper into the water. Deeper until I’m under. Ohhh Oh living water flow and overtake us. Ohhh oh healing water flow and overtake us”, sings Israel Houghton in one my absolute favorite songs, Deeper. Needless to say with all that’s churning in my spirit right now, this song is the current soundtrack to my spiritual life.

He goes on to sing, “God give us a heart, give us a heart, give us your heart. God gives us a heart. Deep cries out to deep.”


Mmm. Those lyrics right there. Each time I sing them, it’s like I’m putting on the mind of Christ and I come into alignment with Him. We begin walking step in step and my will becomes His will and we are ONE. Our hearts beat in unison. And the music is the metronome that keeps our hearts beating with synchronicity. And my response is, “Yes Lord. You are calling me deeper. I am coming. Getting closer with every step”.


Scrap The Legalism

My daily tapping in always involves scripture. Because I am a systematic, linear person, I tend to use structured materials for my scripture reading. Bible reading plans, day-by-day devotional books, topical studies, etc. My natural nature can hold me hostage to completing these materials in a robotic fashion, blocking up the flow of the spirit. So I’ve had to learn to not be legalistic in my approach to tapping in and to give God room to communicate what He desires in the way that He desires, even if He says step away from those materials and sit still. Sometimes He’ll call a word up in my heart. Sometimes it’s a scripture sung in a song. Sometimes he’ll have me turn to a specific scripture, chapter and verse. But I had to crucify my need to tick off or not skip a day of scheduled reading to not miss Him in how He chose to show up in my quiet time.


Dialogue Not A Monologue

When we tap into the source, we have to give Him opportunity and room to flow. If I stick my spile into a tree then fill the spout with debris, I will certainly muddy and impede the flow of water. And the same is true when allowing His truth to flow through our hearts and mind. When communicating with the Father it is not a monologue but a dialogue. There is a time to speak and a time to listen. We cannot hear from the Lord if we have endless internal chatter. It is critical to silence the chatter. This requires much practice and disciple. But God is a very present help. He will help you take those thoughts captive so that you can be quiet and clear your mind so you can hear from Him. For more on quieting your thoughts, CLICK HERE.


He longs to communicate with you. His voice will flow.


And behold, the glory of the God of Israel

came from the way of the east. His voice

was like the sound of many waters;

and the earth shone with His glory.

Ezekiel 43:2



Writing has always been therapy for me. It is the way I receive, communicate, find clarity, vent, heal, and more. Writing helps me think and process. So after I sing and meditate on scripture, I write. I write whatever scripture I’ve been led to. I may write some of the lyrics to the song I listened to. I sit and I listen to what the Lord has to say then I write His response.


These are a few of the strategies I employ to tap into the well that never runs dry.


You’ve been invited to tap into the source.






And thirst no more.


The Spirit and the bride say,

“Come!” And let the one who hears

say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty

come; and let the one who wishes take

the free gift of the water of life.

Revelation 22:7


P.S. I try to keep posts shorter than this as I don’t want you to skim the post but to read in its entirety. But the water has overtaken me once again. To read Part 1 of The Living Waters series CLICK HERE


Glory to God I’m going deeper!


Will you join me?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!