
What an incredible parallel, a simple two atoms of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen, creates the very thing that is necessary to sustain life.




Water gives life.


Water sustains life.


Water is life.



While our world is almost covered with water, nearly all of it is unsuitable for drinking. With water all around us, 97% is undrinkable as is. And most of that which is drinkable is locked in ice.


Such is life. While there are many things that vie for our attention and try to meet our needs, there is but ONE we were created to desire above all. Drinking contaminated water will make you ill. Likewise, trying to fill your longings with people, food, or stuff will make you spiritually ill.


Jesus, The One, is the only ONE capable of quenching your thirst.


Our thirst, an unquenchable thirst can only be satiated by taking a drink from the rivers of living water. You can survive weeks without food but only days without water. And my soul is thirsty for a tall, cool, refreshing drink delivered directly from the Master’s water pot.


You, God, are my God,

earnestly I seek you;

I thirst for you,

my whole being longs for you,

in a dry and parched land

where there is no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary

and beheld your power and your glory.

Psalm 63:1-2


And when I beseech Him, He supplies. He supplies all my needs and I am satisfied.


A sip from His cup pours:

~Patience in my heart for my children

~Love and affection for my husband

~Words that edify for the women I serve

~Physical stamina to carry my cross


His nourishing waters incite action. Trees grow, flowers bloom and succulent fruit hangs heavy with growth.


Oh Father, plant me. I want my roots to go deep. Like the mighty, strong baobab tree, let my trunk be thick and filled with your living waters. I am the tree planted by rivers of living water. My leaves will not wither. Rooted in you I am fruitful.


And the blessings will flow from generation to generations. As the rivers of living waters flow, they will reach even to your children’s children.


For I will pour water on the thirsty land,

and streams on the dry ground;

I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring,

and my blessing on your descendants.

They will spring up like grass in a meadow,

like poplar trees by flowing streams.

Isaiah 44:3-4


Thanks be to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for being our Living Water. He alone supplies EVERYTHING we need to sustain life. When we drink deeply from His cup, our thirst is quenched and we are imbued with everlasting life.


“But whoever drinks of the water

that I shall give him will never thirst.

But the water that I shall give him

will become in him a fountain of water

springing up into everlasting life.”

John 4:14


Even now as I type, the rivers of living water are overtaking me. I go with the flow, go with the current and am overtaken by the sheer magnitude of His love. My heart is so full and I have so much to say on this subject. I have a feeling this will go on to be a series. My spirit is free and soaring and my thoughts are moving faster than my hands can type.





Friends, I pray you do not allow yourselves to become dehydrated. Most often, when we realize we are thirsty, we are already nearing dehydration. If you’ve been encouraged to drink 64oz of water a day, how much of Jesus should you be drinking daily? In fact, if you are a believer, the water is in you. Just like reaching water in the desert, you may have to dig deep for it. Your body is composed of more than 60% water. So dig deep into yourself. Crucify your flesh and it’s longings to release the water (for more on releasing your spirit CLICK HERE).


Be proactive.


Dig deep.


Stay hydrated.


Take a deep drink from the Master’s cup.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith

What would you willing die for?


What you die for a cause you believe in?
Would you die for your children?
Would you die for your spouse?
Would you die for a friend?
Would you die for a co-worker?
How about dying for the person who abandoned you?
What about the person who physically violated you?
Are you willing to die for the one who betrayed you?


My heart cries thank you to The One who said YES and died for me. My heart is flooded with gratitude for the good and selfless act that has freed me to have life and have it more abundantly.


My heart’s meditation today is this chorus from Walter Hawkins’ song Marvelous,


“You gave that I might live.

You gave that I might be set free.

Exchanged Your life for mine,

What a marvelous thing You’ve done.”


It’s a Good Friday indeed. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I invite you to take some time today and join me in spirit as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us. May you be saturated in the depth of His love for you. Because of His good and loving deed, good{ness} and mercy are now following you all the days of your life as you dwell in His house forever.


If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, I invite you to learn more about the depth of love Jesus has for you. I invite you to memorize this scripture and ask God to open your heart to its truth.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Happy to connect with friends @ Five Minute Friday

He said it was the pink linen suit.


The thing that drew him to me.


A hand me down from my cousin. A 3-piece linen pantsuit with shoulder pads made for a linebacker. Yup…that’s what got his attention.


His neon orange vest, Bo Jackson Nikes, fresh temple taper haircut and smooth DC swag. Yup…that’s what got my attention.


March 1993. Best Friends. He saw me, I saw him and this year we celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss.


Just as my sweet husband saw me all those years ago, God sees us right now.


Oh the reassurance of this truth.


He is indeed el-Roi, the God Who Sees.


She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”

Genesis 16:13


Have you ever felt invisible? Have you ever felt as if people haven’t SEEN you? As a child, I was intimately acquainted with feeling invisible. My mother was present but ‘unavailable’. I needed her but there were times she didn’t see me. And it is only after embarking on a personal healing journey in 2014 that I have fully dealt with those feelings.


Even today I need the reassurance that HE sees me. I have an affectionate, doting, caring husband. I have friends who love, encourage and support me. Even my earthly father still showers me with words of affirmation. But THE ONE WHO SEES, is the one whom I need to be seen by. When I am bony weary from carry out all that he’s task to my hands. When I’ve poured out my last drop in service to him, I am comforted in knowing he sees me. Just as he saw Hagar, sitting in desperation in the desert, he sees me. And because he sees me, he’s acquainted with my concerns, joy, pain, strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. He sees and he cares. And because he cares, he wants me to cast my cares on him so he can help me. He is truly a very present help in the time of trouble.


Not only does he see me, but he chose me.


Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. Ephesians 1:4



Who did he choose? Me. And He chose you too. From the time you were created, you were engrafted with a desire to be in relationship with a faithful, loving, serving partner. From the time you were created, the desire was placed in you to hunger after a love relationship, a relationship with the Lord. But there have been times that I misappropriate that need for love. I sought that love from people and things yet it was never satiated. How about you?


There is a love space in our hearts that’s custom made and ONLY Jesus fits the exact proportions.


Only He can fill that space in our hearts.


So even after we have been unfaithful, he still seeks a relationship with us. He still unwaveringly, tenaciously pursues us. He pursues and reminds us to draw near to him and he will draw even closer to us. He reminds us to seek him first and all other things will be added onto us. He reminds us that he is our friend. He reminds us that he loves us with an everlasting love. After all we do, or don’t do for that matter, he still chooses us.


He sees us. He chooses us. Not an accident, happenstance or mistake but intentionally out of his unfailing love for us, he chooses us.


How will your heart respond today?


When that handsome young man saw me and chose me all those years ago, at first I dismissed it. I though it was yet another person with some ulterior motive. But that young man had vision. He says he KNEW I would be his wife. I’ve never really been the visionary type. I’m more of the realistic, right now in the present, focused on all the little details type that doesn’t cast a vision or see the ‘big picture’. Well, he saw it and it has come to pass.


Jesus sees the BIG PICTURE of your life. He’s the only one who knows all the finite details. He’s THE ONE WHO SEES your beginning from your end.


He’s gazing at you from across the distance.


He’s approaching…


Join me in prayer….Thank you Lord for being an ever loving, patient and kind God. Thank you for seeing me and choosing me. Just as you saw Hagar in the desert, you see me. And before the foundation of the world you chose me. You love me with an everlasting love. Give me eyes to see and the mind of Christ that I may choose well. Open the eyes of my heart that I may see you. Above people and things let me choose you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


All week we’ll be talking about Embracing Everlasting Love. I pray you join me as we embrace a love so pure, a love that expects nothing in return, a love that is complete, a love that can only be found in Jesus.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

No Greater Love


The instant I awoke my heart was flooded with emotion.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”  


Those were to sweet gentle words Jesus spoke to my heart.  Those words arrested me on the spot and I had to just sit with them.  As I proceeded to begin with my Thanksgiving morning routine, those words wouldn’t let me go.  In my head I continued to try to think about my food preparations but those words still held me in their grip.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”


As I drafted in my mind the wrap up to my 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving, the words continued to resonate, floating around in my head and in my heart.  My mind wanted to craft an eloquent conclusion to the countdown about giving thanks but the magnitude of His simple statement to me “There’s no greater love than my love for you dear” still had me in it’s clutches.


Oh friends I am overwhelmed by the sheer weight of His glory.  So right now I give thanks that the Father in His infinite wisdom set about creating this world, placing us all in it, and ever so carefully orchestrated EVERY event of our lives down to the One Plank, the smallest measurement of time.


He loves us so much.  I cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude for the Father’s love for me.  And He demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Daily He demonstrates His love for you and I.  Don’t you see it?


You woke up this morning
You have someone who loves you
You have something to eat
You have been protect from hurt, harm and danger
You have joy
You have peace
You have LIFE


My friends this is good news.  Today, bask in the warm embrace of Jesus’ love for you.  Be assured, He does love you.  He assures us in John 15 that as the Father loved Him, He loves us.  Receive His love today then be a conduit of that love, allowing it to flow THROUGH you so that you are a channel for love flow.  All those that come into contact with you will feel the love flow from you through them.




Inundated…in His love


There’s no greater love.


20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving

Day 20 The Love of Thanksgiving


As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15:9

Know beyond on a shadow of a doubt that the Lord loves you.  And out of His limitless love for you, He will do what’s best for you.  Sometimes what’s best for you doesn’t always look good, feel good or seem good but its for your good.


Receive His boundless love for you today.  Embrace it. Bask in it. Relish it.  Know it. Believe it. Receive it.


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