
Since water comprises 60% of your body weight, you can’t live without it. The body goes through a constant cycle of losing and replenishing that water. Water helps your organs function as designed, eliminate waste, regulate body temperature, aids in digestion and more. Ensure you keep hydrated and supply your body with this necessary fluid.


We’ve been taught to drink 64oz of water a day. But drinking water isn’t the only way to get your water intake. Water intake varies for each individual based on height, weight, environmental conditions, health and more. We’re accustomed to drinking our way to hydration, but let’s add eating to that equation.


Eat Your Water





About 92% water per volume.

High in lycopene and highly alkaline this fruit is a summer staple. So refreshing and cooling on a hot summer day, it’s a fan fav at BBQ’s and summer parties.



About 92% water per volume.

High in antioxidants and vitamin C, also a good source of vitamin A, manganese and potassium, these sweet, succulent berries are best when consumed in season. Their softness, ripeness and sweetness in season can’t compare. One cup of strawberries contains 160% of your daily value of vitamin C. And you were always told to eat oranges for C. Eat these and get your C and water in one swoop.

strawberries 1


91% water per volume

When eating grapefruit you not only hydrate but also burn fat and control cravings. Now who doesn’t want that?! And grapefruit are encouraged for heart health.



90% water per volume

One serving will not only hydrate you but also give you 100% of your daily value of vitamins A & C. One of my favorite ways to enjoy is having cantaloupe/sweet potato juice.





95% water per volume

While iceberg gets a bad rap, it is the lettuce with the highest water content. Other lettuces have slightly lower water but are more nutrient dense. Most lettuces have are high in vitamins A & K and high in folate. From salads to smoothies and juices, lettuce has many uses.



Over 95% water per volume

A good source of vitamin C and potassium, this versatile vegetable can be added to nearly everything. From raw noodles to juicing, when these are plentiful during summer, make full use of them. You can even shred one and add to pasta sauce to up the nutritional value.



95% water per volume

High in water and very low in calories rich in vitamins A, C and K. It hasn’t always been one of my favorite vegetables because its flavor is so strong but I always keep it on hand because I know how good it is for me. From soups to juices, celery is a household staple.



96% water per volume

High in vitamin K and powerfully fighting free radicals this vegetable is also an anti-inflammatory food. Research even shows that drinking watermelon or cucumber juice after a workout is twice as effective at hydrating the body than water. So post workout grab your watermelon/cucumber juice and drink up. (And it isn’t surprising their so hydrating. They belong to the same botanical family as two above items: zucchini and melons).


For more on water, check these out:

8 Benefits of Lemon Water

Life Water {Coconut Water}


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Better than any sports drink loaded with sugar and artificial color. Coconut water is life water. A natural source of electrolytes, it replenishes the body’s potassium and sodium. This hydrating fluid is rich in Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Copper and Magnesium. It has naturally occurring enzymes that promote gut health.


young Thai coconut


It is an ideal food for breaking your fast in the morning or replenishing your electrolytes after a workout.


Coconut water is sources from young coconuts. If you’ve ever travelled to the Caribbean, chances are you may have seen a truck on the side of the road loaded with green coconuts. The seller will take his machete, hack off the top, and you can sip pure, delicious, nourishing life water right from the coconut.


green coconut


Today, coconut water is bottled and readily available in most conventional grocery stores and specialty markets. In the states, young coconuts can be found in a market like Whole Food, though they’ll be grossly overpriced. If you have a Thai market in your area, you can find them there. My local international market sells Asian, Hispanic and Caribbean foods and I get mine from there.


young coconut 2


Hacking into one of these babies is an art. A sharp knife and some wrist action will get you in but you want to do it just right as to not waste one drop of the precious water inside. You can find YouTube videos on how to cut into one. Once you get it open and take that first sip…Mmm. It is an acquired taste. To me it really doesn’t “taste” like coconut. It has a faint coconut taste, more like a coconut aroma than a strong taste. It is slightly sweet and nutty, and thoroughly nourishing to the body.


young coconut meat


Pick up a few of these gems and fuel your body today with this potent life water. You can drink it straight up or to recover after your workout, try the recipe below. And after you’ve consumed the water, you can even scrape out the tender coconut meat to eat or add to smoothies.


Post-Workout Coconut Smoothie


1 cup coconut water

1 frozen banana

1 scoop plant based protein powder

¼ tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp organic raw honey


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve Inspired To Live Fully!