
Whales can communicate with each other from distances of up to 2 miles apart. And how? Sound is transmitted better where molecules are closer together, such is the case in water.


Oh that we would find ourselves immersed in rivers of Living Water, that we would hear from and communicate with the Lord. That the molecules of our souls would be so close together that nothing would impede our communication with Him. 


Perhaps you are saying YES, I want to know how to hear from God but do you have an ear to hear?


Communicating with God requires that we hear from Him. And to hear from Him we must lend an ear. At least 7 times in the Gospels Jesus says, “He that has ears let Him hear.” Jesus took aside a man that was deaf, put His fingers in the man’s ears and said to him, “Be Opened!’ and the man’s ears were opened (Mark 7:31-37).


Suffice it to say the Lord wants us to hear. And from these instances we can ascertain that the Lord is not only drawing our attention to the ability of our ears to hear but more so that we will TAKE ACTION on what has been heard. Yes we know that we have two ears on the sides of our head, but do we have ears to hear what the spirit is saying? 


It is not enough for sound waves to enter the outer ear, to travel through the auditory canal, then on to the eardrum, through the cochlea, up the auditory nerve and to the temporal lobe. Once that information HITS the brain, it compels a response. And the same is true with God. When He is speaking to you, His words have to travel through your mind, weave their way through your will, and navigate your emotions so that they can reach your spirit. He is trying to reach your inner most being He wants to do something! 


But depending on where you are emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, that can be rocky terrain through which the Lord has to traverse to reach your spirit. 


So how do we position ourselves to have ears to hear?


  • We have to dial down the internal and external chatter

  • We have to clear out some of the mental mess

  • We have to avoid eating food that clogs up our ability to think and to hear

  • We have to guard our ear gates and eye gates


We must incline our ears. 


And let us not only hear with our ears but also with our hearts.


Incline your ear to wisdom and your heart to understanding Proverbs 2:2


Why does He need to have our ear?


He has need of us. He wants to remind us that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. He wants to assure us of His everlasting love for us. He wants to remind us of His word. He wants us to remember how we defeat our adversary. He wants to give us the next imperative for our kingdom assignment. He has plenty that He needs to share. And we get to reap rewards for listening.


There is blessing for the one who has an ear to hear.


Hearing increases discernment.
Hearing increases faith.
Those who hear bear fruit.
A sheep who knows the Shepherd’s voice is kept safe.
Hearing Him and responding in obedience is an act of love.


But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28


Do you have ears to hear?


What barriers are in the way of your hearing? What will you do to make room to hear from Him?


LIVING FULLY is a holistic approach involving the mind, body and spirit. And we can nurture the spirit through prayer, meditation, bible study, and more but even greater than that we can commune with God through our listening and our obedience.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

People talk and though our ears work, we don’t HEAR them.


People walk right by us, all day, every day, yet we don’t SEE them.


We consume food without taking our time to savor its goodness.


We touch the screen on our phones and tablets more than we reach out to touch each other.


We don’t breathe deeply enough to let the nose do its knowing.




Our senses are a precious gift from God given so we could commune with His creation and get to know more about His as our Creator. Our senses provide a current or rely through which we can connect with the Father. Yet we’ve become dull. A heavy diet of media, self and non-food foods have robbed us of sharp acuity.


For this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them. Matthew 13:15


God has a GREAT assignment for each person in the earth. [bctt tweet=”God wants to download the PLAN for moving in our assignment, but it requires us to have sharp senses so that we catch the vision. ” username=”inspiredfully”]

As the VISION WHISPERER, God may illuminate a thought, His thought by placing a picture in your mind (see it).


“It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.”

Joel 2:28


You may hear a conversation, music or even a preached word and your ear perk up at that ONE WORD. Will you move on it by asking God for insight and further revelation? Or with dull hear, will you just brush it to the side. God is constantly uses our senses to invite us to see Him and to hear from Him. Being engrafted to the vine, you are knitted to receive from the Father. Donning the helmet of salvation you have the surety of who you are and whose you are. Having the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), your thoughts are transformed and His will for your life becomes your will.
So are you watching? He’s given you eyes to see.


Are you listening? He’s given you ears to hear.




He wants to do a new thing and before it happens, He will tell you of it (Isaiah 42:9).


Be watching.



Be listening.



Receive the vision and GO! Just as He dispatched the disciples, He’s dispatching you. Catch the and run with it!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth