
This week will find people gathered around tables all across the U.S. as they celebrate Thanksgiving. Sure there will be the obligatory saying of grace. Families may even go around the table and share what they are thankful for. Some may even write out their prayers and hang them on a “thankful” tree.


But what do you do when giving thanks is hard?


Somebody has been isolated from social connections because of Covid so giving thanks may be a bit hard


Somebody has recently lost a parent so giving thanks may be a bit hard


Somebody has been struggling financially so giving thanks may be a bit hard


Somebody’s body is betraying them and is ravaged with disease so giving thanks may be a bit hard


But what I’ve come to learn and what the Lord has been especially impressing on my heart all week is Give Thanks Anyhow!


Despite what you see. Despite what you feel. Despite what you think. Give thanks anyhow!


Because it’s not about what we think, see or feel but about the ONE who deserves our honor, who deserves our adoration, who deserves our praise.


When giving thanks is hard, sometimes it requires you to take your eyes off yourself and off your situation and lock your gaze unto His.


When giving thanks is hard sometimes you have to deal with the spiritual cataracts so you can “see beyond” and see into the spirit.


Sometimes it will require you to humble yourself, recall where He bought you from, what He’s rescued you out of or what He spared you from.


Even when giving thanks is hard, the ONE who was, and is and is to come is still worthy. And because He sees and He knows and He cares, He will prod you and prompt you and remind you of just how much He loves you. You’ll hear it in the bird’s song or in the smile of a child. He’ll illuminate and bring back that verse you’ve hidden in your heart at just the right time. And when He does that, it may still be hard to give thanks but you’ll be compelled to do it. Because that’s the thing, praise and giving thanks are sacrificial. Oh yes, it’s going to cost you something.


Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:15


In the hard spaces of laying aside pride, convenience, or even hurt and sorrow, GIVE THANKS. It is actually God’s will that you give thanks is all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).


Will it be hard to give thanks sometimes? Yes

Will it cost you something? Yes

But isn’t He worth it? YES!


Sometimes the words are hard to come by if you’re hurting but there is help. All you gotta do is turn to His word. Let these verses minister to your heart and may they flow from your lips as you offer up your true thanks giving


  • O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto Thee forever. Psalm 30:12
  • {I} Rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God has given unto me. Deuteronomy 26:11
  • Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:57
  • O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good. His mercy endureth forever. Psalm 118:29
  • Giving thanks always for all things unto God. Ephesians 5:20
  • Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Psalm 100:4
  • It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High. Psalm 92:1


So with the fruit of your lips, even if it’s but a whisper, release your Thank You Father…….


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Great Morning Inspired Life Family!


I’m just stopping in to invite you to rejoice with me today.  This morning as my eyes sprung open, my heart was flood with a song.  Stephen Hurd, the Director of Music and Arts at my church, The First Baptist Church of Glenarden, sings a song called Great Praise, (The War Cry). In the song he encourages us to give God great praise, ALOUD. YES, open your mouth and out loud give him your best praise. On this day the Nation has set aside to give thanks, be reminded that every second we have reason to give thanks.

~He woke you up this morning, THANK YOU!

~You can these words on the screen, THANK YOU!


~For the electronic device you’re holding to read this, THANK YOU!


~For your daily bread, THANK YOU!


~For the heat in your home, THANK YOU!


~For being loved, THANK YOU!


~Even for being hated on, THANK YOU!


~For running water, THANK YOU!


~For affliction that keeps you clinging to the Cross, THANK YOU!


~For laughter, THANK YOU!


~For every breath, THANK YOU!


[bctt tweet=”Any time is a good time to give the Lord not only a great praise but our BEST praise.” username=”inspiredfully”] He’s worthy.

May your day be spent basking in His infinite blessings.

As always, I pray you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

From afar off He heard their plea, as they cried out, lifting their voices saying, “Jesus, Master have mercy on us!”


“Go and show yourselves to the priests,” he replied. And as they obediently heeded the command, they were healed. All ten, suffering from leprosy had their mark of shame removed.


Yet one…Just one, when he saw he was healed, returned and with a loud voice glorified God.




Just one fell down on his face at the Mater’s feet giving Him thanks.


The one, a Samaritan thus seemingly the least to return would be the one to come back with thanksgiving on his lips.


And while the one had been cleansed physically, upon his return, with thanks on his lips, he was granted another level of healing. As He bowed at the Master’s feet, Jesus declared, “Arise, your faith as made you well.” Again, the leper had already been physically healed in the act of obedience in presenting himself to the priest, but this second encounter with the Master produced additional fruit in the life of the leper. He was made well from the inside out! The leper was restored and it was done so publicly.


So, have you returned to tell the Master thank you?


Thank you for protecting me from dangers seen and unseen.


Thank you Lord for supplying all my needs according to your riches in glory.


Thank you Lord that through all the trauma I’ve experienced, I am strong in my body, strong in my mind and strong in spirit.


Thank you that when I don’t know what to say, you make intercession to the Father on my behalf.


Thank you for presenting me before the Father blameless.


Thank you for being my advocate, defending me, petitioning for me and protecting me.


Thank you for loving, meaningful relationships.


Thank you for not leaving me to my own devices but for correcting me, disciplining me and molding me as to correct my character flaws.


Are you like the nine? When they received their healing it is likely they returned to rejoice with their family and friends. After all, they had been excommunicated and would naturally want to reunite with their loved ones. Jesus is making His point CLEAR to you and me when He calls out, not directly to the leper, but speaking so that the onlookers could hear and internalize, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” Luke 17:17-19



While Jesus isn’t healing us of leprosy today, He is healing our:













And the list goes on and on.


One returned.


And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15-16


Will you be the one?


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. Psalm 107:1-2



If you are the one, pray with me.



Oh most holy and worthy God we come to lift your name on high. Your name that is above all names. You are highly exalted. Yahweh we bow before you. We fall at your feet in surrender with thanks in our hearts and praise on our lips. We thank you for loving us when we didn’t love ourselves. We thank you for shielding us when we knowingly walked into precarious situations. We thank you for delivering us from the hand of the enemy. We thank you that even in our disobedience you still tell us to come to you. We thank you for loving us with an everlasting love. Oh Father, what more can we say? All the glory belongs to you. As we kneel in your presence, our hearts are overcome with the sheer greatness of how truly good you’ve been to us. Let our surrender and our lifestyle of obedience demonstrate how truly grateful we are. We love you Lord. Amen.



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends Sharon the Good News #DanceWithJesus, Grace & Truth, Faith n’ Friends