
In Focus


Out of Focus


Laser Focus


Focal Point




As soon as I could walk I had a camera in my hand. My father’s passion was photography. He went to photography school when I was a baby then commenced shooting everything possible. Of course I ended up the subject on the other side of the lens many days. One of my favorite pictures is of me at age three taking a picture of my father who was actually talking a picture of me. At three, I knew nothing about focus.


In my pre-teen years I caught the photography bug and entered the dark room, manually dipping paper in solution and watching the images come to life. I learned about aperture, shutter speed and focus. I learned how to focus on what was directly in front of the lens or how to focus on something in the distance.


wet snow 3


But focus is relative, relative to what we see and how we see it. Life experience has a way of morphing, contorting and distorting our focus. While I tend to see ONLY in the present, I think that is a distorted and often out of focus view when compared to how my heavenly Father sees. His FOCUS is perfect, all encompassing, crisp and sharp. [bctt tweet=”Focus is really about being centered and balanced from whatever vantage point we find ourselves.”]


buds ready to bloom1


How’s your focus?


light waves


Open the eyes of our hearts Lord so that we have your FOCUS. Let us be centered, rooted, grounded and balanced – FOCUSED in You.


Happy to connect with others sharing on the topic of FOCUS at Five Minute Friday, Grace & Truth


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!