
“It’s not easy being green” is actually the thing that immediately jumps into my consciousness when I think of the word GREEN. Kermit The Frog sang that line. One of my fondest childhood memories is playing my Sesame Street album on my box record player. Oh the joys of childhood…But I digress.


sesame street record player


In my early teens my father took a painting class. He explained to me the different emotions color invokes. [bctt tweet=”Green conjures feelings of balance, growth, stability, harmony, fertility, renewal and restoration”]. He went on to show me company logos that used green and he pointed out how often green is used in hospitals to promote renewal and healing.


Just think of how much of our planet is covered in green. To me the color speaks LIFE. So when I embarked on a journey over a year ago to create the logo for my personal brand, I KNEW it had to be predominately green.


Inspired Life


Inspired Life


Where hearts are inspired to live fully spirit, mind and body, by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple through proper nourishment, rest and exercise.






You shall live and not die


You shall have the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10


You are fully of energy and vitality


You are a tree planted by rivers of living water whose leaf does not wither


You are at peace and in harmony with the universe


You are rooted and grounded in Him


You abide in God and bear much fruit


And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Revelation 22:1-2


While the cares of the world craftily draw our attention away from green and all that in invokes, I encourage you today to embrace that it IS indeed easy being green. We just have to be intentional about being green, seeing green, embracing green.


Connect with your green today.




follow the path


Pence Pond 1


It is easy being green.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Delighted to connect with others sharing on the word GREEN @ #FiveMinuteFriday





Words uttered way too easily, way too often, especially when you’ve got a toddler around who you are really trying to protect.


But what if….


Just what if I gave myself a Hall Pass to YES.


There is such control in the “NO”.


There is such power in the “NO”, though it’s really just a fraud.


Liberty is released in the “YES!”


Chain are broken with the resounding YES.


YES to giving myself permission to BE the person God created me to be.


YES to living fully in this moment, not wallowing in the past or living a fantasy of the future but FULLY present.


YES to giving my husband room to parent the Father way without interfering.


YES to nurturing my children’s unique personalities and proclivities even if theirs are different than mine.


YES to BEING MORE and not shrinking and retreating back into the safety and false security of my box.


YES to delightfully obeying Christ since I say I follow Him.


YES to moving forward even when feeling afraid.


Oh the places you’ll go when you give God your YES.


Unshackled, the power of YES is ready to flow uninhibited.


In a booming voice, with a resounding shout, I say, “YES!”


Happy to connect with other in this Five Minute Friday free write on the word YES.

Also connecting hearts with these friends sharing the Good News #DanceWithJesus, Grace & Truth



Photo Credit







We can claim to have a favorite. But times changes. Big hair was in. It was my favorite style then but now it’s gone. Fuchsia lipstick is a thing of the past.


Favorites are relative to what feels good today. My sweet husband is quick to claim, “It’s My Favorite!


Though there is one favorite I’ve had that hasn’t waned and that’s my love of popcorn. It’s truly the one thing that I know withstanding changes in culture, space and time and space that have remained a constant, a favorite. It’s not just my favorite snack but also my favorite food. Yet this popcorn holds a position that would otherwise be easily occupied by another.


What has given my popcorn a place of prominence?


What is it about the popcorn that allows it to hold my taste buds and hold my heart?


What is it about the popcorn that has cemented it as a lifelong favorite?


Simply because it bring me joy.


Popcorn doesn’t merely make me happy. Happiness is fleeting and contingent on too many external circumstances. True joy is a state of mind. And everything about popcorn brings me joy. From the smell, to the taste to the motion of eating it, I am filled with joy. Even thinking about it as I type brings a smile to my face.


Joy is a condition of the heart. External factors can’t stand a chance against joy.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


What are your favorites?


Are they things that make you happy or things that bring you joy?


You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


May you abide in joy that is full and favorites that are fulfilling.


Joy… It’s My Favorite.


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


And if you ever want to make a deposit in my JOY bank, I love Garrett’s Popcorn (hint, hint)


Happy to connect today with #FiveMinuteFriday on the word #Favorite

As I call them, they come.


My little flock of five.


They gather around me.


From the biggest to the littlest they find safety, comfort and assurance


in my apron. They wrap themselves around my arms and legs.


My little flock of five. They gather.


Brings to mind the image of Jesus saying,


“Let the little children come to me and hinder them not


for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”.


So glad today that this is my heart’s position. So glad today that my thoughts


have come into alignment with His thoughts and I too have welcomed


the little children to come to me.


In the hem of my apron they find love.


In the folds of my skirt they find safety and security.


As they gather, I see a vision of my future.


They’ve left home but return with spouses and children of their own.


They gather ‘round the table to a piping hot spread lying before them.


My little flock now has their own little flock.


My children are like olive trees as they gather around the table.


I am blessed!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to be connecting with friends today:

Five Minute Friday, Mommy Moments