




So easily these words can flow off the tongue of a loose-lipped mama and I’m talking about myself here. Think about the words you’ve shared with your children in the last four hours. Were the bulk of your words corrective or encouraging in nature?…READ MORE


Today I’m hanging out with an Intentional Encourager Nisha Muschette from Embracing The Call. She has a heart for living intentionally and I’m delighted to sit with her. Come join us.

“Long as I got King Jesus, I don’t need nobody else”.


So goes a line from an old gospel song. We all got a good chuckle in church yesterday as our Pastor sang and danced to the song. While the dance was cute, he was making a profound point. He was uncovering the flawed theology in the song. Indeed Jesus is MORE than enough for any need we have. [bctt tweet=”Jesus did not design us to walk the journey of life alone. We are wired to do life together.” username=”inspiredfully”] It just makes the going a little easier.


So who’s on your squad?


These are 5 people we need in our tribe.


Oldie But Goodie

This is your faithful friend. An old crony, running partner, tried and true blue friend. Even if they haven’t been your friends for a long number of years, it feels like they’ve been around always. The total opposite of fair weather friend, they are there in time good and bad. They are familiar and comfortable like your favorite old robe. You don’t have to explain to them what you’re feeling and why, they just already know.


Tell It Like It Is

We appreciate our friend who agrees with us and takes our side. But we NEED the friend who will tell us like it is. She will check us. She will point out when we have erred. Without bias, she will carefully assess a situation and present it to us. Argh! She may rub you the wrong way from time to time but you need that. The sandpaper of tell it like it is, is what makes you smooth.


Zena Warrior Princess

Ok, back in the day this would have been the friend ready to fight for you on the playground. She would have been quick to stop gossip and slander about you. Today, she’s the first one on her knees interceding on your behalf. She’s willing to go Peter slicing ears off for you. Fortunately she knows how to channel all that fire into prayer. Even right now she may be found interceding for you.


Party Girl

You know the fun girl. The witty friend. The self-deprecating one that brings a smile to your face. Sometimes I can be WAY to serious. I’ve never learned how to tell jokes (my timing is off and I can never recall all the details of the story). For me doing life mostly means “handling business” so I desperately need this friend to lighten me up, to help get my drawers out of a bunch, to simply be silly and laugh.


The Coach

Who’s challenging you to grow? Who encourages you to go to bed early and to rise early? Who’s on the sideline cheering you on? Who’s holding you accountable? Yup, we all need that coach friend. Your sister friend who will not only remind you of your goals, but the one who is right there as the dream is fulfilled.


So who’s in your tribe?


For you these may actually be 5 different chicas. For some this may but that one special treasured friend. If you don’t have these sisters represented in your starting lineup, I’m praying God brings the right people into your circle and I pray your heart is open to receive them. One way God expresses his love to us is directly through our relationships so I pray you are blessed with true sisterhood. Friendship and sisterhood are critical to our emotional well being and personally near and dear to my heart. You can find me sharing more on the topic here:




We’ve been called to:

~Love one another

~Bear one another’s burdens

~Pray for one another

~Comfort one another
~give preference to one another

~Forgive one another

~Be kind to one another

~Serve one another

~Speak truth to one another

~Encourage one another


It is my prayer that you’ve got people in your tribe that will love you, encourage you and serve you. We all need a squad who will speak truth to us, bear our burdens and give us comfort. Take confidence in knowing you’ve got me on your squad, holding it down in prayer.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace and Truth

I get by with a little help from my friends….


So goes the line from a popular song by the Beatles. The song goes on to say I get high with a little help from my friends. Now I’m not sure what type of high they are talking about but the friends I have help me go higher in Christ. My friends pray for me when I have no words, they make me laugh, they selflessly help me and they love me.


A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 17:17


Friendships have always meant the world to me. I have been so blessed throughout my life to have great friendships. From friends that were only in my life a short period to having a life long friend. My bestie and I have been linked together for 35 years now.


Friendship is close to the heart of God. We see many examples in the bible of friendships. One example is that of David and Jonathan. Jonathan even risked damaging his relationship with his own father out his loyalty to his friend.


But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24b


A friend corrects when necessary, sharpens, encourages, listens, builds up and loves unconditionally. In good times and bad, a friend is your corner man who cheers you on and patches up your bruises.


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11


So to all my friends, you know I love you a ton. I thank God for you in my life. There’s a saying, which says to have a friend you must be a friend. I believe friendships are a necessary part of life and makes traveling the road of life easier. Give the proper investment of time to nurture your friendships. I know there will be seasons that you will be more available or less available than others, but friendships are reciprocal and require maintenance.


Since I’ve been blogging, God has connected me virtually with some new friends. I am truly amazed at how God transcends time and space to connect spirits in unity to worship the King and to further His agenda here on earth.


I’d like to invite you to visit a few of my blogging friends. With some I connect as a mother, a wife, or a ministry leader. With some I connect over shared experiences. But with all these ladies, we share a deep love of Christ and use the blogging platform to spread the Good News. So pay a visit to my girlfriends and leave them a comment. For indeed the Lord says it is good and pleasant when we dwell together in unity. Like Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms, ladies we are victorious when we hold one another up. So here’s to iron sharpening iron and for being my sister’s keeper.


Brandi Jefferson-Motley @ Encouragement for Your Journey

Brandi sings like an angel and prays like a warrior. Her nuggets of encouragement make you want to give the Lord a SHOUT!


Tai East @ A SPIRIT-Kissed Soul

Mmm…Tai’s hunger and thirst for God and examination of scripture leaves me looking forward to my quiet time with God, excited for what new revelation I’ll receive.


Kelly Balarie @ Purposeful Faith

True humility here. Kelly unabashedly lays out her heart and when she does, God’s love floods her and the reader.


Candace @ Candace Creates

My sweet friend Candace is demonstrating that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. She candidly shares her testimonies and is helping others be free.


Susan B. Mead

Susan is a living witness that God gives beauty for ashes and joy for pain.


Thanks in advance for visiting my blogging friends.


In what ways will you nurture your friendships today?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!



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Happy to also connect with these friends sharing the Good News #WordsWithWinter Purposeful Faith, #LifeGivingLinkup

To be caught red-handed is to be caught with the evidence for all to see. It’s origins date back to 15th century Scotland, where it was used when describing a criminal caught with the victim’s blood on his hand.


I’ve been convicted.


I have a tendency to catch my children red-handed.


I am prone to catching them committing misdemeanors.


I seem to gravitate toward corrective action that magnifies their errors.


And perhaps that’s just the nature of the beast when you’re “training” 5 young children. 5 children ages 11 and under are learning, testing the waters, feeling their way through, collecting life experiences and many of the experiences come about through trial and error.


But God has gently whispered to me, you catch them red-handed, also catch them doing good.


At heart, I am an encourager. It’s who I am. It’s what I do. And that includes my children. I delight in seeing them reach their potential and cheering them along the way. But after I’ve reminded, nudged and motivated them to carry out the same chore day after day, well…that encouragement takes on a new shape. Gone are the words that affirm and here come the words that condemn.


But I’ve resolved to catch them doing good,


My children and I attended an annual American Indian Festival. My 9-year old Cub Scout, in uniform was completing one of his electives on   American Indian Life. While we were at the craft table my son noticed several young girls find a phone on the ground.  He got my attention and began telling me “Mommy these girls just found a phone on the ground”.  I lightly brushed it off, thinking he was just witnessing someone drop then pick up his or her own phone.  He told me again, “No Mommy that is not their phone.  I heard them say “Ooh look what I found.”  As he was relaying that information to me, the girls walked away.  Then we heard a woman standing next to us say “Where’s my phone?” My son asked her if she lost her phone and she said yes.  He said, “I saw the girls who took your phone.” He then led the woman across the campgrounds to point out the girls so the woman could retrieve her phone.  The woman was very grateful for his attentive eye and quick actions that led to her recovering her phone.


Here is a great example of an opportunity to catch him doing good. I almost missed it though, ready to brush his observation aside. It all happened so quickly and I was “busy” managing my other children, I almost let this opportunity slip me by. But God’s gentle nudge came and said LISTEN to him. And my son was right. What a great chance to catch him doing good. I commended him on his attentiveness and shared it with his extended family and Scout Den Leader.


Love hopes for the best and believes the best. So even when what they are doing is contrary to what I expect, I still hope for and believe the best about them. Instead of being so quick to highlight flaws, I will affirm the character I expect to see.


So instead of just telling my 11 year old “You’re slacking on those dishes. I KNOW you see them in the sink. Why do I have to ask you to do your job?”; I will reframe. I will affirm her for the significant role her job plays since our kitchen is the central nervous system of our home. I will catch her doing good. When she completes the chore proactively I will not say, “It’s about time”. I will acknowledge her for demonstrating responsibility. Instead of allowing one of my children to pick on another because she is sensitive, I will affirm the sensitive child for being compassionate and for demonstrating gentleness.


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

 1 Thessalonians 5:11


I will be an Intentional Encourager.


In Priscilla Shirer’s book The Resolution for Women, she admonishes mothers to be intentional encouragers. Shirer states, “She [the mother] doesn’t overlook their immaturity, mistakes and mishaps; but when she brings these points up, there isn’t a general air of disapproval and low expectation. She chooses rather to temper her honesty with the grace of edification and encouragement.”


Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful,

so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29


Just like I caught my 4-year old messing around in the kitchen.  When I heard all the tinkering I thought he was sneaking some snacks. I stormed into the kitchen ready to discipline him. What I found was that he made a fruit salad for himself and his little brother.  I’m so grateful God shifted me quickly from catching red-handed to catching doing good.


Be encouraged parents. Being a mother is certainly one of the hardest job’s I’ve ever done. But God gives grace and wisdom and is patient with me as I’m learning on the job. And He extends that grace and patience to you and your children as well.


With school out and summer break in full swing, I will have plenty of opportunities to catch them red-handed but I’m determined to catch them doing good.


Do you hope for and believe the best about your children?


Do you purposefully acknowledge their efforts and catch them doing good?


For more on acknowledging character, CLICK HERE for Character First’s list of character qualities.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


(PS-For all the grammarians that are cringing at the phrase “doing good”, I know you’d like it to read “doing well”. “Catch them doing good” is what’s been ringing in my spirit so even for the sake of grammar I couldn’t change it. I had to write it the way God gave it to me. In fact, I would have been bothered by it too as I have a degree in Journalism but I write what the Lord tells me to write Insert Smile 🙂
Happy to connect with these friends spreading the good news Purposeful Faith, #WordsWithWinter, #LifeGivingLinkup, Mommy Moments