
What do you do with a God sized dream?


How do you wrap your head around a vision from God that seems virtually impossible?


These are questions I’m turning over in my head. Like Mary pondering on the fate of her Son, I’m holding these things in my heart…wondering.


God has given me a vision for how the book I’ve written is to be used. When I was writing the book, I had the audience in mind. I could see myself sharing portions of the book at book club meetings, parenting seminars and at churches. Then God jarred me. In a vision so clear and complete, He showed me a BIGGER picture. He showed me His target audience for the book and told me the way we could go about reaching this audience.


And what did this girl do with that visitation from God? In a nanosecond I shot it down. I know, I know. I wish I could tell you I was faith filled and revved up. But it was more like doubt-FULL and faith-LESS.


You see this vision would take Jesus right into the marketplace. No separation of church and state. No way. The Lord said, “You’ll be bring me into secular environments.” And again in my limited “seeing” all I could picture was doors slamming in my face and rejection by way of “No!”, “No!” and yet another “No!”.


Then He washed over me with sweet assurance . In His gentle yet firm way He brought to my remembrance this powerful truth, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters, Psalm 24:1-2


He also reminded to not to be intimidated by the establishment for He’s in charge of them too. The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes, Proverbs 21:1


So what do you do with that God sized dream?


How do you wrap your head around that vision?


Please don’t do what I did that first time. [bctt tweet=”God wants to water your mustard seed faith. ” username=”inspiredfully”]


You allow God to water your faith by simply giving Him your YES . Thereafter, each time He tells you to move, you move. He is faithful to give grace for each step of the journey.   Like Michael Jackson in Billie Jean, each step you take toward pursuing your God dream will be illuminated. His word is the lamp to your feet and the light to your path (Psalm 119:105). Confidently place your trust in the One who knows all, sees all and holds it all in the palm of His hand. Catch the vision and move.


You think this world is in chaos? Obey so He can bring order.


Are you concerned about the world your children will inherit? Obey so that your children’s children receive their generational inheritance.


Don’t like what you see happening in the news? Pray so that His kingdom come and will be done HERE as in heaven.


You see, He’s waiting for us to be His hands and feet in the earth so that He can MOVE. There’s nothing too hard for Him. But He would like for us to partner with Him.


Your God sized dream and your God vision are really quite doable. With God, all things are possible.


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments Purposeful Faith Chasing Community Grace & Truth

Eat Healthy

Lose Weight

Quit Smoking

Stop Drinking

Attend Church Regularly


Wake Up Early

Write A Book

Start A Business


I find that most people start the year with lofty goals. Even for those who’ve renounced resolutions, they still espouse some type of yearly focus or goal i.e. a word, theme or phrase to help guide their choices throughout the year.


At the end of 2014, I hosted a small vision board party (CLICK HERE for more on vision boards). A few friends, my daughter and myself sat around my dining room table loaded down with poster boards, a plethora of magazines, scissors, glue, stickers and more. I had such HUGE vision and wanted to not only SEE it represented visually but also to WRITE it out, that I didn’t complete a board but a book.


vision book


I delighted to see my daughter quickly put hers together, as she has a very clear picture of who she is and what she wants to accomplish. I smiled on the inside as I saw my cousin put the theme of marriage on hers as I vividly pictured her beautiful chocolate skin in a stark white gown. I nodded in agreement as I saw my bestie of 35+ years put changes related to work and moving on her board.


2015-01-03 20.28.39


2015-01-03 21.31.26


2015-01-03 20.30.39

With guarded trepidation I wrestled over committing some of my images to the page. “Glue them on already!” I had to tell myself. I knew in my heart the images were things I did want to see manifest but what if they didn’t come to pass. What would that mean for me?


Would it say I was a failure?


Would it say I have no right to dream so big?


Would it demonstrate my shortcomings?


Would it expose my lack of faith?


In reflecting over the last year, I rejoicing in knowing that my 11-year-old daughter has lived the fulfillment of some of her vision. She has travelled to Texas and California with a competitive STEM team. She has spoken at the Department of Agriculture and at the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals annual convention. She has developed significantly in her flute playing and has just begun playing guitar. She was also voted student council vice-president.


I celebrate with my cousin for completing her Master’s in Divinity and landing a job that on paper she wasn’t qualified for. She travelled the country and grew emotionally and spiritually.


I give a shout of praise for my bestie for packing up and leaving all that was familiar and relocating out of obedience to Christ. I am in awe of her bravery to approach her job and outright ask for certain conditions and have had those requests granted.


vision board copy


Then I look back on my own 2015. It started with such great hope and promise. Dreams of writing a book, growing my brand and filling my speaking calendar.


Oh what dreams may come.


As I turn the pages on my vision book, it is difficult not to allow depression to reel me in. It is challenging to SEE the promise and feel like sand trickling through my fingers, that it’s not within my grasp. It takes ALL of the Jesus in me, to redirect these thoughts so that a toxic brew of self-condemnation doesn’t overtake me.


So how do you respond when you feel like your visions, goals and dreams for the year have not come to fruition?


So what do you do when the vision tarry’s?


What do you do when your vision is blurry?


You take your eyes off self and keep them focused on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith.


You remember the truth of His word that his promises are YES and AMEN.


You remember that indeed there is a time and place for everything under the heavens.


For the vision is yet for an appointed time;

But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it;

Because it will surely come,

It will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:3


You vigilantly stand armed with TRUTH as to ward off the lies that the enemy wants to recite over and over and over in your head.


There is therefore now no condemnation

to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do

not walk according to the flesh, but according

to the Spirit.

Romans 8:1


We also have to grant ourselves some grace for crying out loud. We can be our toughest critics. While my speaking calendar for 2015 was not FULL and my book was not completed, I did have several speaking engagements. I did write and facilitate a 5-week course on Honoring The Temple. I was the healthiest I’ve ever been. I was the fittest I’ve ever been. I may have read more books in 2015 than I’ve read in any other single year. I did write and nearly finish a book. I did minister to the hearts of my children. I did support my husband as he grappled with the loss of his brother. I did pack up my children and drive hundreds of miles run to my father’s aid as he suffered loneliness. I did minister to the women I’ve been called to lead in the women’s group for which I serve as director. And in 2015 I also managed to have a womb that was ripe and ready to produce new life. Yup! Kingsland Baby #6 is growing in that secret place as I type these words.


It is with the MIND that one thinks, decides and acts. And we’ve been assured that we have a sound mind.  So I will focus my mind on TRUTH and think, decide and act according to what HE instructs me to do.


And finally, we can rest in knowing that with man things may seem impossible but with GOD nothing is impossible.


For nothing will be impossible with God.

Luke 1:37


So my friends I rejoice over the possibility that 2016 holds. I am listening attentively to hear, and looking to Him to see what wondrous things He has planned for me this year. I already see that what “I” would have planned for 2016 has already been altered. But I yield, surrendering my will for the will of Him who orders my steps.


His Will. His Way.


I pray your 2016 is off to a great start. I pray your year is filled with the blessed assurance that Christ is indeed Lord over all and that His love for you is immeasurable and that with Him all things are possible.


What is your vision for 2016? Do you have resolutions, goals or a word that will direct your goals for this year?  I’d love to hear about it.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments, Words With Winter

Gravity pulling, pulling, pulling the body straight down. At a swift pace, free fall ensues and the body plunges deeper, deeper and deeper into the black abyss. Never scared. In fact, quite freeing. Liberating.


I was about eight then. It was a recurring dream of mine for years to come. Almost nightly I’d fall free into inky oblivion.


But those are the things of dreams. Fast forward to the adult who becomes rigid, somewhat inflexible and seemingly thrives in order. The adult who manages her life in 15-minute increments and leaves no room for spontaneity. No freedom to coast, even in dreams. Control is the order of the day.


But in comes a new dream. A dream of flying. While the free fall is but a wisp of a memory, the flying dreams are fresh, new, invigorating, and exciting. What a stark contrast to the rigid one in real life. In the dreams she is FREE. Soaring on wings as eagles, she glides gracefully over valley and deep crevasses. From the ground she begins to pump her arms then as if propelled by rocket boots, she shoots straight into the air. Dip, twist, turn, and pivot. Slicing through the air. And it all feels so real.


Then the Lord calls to her. He says, “Come out of the box you’ve been hiding in. I see you daughter”. Slightly cautious and somewhat afraid she unfurls her contorted limbs and stretches out of the box.


But life has her feeling on edge. The pressures and demands of fullfilling so many roles, being so many things to so many people. Called to a higher calling in the Lord. Feeling, Lord if you ask for one more thing, I’ll fall. Lord, I’m right on the edge. I’m at the precipice and I don’t want to fall into the craggy rocks below.


But the Lord says, “Trust Me! Fall.”


She is usually one to obey. But this time fear and apprehension keep her locked it in place. Free fall? Umm…no thank you. Like the Flying Wallendas sailing through the air with no safety net? No, that won’t be me.  Where’s the harness? Where’s the safety net?  Where are my spotters? What’s the likelihood of an accident? I need the details. I need concrete information.  Again he whispers, “Have Faith.”


Oh how faithful is HE. She has a vision, a waking one this time. So akin to the flying dreams yet different. This time the Lord takes her to a HIGH place. He tells her to free fall. He takes her back to the time when she came out of the box and He revealed a new element in the scene. When she comes out of the box, from her back unfurls gigantic, iridescent wings. At full height they are nearly 10 feet tall with a massive wingspan.


Now back to that precipice. Together we step off the ledge…..AND


I do it again.


I smother the vision before I give it permission to unfold.


Afraid to use what I’ve been given. Afraid even though I’ve clearly seen that I’ve been endowed to take flight. Then the message continues to track me down.


[bctt tweet=”Unless you’re willing to fall, you risk not fulfilling your potential.”]


free falling


I read it in a book.

I read it over and over in the word.

He brings the vision back into my mind.

I see it on a sign I drive past.


fall into God


I get new revelation on what the wings are for (Looking forward to sharing more on that in a future post).


Earlier this year He was calling me deeper.


Now He’s calling me higher.


Until I give my own wings an opportunity to get some practice, He’s carrying me on His.


You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

Exodus 19:4


But soon, very soon, I’ll take the bold step. From that precarious perch, high in the sky, I’ll step off the ledge and take flight.


Free Falling


But confident because I KNOW I have wings.


But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Feature Image Photo Credit

What Dreams May Come….


A movie featuring one of my favorite actors, Robin Williams. It’s also one of my favorite genres of film, fantasy. Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, man I just love movies where imagination takes flight and other worlds become reality.


If…only I could dream those dreams.


If…I could give myself permission to dream an alternate reality and dare God to bring it to pass.


If…I could allow my dreams to unfold long enough to reach their fulfillment.


My dreams come but I smother them.


God gives the vision and I place it under a cloak of darkness.


I guess what I love about my favorite genres of film is that I believe those alternate realities can truly exist. I believe that one day we could actually live in a dystopian society. I believe that one day we might be able to connect with life forms that exist in space as illustrated in another one of my favorite movies, Contact.


But if I could only dare to believe what God says about me. If I could only allow the dreams God has shown me to completely unfurl and see them through to the credits rolling.


Well now is that time.


I’m daring to take God at His word. He said:


“Then you will know that I am in Israel,

that I am the Lord your God,

and that there is no other;

never again will my people be shamed.

And afterward,I will pour out my Spirit

on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions.”

Joel 2:27-28


I will stop getting up in the middle of my life’s movie and will sit through to see what the end will be.


I will stop playing it safe and will take the risk of trusting God. He certainly has a good track record with me.


I will take my hands off of my eyes and stop peeking through the cracks of my fingers and I will stand and watch to see the salvation of the Lord.


I have visions.


I have dreams.


What Dreams May Come? Not sure, but let them come.


Now I release them to unfold.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with #FiveMinuteFriday on this word #dream