
Discontent with 2020


Discontent with virtual learning but unsettled about sending them back


Discontent with the government 


Discontent with work


Discontent with yourself 



So how do we cultivate contentment in a world full of discontent?


Contentment is a decision. It is a state of mind. It is looking at the issues of life in the face and choosing JOY in spite of it all. 2020 has presented me ample opportunity to be discontent: 6 children underfoot ev-er-ry second of ev-er-ry day , limited time to execute the treasure trove of ideas in my head, health challenges, missing my friends and more.


But you know what?! I am committed to conquering discontent. Every morning when I rise, I give thanks to God, I ask for His wisdom, I come into agreement with heaven’s plan for my day and I purpose in my heart to choose joy.


So if you’re in the middle of the battle, here are 10 practical strategies that will position you to be content in a world full of discontent.


Train Your Brain

When thoughts of discontent arise like, “The world really sucks right now!” capture those toxic thoughts and replace them with the truth of God’s word. You have the ability to take those thoughts captive and make them obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).


Have Godly Perspective 

When we look at things from our vantage they can sometimes appear skewed. The eyes of the natural man can warp a scenario like one of those amusement park funhouse mirrors. Which is why we have to see through eyes of faith. We have to have a godly perspective. We can gain godly perspective when we spend time in His word.


Purposeful Purge

Get rid of things that no longer spark joy. Purging is so therapeutic for me. The idea of getting rid of stuff just brings me a feeling of satisfaction. Purging also creates space in your heart, mind and emotions. Clear out your house, your contact list, your friends list. Try the purge, it’s very cathartic.  


Embrace The Moment

Slow down. Plain and simple.  Be a noticer. Take time to see leaves falling from the trees, a bird soaring overhead, to hear a child’s joy filled squeal, to slowly chew your food and savor the flavor, to feel your chest rise and fall as you breathe deeply. We spend so much of our energy moving from one thing to the next to the next that it’s very easy to miss the beauty that exists in the present moment.


Be Humble

Humility recognizes that without God, I can do NOTHING. And maintaining that posture puts your faith and reliance on God and God alone. Your humility positions you to abound in His grace, in His mercy, in His favor and this my friend is the secret sauce for contentment, HUMILITY. 


Silence The Voice of the Accuser 

The enemy of your soul wants you discontent. That’s his primary job, to sow lies and discord into your head. He wants you to think you’re not enough. He wants you to think you don’t have enough. Don’t buy into his nonsense. Silence that fool. Tell him what God said, resist him and he will flee from you (James 4:7).


Be Grateful

While the enemy may be trying to get you to focus on what you don’t have, give thanks to the Most High for what you DO have. Express your gratitude in praise and worship unto God. What are you grateful for right now? Go ahead, what 5 things immediately come to mind? Thank Him for it.


Be Generous

When we give, we take the attention off of ourselves so that we can love and serve others. Are you giving of your time, talents or resources?


Eyes on God 

When our attention drifts to what we see what other people have and what other people do,  we can begin comparing. Comparison is an evil trap that robs us of contentment. So let’s be diligent to keep our gaze fixed on God.


Honor Yourself

Neglecting yourself is a sure fire set up for discontent. Make a commitment to honor yourself by showing yourself some love, care and attention. Create space for you to nourish yourself, to get rest, exercise, to spend time with God and to embrace the moment. It can be done. Listen, I’m a mom of 6 and it’s not easy as everything is clamoring for my attention. But in order for me to give my best to those counting on me, I’ve got to honor myself. And it doesn’t have to occur in big blocks of time. Ask God to show you the windows of opportunity where you can put yourself on your daily schedule.


Listen friend, in the Lord there is no lack! Let me remind you of this verse, you know it well. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23:1. Another version translates that to I LACK NOTHING. So if there is no lack, then there is no discontentment because in Christ you have everything you need.


In a world of discontent, the totality of Christ’s love, grace and mercy abound toward you, enabling you to be content.


Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. 1 Timothy 6:6-7 


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!

My homeschooler has been studying Cubism. And while it ended up being one of the most influential art styles of the 20th century, at its inception it challenged what people knew, understood and accepted about perspective.


This is much like life today.


Conventional perspective says:

I’m at peace when I have money in the bank

I’m happy if I have new clothes

I’m happy when my children obey

I’m joyful when I’m on vacation

I’m content when everything is going my way


But I say we give ourselves permission like Picasso and Braque to change our perspective.

To see through eyes of faith

To see through eyes of love

To see with eternity in mind

To see with INsight


With a new line of sight we can see:

Abundance where we perceived lack

Joy where we felt pain

Peace where we saw chaos

Sound thinking where there was anxiety


How’s your perspective?


With a SHIFT in perspective you can be confident knowing that whatever situation you find yourself in, THERE in that place you have joy, you have peace, you have contentment.


[bctt tweet=”When you purpose to SEE beyond sight, with spiritual sight you see love, abundance and fulfillment.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Isn’t this what God wants you for? He came that you may have life and have it to the full, and that is possible when we shift perspective and give thanks.


In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


With a changed perspective I’m giving myself permission to laugh, permission to have fun, and permission to LIVE because with an eternal perspective I have more than enough. I am loved, I am love and I give love.


And where there is love there is life.



So how’s your perspective?


I’m praying your GODvision to see with INsight for heavenly perspective.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!