
You ever have a week that was just…..meah?


Not necessarily bad but not seemingly amazing either. A week where you may have done just enough to get by, just enough to not lose it, just enough Word to hold on, just enough eating right so you didn’t feel like a total fatty, just enough moving so you didn’t feel like a total sloth?


Ok good. At least I know I’m not the only one. So as I sit on Sunday evening reflecting on my past week, I find myself already trying to compensate last week’s average performance by strategizing an UBER productive next week. Just then, the Lord, my sweet sweet Father came in with this gentle reminder.


Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:12


He went on to say….


“Tyra, even when you feel as if you haven’t been busy, productive or ‘making it happen’, you have already prayed my Word and in this case it is more than enough. You have already declared my truth. You have already sown. Your faithfulness to pray my Word and to believe my Word ministers in heaven even at this minute. Hold fast to the vision I have already given you because you have seen well. I continue to watch over my Word. My Word has come full circle. I released it to you. You took hold of my truth and released it back to me now I am faithfully acting upon it. And I am not acting alone. You see I have Watchers. Angelic watchers have descended from heaven. I have commanded my angels to carry out the plans I have for you. And as you already know these plans are for good. So take heart sweet girl. No need to pressure yourself to engineer “the machine”. Simply abide in me and follow my daily instructions and SEE my plans manifest.”


Replace your name with mine. Let this be a reminder to you on the days when you feel like you could be and should be doing more. Now if you’ve been willfully disobedient that’s another matter. But if you know you’ve been diligent, faithful, and obedient but aren’t “feeling” super productive, take heart. Life happens in cycles. Rest-Reap, Plant-Plow, Sow-Surrender-Sit-Collect. Ebb and flow.


If He’s said it, it is so.


If you’ve declared His Will, His Word back to Him, it is so.


As it is in heaven, so it shall be on earth.



[bctt tweet=”“Believe, abide, obey and SEE my promises come to fruition”, says The Lord.” username=”inspiredfully”]


It is so.


Seems like that week of average wasn’t so bad after all.


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


What’s on your summer reading list? Have you check out my new breakthrough work that changing the world by nurturing the hearts of children? Get your copy of Purposeful Parenting today.


Happy to be joining these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth



Running at a frenzied pace.


Out the door.


In the car.


Drop 3 at school.


Drop 1 at preschool.


Back in the car.


Errands. Errands. Errands.


Do it all again in reverse.


Boy Scouts, Church, Robotics.


In and out and in and out.


How about you?


Home, to work, to the gym, to the dry cleaner then back home again? In between all the GOING and DOING we can get a little hungry. So what do we eat when we’re on the go? How do you stick to your commitment to eat better when short on time or in a hurry? How do you prevent from falling into the quick and easy junk food trap?


How do you not succumb to pulling into the drivethrough?


What the formula to ensure healthy eating on the go? By always keep some healthy snacks on hand, that’s how you do it.


At a minimum I keep snack sized ziplock bags and dried fruit in the car.


Healthy Eating On The Go:


~Grapes (wash & dry them as soon as you get them home from the grocery and      store them in snack sized ziplock bags


~Clementine oranges

~Apples & Almond Butter

snack 2

(Not a prize winning photo but real time eating on the go from my passenger seat)



~carrot sticks

~Smoothie/Juice made the day before

2014-10-28 08.59.16

~Water (sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst to this is my 1st go to)

~Raw Revolution Bars (I buy these rarely to have on hand in a pinch)


As I often say, Proper Preparation Prevents Pitfalls. It is the first week of February.  If you made some health goals for this year, stick with them.  If you’ve fallen down while trying, that’s ok.  Pick yourself up and try again.  It’s one small decision at a time that secures the victory.  Now go and prepare those healthy snacks and  throw them in your bag so you’ll be prepared the next time hunger strikes.


Tell me some of your tips for healthy eating when you’re on the go.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!