
Free To Be {A Spoken Word Poem}








What’s apparent is that we can’t recognize real. Buried in Sheol like the “Los 33”. Trapped under layers and layers of fraudulent fabrication. Self-adorned, one dimensional, wash and shrink flea market finds.


New realities created.


New identities established.


Fake ID by way of your Gravatar, your avatar has become the new you. This carefully guarded new persona is shallow at best and when put to the test will prove defective. That plastic armor does not guard but suffocates. Check the warning label on your grocery store plastic bag.


Choking out your gifts, snuffing out what makes you uniquely you.


While your spirit smothers, your souls smolders and the soot and ash render you unrecognizable.


But when you KNOW that your identity cannot be shaped by:











You are unrestricted and unshackled. Like the grotesque beings removing their outer casings at the dawn of A Brand New Day, you are free to give rise to your true self. No longer caged, the bird sings and I know why.


Delivered from confinement, mind, body and spirit come into alignment. With jet propulsion, rocket boosters thrust, power ignites and takes flight.


The course is set. Charting to free.


You are free to BE.

Authentic. Unmasked. Genuine. Transparent. REAL.


Naked and unashamed.


Exposed. Letting it all hang out to be REAL.


I’ve always been very good at “Putting on Tyra”. I can turn on the smile, lilt the cadence of my voice, and be engaging and dynamic when the environment necessitates. While I am naturally an energetic, social, loving extrovert, but there are times I long to retreat into “my world” of being raise an only child with the comfort and solitude of me alone in the back of my mother’s closet reading a book.


The Lord first bought to my attention that I was play-acting and not always being real. I truly believed I was an authentic honest person but I came to see the real was not always so.


It was 9:00pm and a member of my ministry leadership team (of which I am the Director) called. Well, I hit the wall between 7-8pm. From before sunrise until 6pm I coast at 50,000 but after six I start to make the descent and between 7-8 I’ve landed and am officially DONE! You hear me, done. I have told my children, the bible says His mercies are new every morning because at some point in the night they run out and mine for tonight is done (smile). So at the time of this call, I was done but briefly considered “putting on Tyra” to receive the call. I contemplated not answering because I was just not in the mood to be chipper and bubbly. Frankly, I was exhausted and was counting the minutes to get in the bed.


In that moment, I was convicted. The Holy Spirit gently whispered to me, it is ok to JUST BE. He was telling me it is ok for people to experience the full range of you: the energetic you along with the reserved quiet you. Somehow I had come to believe that people only wanted to interaction with the on-stage Tyra. Well, we all have off-stage lives. He was encouraging me to be real. I’m happy to say I did answer the phone and accepting that call was a major step in beginning to be ok with being the real me.


That was over three years ago. And in the time that has passed, He has continued to peel back the layers encasing the fearfully wonderfully made creation His fashioned. I marvel at how I am transforming. In so many ways I thought I was the real deal in my interactions with others. But He’s shown me otherwise in letting me see:

~I share my struggles but only to a select few

~I share my testimony but the edited, clean version


If I’m going to worship Him, I must do so in spirit and in truth. And that demands that I am real, real with God, real with others and real with myself.


And a work He is doing! Last week was a tough one for me. I got another rejection letter about schooling for my son, my daughter was falsely accused of something at school, my household dynamic shifted with hubby starting a new job and I’ve been excavating deeply buried guilt, shame and regret. Needlessly to say, the issues of life will bring you face to face with the real. And I let all the REAL show as I surrendered “putting on Tyra” and had an emotional public breakthrough in my Saturday morning workout class, replete with tears and snot.


Are you being real?


Friends, give yourself permission to be open, available and receptive to experience your real. It may be a little scary, but you are bold and courageous. Relationships are hanging in the balance. Free yourself to be open to the possibilities of experiencing your real self.


Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.


Free to be Authentic. Unmasked. Genuine. Transparent. REAL.


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Connecting with friends at Five Minute Friday

Ahhh. Argh! I grimaced in pain as I lifted my arm attempting to carry out the most mundane task.


I had just spent nearly 2 hours ironing a week’s worth of clothes.


And the space between my shoulder blades is on fire. It literally feels like if I reach my hand back there for a touch, flames will lick my fingertips. There is a twisting and wrenching as if a giant turnkey has been thrust between my blades and a powerful hand is turning, turning, turning the crank to wind me up, stretching the muscles beyond reason, tearing flesh right from the bone.


In this intense pain, I continue to muscle through, intent on hanging the clothes.


You see, I have to get this work done.


I hide my face from my children because you see; I don’t want them to see me in pain.


I premeditate in my mind that when my husband returns from work, I will hide the pain from him too.


All the while it takes every fiber of my being to not break down in tears from the intense burn.


Walking away from the clothes, I look at the flames licking in my fireplace and think, “What a great portrait of what’s occurring in my back right now.”


So what’s the deal with this MASKING of pain?


Do I want to appear strong?


Do I not want to worry my husband?


Do I not want my children to worry?


DO I want my children to look back on their childhood and think, “My mom was always so strong”?


What I do know is:


I want my children to know their mother experiences a full range of emotion: joy, pain, sorrow, delight, disappointment and more.


I want my husband to know I am vulnerable. I am not superwoman. But I also don’t want to hear him ‘lecture’ me on sitting down for a minute because really these clothes aren’t going to hang themselves and the children are busy completing their routine chores.


Week before last I led a teaching on being Authentically Me. My Women’s Group is reading Priscilla Shirer’s The Resolution for Women. This book has been a tremendous blessing thus far and I highly recommend it. In this particular chapter she talks about freeing yourself to be the fearfully, wonderfully made creation you were made to be. She addresses how we can fall into the trap of defining ourselves by worldly standards. I had done some soul searching and swept my mental and spiritual house clean. Or so I thought.


Standing in that closet, attempting to hang that shirt, hiding the agony on my face as I fought to hold back the tears showed me that I indeed have some work to do in being Authentically Me. And isn’t that like God. He brings you into the knowledge of His truth. Then He gives you an opportunity to see where it applies in your life then follows that up with an opportunity to address it.


I thank Him for leading me into His truth. I thank Him for giving me the strength to be okay with acknowledging my pain.


I walked away from that closet to share this truth with you.


If my children ask me why my face is contorted, I will tell them.


When my husband gets home I will tell him because really I need him to give me a massage.


So while I’ve accepted and embrace that I’m unique, value myself & my contributions and know my self-worth, I also acknowledge today that I am vulnerable. I’m not always STRONG.


Yes I am weak.


In today’s vernacular, that has come to mean something else.  When one says, “I’m weak” it means very funny,  hysterical, quite entertaining”.  That is NOT how I’m using it here. I.AM.WEAK. At times devoid of strength.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


Just recently a friend was mentioning to me that she “Had to be strong”. I asked her, “Who told you that? Why do you feel you have to be strong all the time?”


What if we’re not feeling strong?


Is that ok?


Well, that statement came crashing back at me as I was confronted with my own weakness. Now I can say to myself, in MY weakness HIS strength is made perfect.


This also reminds me I have to be diligent in finding a new chiropractor. I believe this could have possibly been avoided. I had been under chiropractic care but when he stopped accepting my insurance, I stopped going. And just recently I wrote about the importance of being in alignment (click here to read). We must be just as diligent in caring for ourselves as we are about caring for others.


Much to my dismay, I think I’ll have to resort to taking some ibuprofen. I don’t like taking over the counter medicine. I prefer natural remedies but the pain is excruciating. Darling hubs will apply the Tiger Balm and prayerfully, I’ll be all right.


In my weakness, I am strong.




As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Photo credit