
I eat clean.


I coach people on how to eat clean.


Guess What?! Even I got to the place where I need to LEVEL UP my health.


Has God been whispering anything to you about your diet?


Has He been gently urging you to Level Up in your health?


For over a year God has been calling me. He’s been calling me to go higher in Him and that called for a change in my diet. And I clearly heard the call, but I just didn’t want to do it. And truth be told, I really needed the level up in more ways than one. I was hormonal, cranky, gaining weight and my joints were aching. And I KNEW these symptoms would benefit from the leveling up but I just.didn’!


“God why? What more do I have to give? I’ve given you all of me. I’ve already surrendered my diet. I already eat clean. I already sacrifice. Really?! What more do you want?”

This was my reply to His beckoning.


Have you ever done this? Perhaps you’re like me. You pray and ask God for a thing. Perhaps you’ve asked him to create in you a clean heart. Maybe you’ve asked Him to bless you, to prosper you, to strengthen you, to change you. And when He sets about doing the very thing YOU’VE asked for, you reject it. Sound familiar?


But let me tell you this, your blessings are attached to your obedience. So don’t be hardheaded like me. Heed His voice. You want the results right? Are you looking to lose weight? Are you looking to feel great? Are you looking to reduce inflammation? Are you looking for better sleep and more energy? Are you looking to draw nearer to God?


If so, implement these 10 Tips To Lose Weight, Feel Great & Level Up In Your Health


1. Apologize To Yourself

Apologize to yourself for the ways you’ve handled or mishandled your body. Forgive yourself for the times you’ve dishonored your temple and commit to showing yourself how much you love YOU by purposefully nourishing your body.

2. Ask & You Shall Receive

Ask God to give you the desire, obedience, and diligence to level up in your health. He said ask and you shall receive so ask Him. Ask Him to change your mindset. Ask Him to give you the desire to crave foods which honor the body. Ask Him for the will to reject trash masquerading as food.

3. Choose Well

All day we are presented with choices. Be sure to choose well! I want you to write out Deuteronomy 30:19. Place it somewhere you can see it. Memorize it. Then walk in the power of the Holy Spirit so you can choose well.

4. Remove The Offenders

What things are you consuming that detract from optimal health? Remove the offenders. Don’t know what those are? Here’s a good place to start. Remove these highly acidic foods: coffee, soda, sugar, bread, chips, pastries, pasta, and soy. The consumption of acidic foods is a breeding ground for sickness and disease.

5. Fuel

Now that you’ve removed some detractors, fuel your body by consuming high alkaline foods. In my next post, I’ll share more details on alkaline eating but suffice it to say, foods that are high in alkaline support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Some high alkaline foods are: melons, squashes, quinoa, chickpeas, walnuts, onions, cucumbers, lettuces, mushrooms, and berries.

6. Supplement

To aid your body’s natural healing processes, add herbal supplements. Just as you would research and plan for a vacation, do some research on which herbs would help the ailments you may be experiencing. A few herbs I use: verbena, valerian, burdock root, sarsparilla, elderberry, and dandelion.

7. Rest

I cannot say enough about this one. For all the good we do to eat right, the body must also have rest. And by REST I’m talking more than Netflix and Chill, I’m talking more than a trip to the nail salon or a few extra hours of sleep. When I’m talking rest, I’m talking about cessation from mental, physical and emotional activity so that your mind, body, and spirit are RESTORED.

8. Exercise

It is important to move your body. You don’t have to go all Parkour, Crossfit crazy with it but do move. A prayer walk, a gentle yoga flow or rebounding on a mini trampoline will serve well in getting your limbs moving, your heart pumping and your bodily systems flowing.

9. Do Your Best

Be gentle with yourself because this is a process. There will be old patterns of behavior that will have to be broken. There will be shifts in the heart and in the mind and some of the old belief systems were forged over years so they will not be uprooted overnight. If you struggle, keep pressing. If you fall, get back up. If you slip, grab onto something and steady yourself. Surround yourself with people who are moving in the direction you want to go. Find one person that you can learn from whose approach, style and ideas inspire you to ACT.

10. Pray

Prayer is your lifeline for all of the above. In your prayer time, you will commune with the Father. You will hear His heart. You will cry out to Him. He will answer you, reassure you and strengthen you. You will make your request known. You will intercede for others. Yes, you will pray and He will hear. And because He hears, He will answer.


And let me tell you, I did it so I know this works. In the first week, my mood was better and I was sleeping better. After the second week, the fat around my mid-section began to shrink. By the fourth week, my joint pain had significantly decreased. I’ve been without popcorn, coffee and chips. I’ve been without ice cream, rice and pasta. And frankly, outside of the coffee, I haven’t missed the rest (ohhhhh coffeeeeee :/)


[bctt tweet=”Are you willing to let go so that your hands and heart are free to receive? ” username=”inspiredfully”]


Come on then, let’s LEVEL UP!


As always, it’s my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!