Lord, Here’s My Worship

“He threw up all in the bed”, was my wake up call at 1:01am. My husband alerted me that our sweet 2 year old was laying in this mess. I jump up and indeed the entire bed was filled with vomit.


Saturday evening I was tired and drifted right off to sleep. I hadn’t been asleep long and glory to God that worship had ushered me to sleep because it was in a spirit of worship that I jumped up to clean the mess.


Lord, Here’s My Worship.


So went the rest of the wee hours of the morning. Nearly every half hour, my sweet baby continued to throw up, until 5:30am. After a while he was just dry heaving because there was nothing left to come up. My mama heart was hurting for my baby so I just held him and rocked him.


Lord, Here’s My Worship.


Yet with every wake up, every lurching of his stomach, every clean up of the mess was my worship. Washing the soiled linens, stripping soiled clothes…yet again and scrubbing vomit out of the rug, my worship was present in that too.


You yourselves like living stones are being built up

as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood,

to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God

through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5


As I continued to listen to the pure, unadulterated worship of singer Jason Upton, my heart was filled with tremendous joy. I was reenergized and revitalized, not just to meet the needs of my baby in that moment, but I KNEW something was happening in the spirit.


My mouth is filled with your praise,

and with your glory all the day. Psalm 71:8


So as I continued to praise and worship the Lord, I remembered that it was now officially Sunday, the day of Pentecost. I could not have planned a better way to usher in Pentecost, to have my heart and mind set squarely on worshipping the Lord, with no distractions. For Him to orchestrate this divine appointment with me was just so perfect.


Even here I have to stop. As I weep, I just cry out HALLELUJAH…HALLELUJAH!


Lord, Here’s My Worship!


With my heart open in a posture of worship, I receive a fresh touch, a special impartation. This is not the 1st time the Lord has had me up in the wee hours of the morning to speak to me. So Holy Spirit I thank you for a fresh touch, for fresh fire, for fresh oil, for fresh wind, for the indwelling of your Spirit.


“‘In the last days, God says,

 I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your young men will see visions,

your old men will dream dreams.’” Acts 2:17


Even in the midst of the vomit, the Lord sought to connect with me. The glory of the Lord filled my bedroom and I was saturated in His glory. Throw up and worship, who knew they’d go hand-N-hand? As my grandmother would say, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Oh Lord, I’m so grateful that you invite me into your presence to connect with you, to commune with you, to worship you.


Oh friends, be open and receptive to entering into worship in peculiar places at peculiar times. We cannot BOX our God in. He is not isolated in silos. He is omnipresent and He longs to connect with you.


Are you present and available?


Lord, Here’s My Worship.


Friends, won’t you join me?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo Credit
Happy to connect with friends at Grace & Truth Dance With Jesus, #SmallWonder

8 replies
  1. Tina Truelove
    Tina Truelove says:

    This is just beautiful. I raised three kids into adulthood and spent many moments holding back a forehead in the midst of vomiting. I’ve even been there with other children in my care over the past two decades, but not once did I ever see my nurture during those times as an act of worship. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      The Lord has been opening the eyes of my understanding to what happens in the spirit realm when be go about our bodily, daily functions. So even in clean vomit, the spirit is present and active. This revelation has been so jarring. It has really shifted my perspective on so many things. Thanks for stopping by and surely the investment you’ve made in nurturing your children will reap a bountiful harvest.

  2. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    Vomit in the bed at 1 AM? Been there, done that. 🙂 You’re so wise to point out that God meets us in the messes, helps us through the messes, and grants joy in our hearts in spite of the messes as we view even those things as worship. Thank you for pointing us toward our Savior with your writing! I’m glad you linked up with us at Grace & Truth. This will be my feature at A Divine Encounter this week!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thank you for the honor. And I thank HIM that he’s given me eyes to “see” as he sees, oh the beauty of seeing magnificence in the mundane. This type of seeing enables me to do my work, including late night throw ups, with grace. And wouldn’t you know, the bug swept through the whole house (there are 7 of us) so there was a lot more cleaning of vomit but all was handled with grace.

  3. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    Thanks so much for this post – I sometimes need a remind that God is all around us – even in the midst of sickness. Blessings. Visiting from Dancing with Jesus.

  4. Nisha
    Nisha says:

    This is such an beautiful example of abandonment to the Lord! Oh, I admire you so much in this, this surely encourages me to surrender all to God!

  5. Robyn
    Robyn says:

    thank you for this post… this post encourages me & challenges me today to stay connected to the Holy Spirit through out the day…the only way for me to have joy & complete tasks supernaturally is by staying connected & sensitive to the Holy Spirits guidance… I got this! thank you for sharing #inspiredtolivefully


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