How To Stay Healthy at Home During COVID-19

Many states are slowly reopening and easing their stay-at-home orders. And I don’t know about you, but I’m planning to stick close to home. I’ll let all those who are eager to run out to the salon, nail shop or to Marshall’s for non-essentials have it at. Before I go running anywhere, I’ve got to stand and observe how this plays out. Listen folks, things are not normal. Things are not going back to normal. We are all using this time to craft and learn what will become our new normal. 


And while we are figuring all that out, in as much as you may be missing church and hanging out with friends (I know I surely do), we can maximize on engaging activities to stay healthy at home.


Now if you are an essential worker, the below strategies are for you too. I hope you’ll find that they bring you comfort, joy and peace when you return to the home front after work. 


So here are a few tips for staying healthy at home during COVID-19


Healthy In The Mind

Because you are a triune being, a spirit with a soul (mind, will & emotion), housed within a physical body, it is critically important to address all facets of your being if you are to walk in health. So any conversation on health must address mental health. May is mental health awareness month. I don’t know how our world’s current crisis is affecting you and I earnestly pray you are well. If you are experiencing stress or anxiety I want you to click HERE for one of my most recent posts with practical strategies for handling stress.


Additionally you can ease your mind by embracing the now moment. It is very easy to get drawn into dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Even Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:24).


Sometimes we feel better when I talk things out. Do you have at least one trusted friend, mentor or confidant that you can share your heart with? The bible reminds us 


You want to keep your brain sharp too. Engage in some brain building activities like puzzles,  learning a new skill, taking a free college course, reading, and even exercise improves your cognitive abilities.


Healthy In The Body

While extra time at home has found some people exercising more, gardening and purging, some have also indulged in extra snacking. Now more than ever it is critically important that we engage in activities that support a strong body. We can be healthy in our bodies by getting proper nourishment, rest and exercise. 


So how have your eating habits been while in this corona crisis? We have seen that many who’ve succumbed to the virus had pre-existing health conditions. I want you to be proactive in caring for your health. God has already been speaking to you about what you need to do. Now do it! And if you don’t know where to begin, you can start by picking up a copy of my book 30 Days 30 Ways to Salad Heaven. Swap out one of your daily meals for a salad and you’ll be well on your way.


While we’re talking about eating, be a mindful eater. Are you eating because you’re actually hungry or are you eating because you’re bored, angry or sad? 


Another practical strategy you can employ is intermittent fasting. And you don’t have to over complicate this. Just decide that you will not eat after ____ time in the evening and you will not eat before _____ time in the morning. You fill in the blank. I don’t eat before 8am and I don’t eat after 8pm so that accounts for 12 hours of overnight fasting. Fasting does WONDERS for the body. From better sleep to weight loss, intermittent fasting is highly beneficial for your health. 


Are you getting adequate rest? The Lord said there is a rest for His people. He leads you beside still waters. He makes you lie down in green pastures. Accept His invitation and get some rest.


And after you’ve rested and are invigorated go ahead and get in some exercise. Being at home may lead to being sedentary so be purposeful to move that body. There are many fitness experts hopping online offering free or low cost classes so go for it. 


Healthy In The Spirit

This conversation on being healthy is not complete without addressing our spiritual health. Being strong in spirit gives us the fortitude to ease the mind and honor the body. Because in our own strength and might we will eventually grow weary. But when we are fueled by the holy spirit at work within us, we don’t rely on our own strength. We access the power within that is greater than our flesh. 


The only way I can fulfill my many roles with grace is because of the time I spend with the Father. My quiet time with Him in the morning, and seeking Him all throughout the day fills me so that I can pour back out. Here are two of my favorite devotionals that have made my quiet time rich.


Praying The Names of God


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality


Friends, we are all trying to work through this new life as best as we know how. I hope these nuggets prove beneficial in helping you to stay healthy at home during COVID-19 and beyond.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

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