
Give Me 5 Days and I’ll Give You a Stress Free Week

Who said you have to be inundated with stress this holiday season? We’re on day 17 of a 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving. On this journey we are reducing stress and embracing thanksliving by being intentional about where we focus our time, energy and efforts.  Thanksliving embodies the true spirit of what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about; not just food and the impending Black Friday but instead GIVING THANKS.

If you missed any of the days on the countdown, catch up by clicking here.

Continuing on this journey with me for the next 5 days  will duly equip you to look your frenemy stress in the face, say no thank you and proceed to bask in your week of thanks-LIVING. And we LIVE when we love. So for the next 5 days, let’s eradicate stress by choosing to love God, love our neighbor and love ourselves. We will embrace life now by beholding the beauty, majesty and splendor of the now moment and by honoring the temple.

You don’t want to miss a single post this week. So let our journey of Thanksliving continue.

autumn flowers

5 Sanity Savers for a Stress Free Week


  1. Give Thanks

Day 17 The Gift Of Thanksgiving


As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving Colossians 2:6-7. The gift of Jesus was extended to you.  Prayerfully you received the gift with your hands extended and with gratitude.  When you receive a gift, the hope is that you keep it and use it, not for it to be regifted. Likewise, when you receive Jesus, you are expect to do as the scripture above says and walk in Him.  You don’t take what He tells you to do and discard it like the regift, but you apply His word to your life so that you are fortified and established on all sides.  And when you do this, you WILL abound in it with thanksgiving.


Everything suggested in this post


  1. Protect Your Quiet Time

    Any manner of things is sure to crop up this week to try and rob you of your quiet time with God.  Extra running of errands, preparing your home for guests, travel, extra time spent in the kitchen, all of these distractions can aid in taking your eye off God.  Make Him your 1st appointment of the day, especially this week when activity can be a little more frenetic.


  1. Know When To Say NO

    Do you really need to prepare 100 cupcakes for the school?  Do you really have to visit 3 different homes on Thanksgiving day?   Protect your time and maximize on your energy and efforts by focusing on that which is essential.  Ok, I hear you.  Yup you.  You think everything is essential. Not all of you but that one person that I see cringing right now.  The task may need to be completed but does it have to be by you?  God told me several years ago, “I will grace you to do what I’ve called you to do.  If you pick up anything else, you’re on your own”.  I keep that in mind when I decide how to use my time.


  1. Pay It Forward

    Be intentional about listening for the Spirit’s promptings to bless another. Doing for others is equally if not more of a blessing to the giver than to the receiver.  Keep your giving in alignment by being open and listening to God.  He will prompt you on what to give and when.


  1. Embrace The Now Moment

    Slow down. Use your senses to connect with what is happening now.  See the last of the autumn leaves on the trees. When you are in the grocery store, slow down and look at the bounty of produce.  See the array of colors.  Perhaps the grocery store is offering some sample.  Taste and savor the flavors.  Give someone a tight embrace.  Listen to a child laugh.  Smell the intoxicating aroma of some goodies baking.


1 Easy Recipe for a Stress Free Week

Click here for a tasty, easy slow cooker recipe for your Thanksgiving dinner


I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow as we examine how to beat the holiday blues.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!

Give Thanks 2014

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