Don’t Lose Hope



That’s how long it seems like I’ve been waiting.


Prayer. Supplication. Petition. Request. Beg. Plead. Negotiate. Pray some more.


God, I know you’re able.


God, I believe you’re willing.


God it’s been a long time. I’ve been diligent. I’ve been faithful. What I’m requesting is in alignment

with your will.


When will you answer my prayer?


Have you ever felt like this?


Have you made a request of the Lord and not had it answered?


You’ve waited patiently…One year. 3 years. 10 years and still no forward movement? In fact, you may feel that you’ve moved even farther away from seeing the prayer realized.


Let me encourage you friend to not give up on God. Keep believing.


Don’t lose hope!


Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13


I was ready to give up, to say forget it. Ready to sit down right with the end zone in sight and just hand over the game.


In the midst of a meltdown, my friend asked, “Don’t you see how close you are? Do you not see the end zone right in front of you?”


Yeah, I see it and I’m trying to keep the faith but my legs have given out and won’t carry me any farther. The lactic acid in my muscles has caused me to falter and my prayer has no push.


“That’s ok,” my friend says. She gives me permission to use a time out but encourages me to continue praying and believing in anticipation of the answered prayer.


Even when it seems you’ve been waiting forever…..keep the faith. I know you think it’s been a long time. I know you feel like its been forever. I know you want your miracle and you want it yesterday.


But what is man’s time to the Lord anyway?


But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8


Since my God is not slack concerning His promises, this is what I’m going to do while waiting. I invite you to join me.



Yes, I will continue to pray. When I feel like I can’t pray anymore, I will call up the Word that’s been stored in the recesses of my heart. I will pray and give thanks for what HE has released that’s on its way. I will pray for those He will work through to bring the promise to pass. I will pray against any demonic activity trying to withhold, subdue or delay my answer. I will pray that my heart is ready to receive. Yes, I’ll keep praying and giving thanks.




Hallelujah, He is worthy to be praise! Regardless of how I FEEL about it, He is worthy. He is righteous. He is holy. He is loving. He is gracious. He is merciful. He is kind. He is a friend. So for this, for all He is, for all He does, for all He doesn’t do, He is worthy to be praised! My mouth is set. I gotta put praise on it!




I will profess that my God is great. I will profess that my God hears and answers prayers. I will profess the truth of His word. I will profess the promises He’s said are mine. I will profess the visions. I will profess that my God is able, willing and it’s only a matter of time….


Sitting…Waiting….Strategizing….Praying. [bctt tweet=”Its 4th & 10. I’m not going for the punt. I’m going to BELIEVE God.” username=”inspiredfully”] I’m going to go for it because He is faithful to deliver.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith

12 replies
    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Friend remain encouraged. The day after I wrote the post, the attack came strong and hard. But God! I had to read my own post to enough myself. Sis, I’m telling your story and my story. What I do know is God IS faithful.

    • Doc
      Doc says:

      Hi ScottThe find should work if you set the find options to search values rather than formulas, and indirect() should work OK as the lookup value in a Vlookup function. I’ve tried it on a simple example without a problem – could you give me a bit more information about the Indirect and Vlookup formulae you are usi?dnRegargsSimon

    • Tessie
      Tessie says:

      If you check me out on my website I may be wearing boxing gloves! I am a former athlete, boxer, military parachutist and I resonate with your sport and success. I believe deentmiration which is tattooed on my wrist has assisted me to train other women thru fitness and health. I walk the talk. A leader sets the pace. Thanks for the awesome post!

  1. Tiffany Simmons
    Tiffany Simmons says:

    WOW… what a WORD…. This really and truly blessed my soul and spirit man. Not even an hour or so ago around 6:30 am I was asking my Lord these same questions, mirroring what you spoke about. He predestined this moment and prepared a message just for me, for such a time as this!! Wow.. Thank you Lord.. I will wait, I will keep praying , I will keep praising you and I will profess your promises.. You are a mighty God and I love you so much.

    It is my prayer for this mighty Woman of God that you would continue to use her as your mouth piece so that You will be glorified, the people will be edified and the kingdom will be multiplied.. bless now Lord.. 20, 40, 100 fold.. continue to stand strong in her and may grace and peace be her portion. In Jesus name we pray and give thanks, Amen..
    Love you big Friend!!


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