

Let me emphatically tell you a few things I know to be true.


2020 is not canceled!

Joy is not canceled!

Summer is not canceled!

LIVING and LOVING are not canceled!


So what are we to do then? How can we still have a summer filled with life and joy and making memories? I’m glad you asked.


You can be purposeful in ensuring that you are living fully in the mind, in the body and in the spirit. You can start a garden, go on a hike, take a class, or learn a new skill. There’s PLENTY you can still do. While your annual family vacation my be out and your girl’s trip may be out, JOY is always on the agenda.


And recently I had an opportunity to sit down (albeit social distancing) with my friend and fellow Blogger Joy A. Williams. We had a chance to chat it up about nourishment for the body, spirit and soul. And of course, since it’s summer we had to talk all things salad. I was so moved as I shared about the goodness and faithfulness of God, remarking, “Before He even created mankind, He created what would be for our nourishment. On the third day He created the seed and fruit bearing trees. By the time we came along on the sixth day, our food provision was already accounted for.” 


CLICK HERE to hear the rest of our convo and for a chance to receive a free gift from me!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Ever since I was a teen, Indian food has been my favorite cuisine. It didn’t hurt that my Dad’s friend owned an Indian restaurant. We always started our meals with crispy pappad, then on to a dish with a luscious creamy base like Aloo Matar, then I’d finish off with a Mango Lassi or Galub Jamun. Reflecting back on those days fills me with such joy.


So today it stands that I cook Indian food about twice a week. This recipe is especially good for a time like this when our access to groceries can be quite limited. This recipe uses mostly pantry staples yet is deeply nourishing. The spices make the dish fragrant and the coconut milk makes it luscious and creamy. This is sure to be a family crowd pleaser. 




2 tbsp coconut oil

¼ tsp turmeric

2 tsp coriander

2 tsp cumin 

1 tsp salt

1 medium onion diced

3 cloves fresh garlic minced

1 in piece ginger peeled and grated

1 14 oz can diced tomatoes

1 cup water

2 14 oz cans of chickpeas drained

1 handful fresh spinach

1 14 oz can coconut milk

1 tbsp cilantro


Blend together tomato, garlic and ginger. Heat pot on medium and add the coconut oil. Saute onion 5 minutes until translucent. Add spices and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomato mixture and cook for 5 minutes. Shake the coconut milk well then add to the pot and stir. Add 1 cup of water, the chickpeas and salt and simmer on medium for 7 minutes. Turn the pot off and stir in the spinach. (you can adjust the thickness here by adding a little more water if you like).


Serve this curry (topping with the cilantro) with brown basmati rice and freshly made naan. I love this naan recipe here.


*alternatively you can use 1 tbsp curry powder in place of the turmeric, coriander & cumin


Be sure to tag me on FB or IG when you make this recipe. Happy Cooking!

From the beginning of August through after Labor Day, children across America will be heading back to school. Whether public, private, homeschool or a combination of them, parents have expended MUCH energy ensuring their children are prepared (myself included).

If you’re a parent with a child headed to school chances are you’ve:

  • Researched schools, selected a school, tried to choose the teacher(s)
  • Attended some back to school event (school supply drives, back to school prayer, etc)
  • Talked to your child about the upcoming year
  • Purchased supplies, clothes, shoes, lunchbags, etc
  • Got kids hairdo’s, haircuts
  • And the list goes on…… know the drill

School Is In Session, Are You Ready?

What exactly have you done to get YOURSELF ready?

What you have done to pour into yourself so that YOU are equipped to give your child the love, support and encouragement they’ll need this school year?

What have you done to make sure you are mentally alert, emotionally available, and spiritually strong?  And if you’ve ever dealt with homework tears, in-school bullying, or learning difficulties you KNOW it requires you to be strong to help your child weather the storms.

So for all the back to school ads, campaigns, prayer vigils, meet & greets, and picnics, I’m here thinking what about my sanity and yours.

Am I the only one beseeching God saying, “Father, I need your help. I need you to guide me as I guide them. I need you to teach me as I teach them. I need you”?

Surely I can’t be the only one who knows that unless I fiercely cling to the vine, I won’t be able to adequately support them.

I’m wagering that I’m not the only one who knows making it through the school year is going to require God to continue working in my own heart so that I can give my children what they need and deserve.

SO…….since I’m not the only one, I want YOU Back To School ready.

Just like you did your best to get them ready, I’m going to do my best to get YOU ready.

I want us to employ the single most effective strategy for back to school readiness…PRAYER.

[bctt tweet=”The ONE thing your child needs most is for you to be connected to God.” username=”inspiredfully”]

With that one connection, you serve as a conduit for God’s love, purpose, and plans to be unlocked and to flow.

Prayer is truly the one thing that release all the other things you want for your child (CLICK HERE for more on the power of praying for your child).

So that’s what we are gonna do. We are going to pray and watch. We are going to watch God perform the miraculous starting with us. We are going to see God change our own hearts so that we are delivered, healed and set free. We are going to experience God take out our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh. We are going to witness God fill us with compassion and gentleness. We are going to bear the fruit of meekness and humility.

And here’s how we’re going to do it. For 21 days we are going to pray together. For 21 straight days you’ll meet me live and we will seek the Father’s face, we will seek His wisdom and we will hear from Him. We will pray for our children, for their friends, for their educators but more than that, we’ll spend the bulk of the 21 days praying for ourselves. The job of parenting is not for the faint of heart so we’ve got to be duly armed to carry out our assignment and I’m looking forward to partnering with you to make it happen.

We’ll be praying some points from my book PURPOSEFUL PARENTING. Do you have your copy?

We’ll meet HERE on my Facebook page so make sure you’re following.

But before we even begin our 21 days of Purposeful Prayer 4 Parents, how can I pray for you right now? Leave your requests in the comments and I count it an honor to carry them before the throne of grace.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith

Anything worth something is gonna cost you something.

Last night I asked my husband to purchase my daughter a case for her tablet. He said he was going to purchase her a particular brand. I like this brand and it is very durable but I think they are WAY overpriced. (It’s gonna cost you something Tyra). I then suggested that we purchase a cheap, off-brand one instead. My 12 year old then chimed in saying, “You know Mommy, if you buy the cheap one, you’re just gonna have to replace it so you should just go ahead and get the good one instead of trying to go cheap.”

You know what? He’s right.

And relationships are the same way.

[bctt tweet=”If we don’t pay upfront, if we don’t make the investment, if we don’t value people, we’ll end up needing a do over.” username=”inspiredfully”]

And the do over may just cost us even more.

Yup, Relationships are gonna cost you something.

And relationships with children will cost you ALOT!

They will cost you:

and much, much more.

But the return on investment will be GREAT. For every positive word, act of service, ball game attended, smile offered, extra bedtime story, late night chat, it will be worth it.

Yes you were tired, overwhelmed, beyond tired, exhausted, exasperated even but you chose to dig deep and pay up because you deemed them worth it.

Yes, it cost you something. It costs you to examine yourself, to be honest with yourself, to change your attitude, to change your beliefs and to change your behavior. Yes, it’s costly but children are worth it and your investment will yield high dividends.

Take a listen to my interview with LCSW Mercedes Samudio of Shame Proof Parenting as we talk about Developing Healthy Parent-Child Relationships and the cost involved.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith

So much of parental life is consumed with meeting temporal needs. Endless piles of laundry, shuttling children to and from activities, cooking meals, you know the drill. Not to mention adding in the amount of time, energy and effort expended in trying to get children to DO things they really could care less about or to get them to STOP doing things they are perfectly content with. Perhaps you’re ready to blow a gasket because you’ve told your pre-teen boy for the millionth time that he needs to shower daily. And you can’t recall how many times you’ve told your toddler not to jump on the furniture. While requests for showering and not jumping on furniture are reasonable, they do not serve as an investment in connecting with the hearts of our children.


The job of parenting finds us doing many seemingly important things for our children. But we want to be cautious to not miss out on the needed thing. Just as Jesus affirmed that Mary had chosen the better part, let us choose the better part and that is connecting with the hearts of our children.


Shuttling kids to soccer practice, hurrying up to get them to choir rehearsal, and rushing them off to bed, may be required at times but can have a way of choking out meaningful interaction. So how do we connect with our children when most of our daily interactions are moving them through to the next activity? We’ve got to be PURPOSEFUL!


Nobel Peace Prize recipient and novelist, Toni Morrison appeared on an episode of Oprah’s Lifeclass. On the show, the prolific author dispensed this wisdom,

“It’s interesting to see when a kid walks into the room… does your

face light up? That’s what they’re looking for…when my children used

to walk in the room when they were little, I looked at them to see if

they had buckled their trousers or if their hair was combed or their

socks were up…so you think your affection and your deep love is on

display cause you’re caring for them, it’s not. When they see you they

see the critical face…what’s wrong now? …But then if you let your face

speak what’s in your heart. Because when they walked in the room I was

glad to see them. It’s just as small as that, you see.”


She so eloquently illustrated the difference between meeting temporal needs and maximizing on the opportunity to connect with the heart. Oprah went on to say that one of her biggest learning lessons of the early 90’s was that the common denominator in the human experience is that everyone wants to be appreciated or validated. Given that, what are we teaching our children by spending so much energy on things that may not matter in five years, much less ten? How many moments will we have missed? How many hugs would not have been shared? How many smiles would have been deterred?


Will our children feel connected, loved, if the words we dispense are focused on what they haven’t done right, what they aren’t doing or what they’ve done wrong?

“You haven’t…”

“You aren’t”

“When will you ever…”

“You can’t…”

“You won’t…”




Yup, I’ve said them all too but I’m learning to do better. It requires reframing the dialogue. “Well what CAN I do then?” That’s what their hearts want to know. Purpose to fill their hearts with what they CAN do. Let us connect in ways they can perceive and receive. Research Professor, Dr. Brene Brown says, “We are hardwired to connect with others, is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” Will you help minimize suffering by proactively connecting with the hearts of your children?


We connect with children by being adults who are vulnerable, humble and gentle.


We reach them through open communication, connectedness, inviting them, listening with the heart, knowing them and encouraging them.


Let’s pray!


Eternal one and lover of my soul, thank you for always extending yourself and seeking to connect with my heart. I pray that you will open the eyes of my heart so that I will be available to my children. Enable me to connect with their hearts through purposeful interactions. May I present myself gentle, humble and vulnerable so that they feel I am approachable. May I keep my eyes and ears open so that I can learn who they are and know them deeply. May my words be filled with grace. May I be intentional in maximizing upon opportunities to communicate with them. Knit me closer to my children now and evermore.


For the practical steps on how to reach them, order a copy of my new book PURPOSEFUL PARENTING, available now on Amazon.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth

Oh Inspired Life Family where have you been? I guess the more accurate question is where have I been. I’ve missed you tremendously. It has always been a delight to meet you here is this sacred space. I thank you for receiving the words of grace that God pours out from His heart, to mine, to yours.





The last 2 months have been filled with cuddles, snuggles & kisses. Throw in constant diaper changes and being milked like a cow, all the while entertaining my other children since school let out, it’s made for a non-stop flurry of activity. But even in all this, I’ve purposed to SLOW DOWN, to take my own words to heart and EMBRACE THE NOW MOMENT. So I’m savoring the sweetness that a newborn brings to the home and enjoying the raucous laughter that the older children bring. Then mix in some sweet sayings from an innocent 5 year old such as, “Mommy, you need that feet thing from off the TV to get all that white stuff off the back of your feet”, endless fun indeed. Even the 3 year old is giving me plenty to smile about with,


“Mommy when I’m a grown up and I have money I’m gonna buy you a lot of stuff.”

Me: “Like what?”

3 year old: “Candy.”

5 year old: “You know mommy doesn’t want candy. She only wants vegetables!”


Didn’t I tell you I’ve been entertained? The Lord had been impressing on my heart to laugh more and He has certainly been providing countless opportunities.   I don’t want you to miss out on any of the fun, so come visit me on INSTAGRAM.




A book & A Baby

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to write. From poems to short stories to news articles, writing has always been in my blood. I’ve got a degree in Journalism. I’ve known for a very long time that I would one day write books. I’ve drafted plans for several books. I’ve got chapters of several different books living on hard drives and flash drives. Last year I began writing 2 books that I thought would come to fruition this year but the pregnancy last year threw me for a loop.

Early 2016 God told me to put those on hold and to resurrect something I began working on nearly 8 years ago. God has called those dry bones forward and is putting flesh on them. I ask friends that you pray for me as I crucify my flesh so that HIS words can flow freely out of me and onto the page. I feel so ill equipped to write THIS book. But I’m comforted to know God specializes in using ill equipped people.

It is said that a dream without a deadline is a fantasy. With that said, my accountability partners challenged me to “PICK A DATE ALREADY!’ So I’ve got a date to have the manuscript complete. And I’m hiding behind fear so I don’t even want to post the date here. See, this is why y’all gotta pray for me. I’ve been slow to obey with this.  And we know that slow to obey = disobedience.  I would be remiss if I did not point out that OBEDIENCE is one of the three pillar THIS ministry is built upon so I’ve got to take my own mission to heart.




A Break

Visiting you weekly is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. I never set out to take a a mini blogging break. Each week I pray for you and each week, in my mind, I’ve met you here in this space. I was quite surprised one day when I looked up and realized I hadn’t blogged in over a month. But the break has given me time to focus on my 1st ministry, HOME. But I feel you are family too, so I’ve missed you a great deal. In the event we don’t meet here in this space, I’d love for us to remain connected. You can find on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Though my goal is to still meet you here weekly to share from Jesus, to my heart, to yours.


So friends, bask in the sun, embrace the now moment and live your days fully inspired.


Until next time, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Titus 2 Tuesday, Grace & Truth

With the wide world of grains we have access to, why have we by and large limited ourselves to rice? I invite you to join me as we experience the wonder world of grains. [bctt tweet=”Rice is so yesterday, try a new grain today.”]


Grains have been the central element, the star of the plate, for many cultures for innumerous years. From rice to quinoa, China to Peru, grains have nourished and sustained peoples all over the planet. If some of these are unfamiliar to you, I challenge you to try a new one this week. Many of these grains can be purchase at a health food store, food co-op, or even your commercial local grocery (though there may be a substantial markup in price). If you have access to a local food co-op, you’ll find these in the bulk bin section. If you’re nervous about trying something new, just purchase a small scoop and it will literally cost you about $2.00 or less. So let’s dive in to our wonderful world of grains.



At least 8,000 years ago, the Aztecs in Peru cultivated this tiny grain. Well, it’s actually not even a grain but a seed. It falls into the grain category because it is so nutritionally dense. It is a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids, giving it a higher protein content than most other grains, It’s a key source of vitamins and minerals and especially high in iron. Its even gluten free! You can enjoy it sweet or savory. Kick start your day by trying my breakfast preparation.


Apples and Amaranth



Here we find another seed commonly referred to as a grain. Studies conducted in population that consume a good deal of buckwheat have LOWER incidences of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Buckwheat is a powerful antioxidant; it’s high in magnesium, manganese and copper in addition to being gluten free. I usually eat mine raw as in my recipe here.


Raw Granola



This is a whole grain true to its name. We read time and again to eat WHOLE grains; well this one here is 100% whole wheat. A great source of soluble fiber, manganese and Vitamin B-6, this grain is a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine. Tabbouleh anyone?




I love the chewy nuttiness of this grain. While it’s recently been making it way to chic menus lately, this grain has been eaten around the globe for thousands of years. High in iron and fiber, it makes a great replacement for rice. It can be used in dishes from soups to chilled salad. Here’s my favorite way to enjoy farro.


Farro Salad



If you’ve ever seen “bird seed” you’ve seen millet but this is not just for the birds. While it’s really a seed, again this one falls into the grain category. Used for thousands of years, its even cited in the bible as an ingredient in bread. Good for your heart and insulin levels, try my modern take on a vegetarian classic.


Lentil Loaf



 In the last few years, quinoa has almost become a familiar household item. In my home it makes frequent appearances. From salad to soup, I cook up a big batch, then portion out and freeze for later use. Prepared sweet for breakfast or savory as a dinner side, we love it all the same. High in protein, iron, vitamins and minerals this one really lives up to its SUPERFOOD name.



Cornmeal Crusted Tempeh, Sesame Snow Peas & Quinoa w/ orange sauce


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!






Some days this is exactly how I feel.


In many areas of my life I feel strong and capable. In some areas I feel I can leap tall building in a single bound.


Marriage? CHECK

Health? CHECK

Ministry? CHECK

Friendship? CHECK


Parenting? WELL…..


That’s where it gets a little muddy. Some days I feel weak and inadequate as a parent. I read my bible. I’ve read some really great Christian parenting resources and even attending a few training sessions. In fact, I myself have written and taught an eight-week class on raising Godly children. Yet, in spite of that, I feel this is one area that keeps me clinging fiercely to the cross.


As I wrestle with the Lord on this, I wonder, why do I feel unqualified in this area? The answer to that becomes apparent. When I was a child, I had no consistent parenting. In my very early childhood years, my mother was present, loving and nurturing. Around age seven, she adopted some behaviors, which directly affected her ability to care for me. My parents, who had never been married split several years earlier and my father went on a quest to find himself so he wasn’t around. I was often in the care of my grandmother or cousins who cared for me but didn’t “mother” me. In my teens I did eventually move in with my father, but there was a gaping whole in my heart for MOMMY.


If I was not mothered, how can I effectively mother?


When the enemy of your soul sees a crack in your finish, he attempts to seep his poison in that space. Just last week he tried to play on my weakness. While I feel that one of my greatest areas of weakness is parenting, I KNOW that I KNOW that the Lord has and continues to divinely teach me to parent. There is no question about that. But here he comes spewing his venom. As I’m working on writing a parenting book, birthed out of that eight-week class I taught, this voice says, “Who are you to speak on this? You don’t know what you are doing. You mess up all the time”.


When people see me with my little flock and they say things like “Motherhood is your ministry” my flesh prickles like porcupine quills rising because the voice comes again saying, “Yeah but they didn’t see you roll eyes at your kid last night”. But again, I know the truth. I KNOW that the Lord has supernaturally taught me to love, nurture and lead this little flock.


[bctt tweet=”TRUTH will always trump lies. And the truth says, where I am weak, I am strong.”]


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


Not only am I made strong when I am weak, but God wants to use me, and He wants to use YOU right in your place of weakness.


Just like He used Moses. Doubting Moses. Unqualified Moses. Fearful Moses.


Moses who was fearful and ran from his staff when it turned into a snake; God told him to PICK UP that very thing and use it as a sign. That very same thing that Moses ran from was the same instrument that would hit a rock to bring water to nourish the people and would part the waters so they could cross on dry land.


[bctt tweet=”The very area you want to run in fear, is the very thing God will use to bring a miracle.”] And not just for you but for those whom you’ve been called to lead. God wants to use your weakness. He wants to use what you’ve got right in your hand.


And along the journey, He will not leave nor forsake you. He’ll be walking with you, talking with you and teaching you along the way. I can vividly recall having a hard mommy day about 8 years ago. I felt the children weren’t listening and that they weren’t doing the things I’d been instructing them to do. The Holy Spirit stepped in and told me, “Go to your room and open your bible.” I obeyed. He said, “Turn to Isaiah 54:13.” I had NEVER read that verse before so I was curious as to where He was leading me. There have been very few instances in my entire Christian walk where He has lead me to a single, exact verse but here was one of those times and this is what it said,


All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13


What a word of confirmation!


God used Moses’ weakness. God used Gideon’s weakness. And God wants to use mine too.


So I’m learning to be more compassionate with myself. I’m learning that my weaknesses aren’t flaws I need to magnify but are opportunities for God’s grace to be magnified. I’m learning not to condemn myself when I do make a mistake in parenting. The Holy Spirit is circumcising my heart and uncovering the root of the disease. I’ve tuned into the voice of my negative self-chatter and found its not even my voice but the voice of an imposter. It’s the voice of an overly critical, brutish aunt whose charge I was once under. Under God’s skillful loving hand, I’m learning to grant myself some grace, extend myself some love and nurture the me who is weak and vulnerable.


Being weak and making mistakes is part of the human experience. I give myself permission to experience the full range of emotions and partake of the depth and breadth of my personal experiences, knowing that perfect is an illusion.   And parenting is by far not a perfect process. I’m learning to see the beauty in the mess-ups when I take my eye off what I perceive to be my errors and put my eyes on Jesus. He is the best parent ever and loves me unconditionally. And though I have my parental weaknesses, in this He has an opportunity to rise up and show Himself mighty and strong.


Yup, in the parenting arena I may be weak but I’m learning that that’s okay. I’m learning that God wants to use my weakness. I’m learning that my weakness is the vehicle that makes me strong.


In what area to do you feel unqualified, weak, or inadequate?


I count you COURAGEOUS for even stepping up to the plate and being willing to take your turn at bat. You may not always hit a homerun, but you put on your uniform, took the long walk to plate, lifted your bat, and let it fly. Your arms may be weak, but in that very instance, HIS power is made perfect in your weakness.


I salute all the weak, inadequate, unqualified souls out there today. Let me leave you with this final thought….


The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~Theodore Roosevelt


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News:

Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith, Titus 2sdays, Grace & Truth


Photo Credit


Oh and one last thing, Pastor Steven Furtick has a new book out called Unqualified. In it, he highlights how God uses broken, inadequate people to do great things. Check it our by clicking on the title.

I love my Dad for many reasons. He is wise beyond his years, insightful, resourceful and smart. He’s deeply spiritual, good humored and youthful. One of the things I appreciate most about him is exposing me to many things at a young age. As a pre-teen I was reading the autobiographies of Angela Davis and Malcolm X, in my teens The Isis Paper and Aristotle. From my youth, he took me many places he went: adult business meetings, concerts, to the harbor to skip rocks. These were especially treasured moments because in my early youth, we didn’t live together so I eagerly anticipated him coming to pick me up and take me away for an exciting adventure beyond my housing project.

But some of my most vivid memories are of us dining at Indian Restaurants.

To this date, Indian food remains my favorite. Out of my love for Indian food, I’ve read COUNTLESS Indian cookbooks and even declare I have an Indian Aunty that taught me to cook breads (though we’ve never met. I highly recommend you visit my Aunty Manjula by CLICKING HERE).

This is the first Indian dish I taught myself to make. It is the second meal (after spaghetti) that I taught my daughter to make when she was nine years old.

Aloo means potato and matar peas. [bctt tweet=”This is a kid fav because it is creamy, mild and a little sweet. Aloo Matar”]

Based on regional differences, some make the gravy by blending the tomatoes; some add different creams such as yogurt, ground cashews or coconut milk. So here’s my take on Aloo Matar. This dish also won me a special place in my husband’s heart. It was one of the first meals I cooked for him and to date is his second favorite meal of all time. At the time he was a serious meat eater but with this good home cooking, he soon became a vegetarian.

Aloo Matar

16 oz green peas

12 oz potatoes bar boiled & diced (about 3 medium potatoes)

8 oz tomatoes diced

1 large onion diced

2 cloves garlic minced

1 tbsp grated ginger

8 oz coconut milk

½ cup water

3 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp cumin

1 tsp turmeric

2 tsp coriander

½ tsp chili powder

Salt & pepper to taste

Aloo Matar 4

Heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger cook additional 2 minutes. Add spices and cook 1 minute. Add tomato and cook 2 minutes. Add potatoes, coconut milk and water. Cook about 5 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Lastly add green peas. Cook just a few minutes more. You want peas bright green and just tender so be careful not to overcook. The heat from the pot is really enough to cook the peas. Serve with basmati rice or naan or paratha.

*let me add I’m usually a little heavy handed with my spices so I use more. Start with these measurements then adjust to your liking adding more if you desire. Not too much tumeric though.

Aloo Matar 5


Aloo Matar 2

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect and share with friends at Plant-Based Potluck

As a foodie, I’m always on the hunt for new, exciting dishes to prepare. After cooking day in day out, 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year, the recipe roundup can get banal. To keep that from happening I challenge myself to make at least 2 new recipes per month. Even if it’s a familiar staple like carrots, I love learning new ways to prepare them. In my house we typically go a month without eating the same thing twice for dinner. That just works for me as to not get bored or discouraged with my commitment to eating clean. By no means am I suggesting you eat something different every night of the week, I’m simply stating keep it fun and tasty.


Some of the new recipe ideas go over well and are incorporated in our rotation. Others are scrapped not to be tried again; and those are usually not because of taste but because they are just too FUSSY or time consuming to prepare.


As a busy mom of 5, I like making dishes that tantalize the taste buds yet are accessible and give a good return on investment for the time and cost to prepare.


With that said, at the end of last year I began cooking through two new exciting Vegan cookbooks. While I do not ascribe to a particular dietary title (you can read more on that HERE), we do eat 85% plant-based foods in my home.


You ever pick up a cookbook whose cover is oh so inviting? Then you flip the glossy pages and the dishes cause you salivate? You proceed to bring the book home with lofty ideas of cooking ALL the dishes only to find that they are too fussy, too complicated, or require eccentric out of reach ingredients?


Well my friend that is NOT the case AT ALL with these two books.


If you’ve committed to starting your New Year focusing on your health, these plant-based recipes will not disappoint. They will delight your taste buds while nourishing and honoring your temple.


Here’s some of the fun I had cooking my way through Nom Yourself by Mary Mattern & Happy Healthy Vegan Kitchen by Kathy Patalsky


Nom Yourself


Nom Yourself


I started following Mary on Instagram a few months ago because her pictures were so inviting. With every picture I thought, “I would eat that”. So I had to go pick up the book and give the recipes a try. The #1 new dish in my home for 2015 came from this book, Sesame Tofu Tacos.


Sesame Tofu Tacos

Sesame Tofu Tacos

Her Jambalaya, Tortilla Soup and Buffalo Cauliflower Mmm, mmm, good.


Happy Healthy Vegan Kitchen


Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen


1st of all, the burger on the cover just draws you in. My 11 year old exclaimed, “Mommy we HAVE to make that!”


I’ve been following Kathy for a few years now via her blog. Check it out HERE. Tons of great recipes. So as soon as the cookbook came out I knew I had to get my hands on it. I feel like Kathy is my cooking twin. The flavor profiles she conjures together are so similar to mine. I think our shared love for warm/cold salads is what virtually bonded me to her forever. I’m so proud of the work she’s doing in sharing her love of eating clean while keep in delectable and exciting.


From Spicy Peanut Soba Noodles (yay I keep most of these ingredients on hand daily) to Kale Salad to Gingerbread Bundt Cake this book is chock full of yum to help you maintain your clean eating goals in an exciting, tantalizing way. Oh and what I most wanted to make, the Peanut, Tofu, Kale Black Rice Bowl.  How I’d been waiting for a reason to cook this black rice that was just sitting in my pantry. No boring tasteless steamed broccoli here.


[bctt tweet=”So what are your plans to ensure you’re eating clean in 2016?”] Do tell. I’d love to hear it.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!