
Being Strong In Spirit

Sunday at church I joined the congregation in high praise singing:


Be glorified in the Heavens

Be glorified in the earth

Be glorified in this temple


Jesus, Jesus, be thou glorified

Jesus, Jesus, be thou glorified


Worship the Lord in the earth

Worship the Lord in this temple


Jesus, Jesus, be thou glorified

Jesus, Jesus, be thou glorified


And as I sung, “Be glorified in this temple”, I knew the Lord was talking about my physical temple, my body as opposed to the physical church building.


My temple, this body of mine…presented as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God.


The spirit of the living God takes up residence in this temple and whatsoever I do to my physical body, because my spirit, body and soul are one, impacts another part. To neglect my body, is to neglect my spirit, is to neglect my mind because after all they are one…three yet one.


The veil was torn. Jesus gave himself up. He was faithful to send the Advocate who now resides in you. You are the sanctuary that houses the spirit of God living in you.


Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19


After service, as I looked out at the sea of the congregants, I thought to myself “Are we as a body glorifying Him in our temples?”


And my answer to myself was no. It was and is so grievous to me that the body of Christ isn’t radiating as the salt and light of the earth when it comes to our health. I am nearly in tears as I type this. God has given me a tremendous burden to encourage his people to OBEY Him. I was speaking with Dr. Celeste Owens, Author, Certified Natural Health Professional and friend about the mandate God has given me to call his people to obey. I want to shout from the rooftop “OBEY YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!” And my friend, the good Dr. Celeste said to me, “Tyra in what area are we (the body of Christ) most disobedient? In our health and no one is really confronting it head on.”


Oh saints, we’ve got to do better. Oh how I weep for the body of Christ right now. I trust that the Lord has been whispering, nudging, prodding you to honor your temple. I implore you to harden not your heart and obey his voice.


Hear, Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your ancestors, promised you. Deuteronomy 6:3


Those who love him, obey him. For those who have begun making incremental changes, I rejoice with you for each victory and I cheer you on as making the decision to choose well when it comes to consuming whole, nourishing foods is not easy. But by the power of the spirit that resides and works in you, you are more than a conqueror so stay the course.


So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then.  But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:14-16


We will purpose to eat well. We will eat in moderation. We will enjoy tasty, nourishing foods yet we will be mindful that the Bread of Life is our unfailing source of nourishment.


Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Proverbs 23:20-21


Even if you feel like you “eat right” the mental hold that food has over us can be great. Our fixation to have certain foods at certain times can also be a stronghold. I love, love, love Lindt’s Lindor Truffles, small round decadent individually wrapped balls of chocolate. I’d only eat one a night. Because I exercised moderation in eating just one I thought I was doing good until this one night. I was preparing to go to bed and I needed, just had to have that one Lindor ball. So as I proceeded to make that long walk downstairs to my kitchen, the Lord whispered, “You don’t need that.” To which I replied, ”Um, but I really want it.” He whispered, “Not tonight.” To which I replied, “It’s just one.” To which he responded, “Do you want the candy more than you want me? Find comfort and solace in me.”


OUCH! That one nightly piece of candy had become a source of comfort, joy and peace that I treasured and my attachment to it became unhealthy. Not too damaging to my body but interfering with my spirit. Needless to say, I haven’t had my beloved Lindor Truffles in over a year.


Our physical appetites warrant as much self-control as our appetites for lust, anger, and greed. We hear preaching from the pulpit on those topics but very little about our relationship with food.


Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41


And food is so deeply rooted in church culture. Even the word fellowship has been watered down and has become synonymous with food. Sunday afternoons across America can find congregants gathering over hams, fried chicken, meat slathered in gravy, biscuits and baked goods galore.


Let us embracing being strong in spirit by being strong in body through consuming foods that honor the temple. For assistance in choosing well, check out these posts:


In order for us to have optimal wellness, our minds, bodies and spirits must be nurtured and tended; any one area left unkempt tips the scales. Can we truly embrace being strong in spirit yet neglect the body? I venture to say no. So what are we to do?


Consume foods that add to not detract from our health


Eat appropriate portions


Obey the Spirit’s guidance as to what an optimal diet is for you. As my friend Dr. Celeste says, God has a tailor made diet for each individual.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Honored to be connecting today with my friends at Missional Women

12 replies
  1. ~ linda
    ~ linda says:

    OUCH! and Praising Him for your words! Thank you for listening to this calling that He has given you. You have touched a delicate point for me and one I, too, have heard that “still, small voice” directing me regarding food. I am so grateful that you are a neighbor at 5 Minutes for Faith. I needed this and am wanting to take care of this 67 year old body…once again. I have and I do and then I eat things that are not so good, like you chocolate balls. I know and want to be obedient.
    Praising Him.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thanks for stopping by friend. When the ‘ouch’ propels us to obey then it’s worth it. I think of how much the Lord loves me because Ge doesn’t let me linger long where I am but gives me a case of the ‘ouchies’ in the gentleness way. Then I can’t pretend I didn’t feel the nudge but am compelled to obey. Praying your obedience as you honor God by honoring your temple.

  2. Anne Dahlhauser | Front Porch Inspired
    Anne Dahlhauser | Front Porch Inspired says:

    This is so true, Tyra. I feel like I could sit with you for hours and talk about health journeys. What I have found, as you wrote about here, is that my spiritual health is undeniably connected to my physical health. As a missionary, I went through much too long of a season of not working out and eating whatever was quick and easy and running on too little sleep – because, honestly, it seemed to self-centered to focus just on me. I have suffered as a result, physically and emotionally, and I am learning under the Spirit’s leading to care for myself as an act of worship to my Creator. This has been an awesome lesson to be learning.
    Food is an incredible blessing, a gift to be enjoyed, one that facilitates fellowship and that Jesus’ ministry centered around as well. Food in and of itself isn’t the enemy of course – but our hearts are idol-makers and we can quickly make one out of food. Anyway, thank you so much for this. Great post, and a great encouragement.
    Thanks for linking up at Front Porch Inspired’s #FPConversations. I hope you can stop by tomorrow!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thank you for this well articulated truth. The Holy Spirit has truly given me divine revelation as it relates to the connectivity of the mind, body and spirit. It was something I knew in my head, but in my little everyday decisions He’s shown me how to move it from head knowledge to disciplined heart action. And over the last 12 years the Holy Spirit has been almost my sole teacher for health and wellness. When I want to focus on other areas in my personal life and ministry, He continues to pull me back to honoring Him in my temple. And honestly I don’t always want to talk about it because then I feel even more responsible for always walking the walk. Nonetheless, I will proclaim the truth he downloads into my spirit and I’ll be a conduit to send it forward. Thank you for inviting us to your front porch and I’ll be there tomorrow.

  3. Susan Mead
    Susan Mead says:

    Tyra, temple. Get your house in order. Obey.
    Now thats a WORD. WOW!
    My sister eats a plant based diet. Have not made it to a complete plant based diet, yet great up with a 1/4 acre garden that Dad planted and we tended as a kid. LOVE FRESH!
    Please join the dance each week! Susan

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Happy to dance with you ladies as we honor Him in our temples. Even if one doesn’t eat exclusively plant-based we should make choices daily that support our physical, mental and emotional well being. Here’s to our TOTAL wellness!

  4. Carmen Horne
    Carmen Horne says:

    Tyra, I needed this today! I will flag this for a favorite and read it again several times. My body needs attention. You have eloquently reminded me of that. Thanks so much. ~visiting from #DanceWithJesus linkup. Blessings to you!

  5. Celeste Owens
    Celeste Owens says:

    Whew, love this! I will definitely need to read this again…it’s so rich with truth!!! I am praying everyone’s strength as we strive to do all that God has called us to do for our health and other areas of our lives.


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  1. […] desserts is the Lindt Lindor Truffle.   You can read more about my love affair with those here. They are luscious, creamy dreamy little bites of heaven. At the start of 2015 I went on a 10-day […]

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