
Will You Allow Yourself To Be Led?

All morning the song played in my head, “You’re a good good Father. That’s who you are. And I am loved by you.”

Those words were a balm for my weary soul. Though it doesn’t often consume me, the void I felt in my heart this Mother’s Day was palpable. My mother died when I was just 18 years old. And even before that, her presence in my life was irregular.  So as I sat, heart hurting, wondering how on earth I could even mother my little flock of six, when I had not been mothered myself, God bought me a reminder……READ MORE


Today, I’m hanging out again with my friend Katie M. Reid. Katie is a sweet friend, doting sister, loving mama and she’s got a heart for Jesus. Come JOIN US

4 replies
    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Following His lead is a win-win! He is sure to lead you in paths of righteousness for His namesake. He is sure to be with you on the journey. And you are sure to reach your destination. Be encouraged friend. Thanks for stopping by and do come again.


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