YOU my friend have tremendous power! With a listening ear, a heart that cares and hands that serve, you can change our world.


And it is as simple as loving a child. If you have your own children, are a teacher, auntie, grandpa, mentor or friend, you are making an investment towards making our world a better place by pouring into the lives of children.  And my book, Purposeful Parenting, provides practical tips on how we can be adults who know the way, go the way and then show the way. In this book, children are the stars. I point to their significance, their value, and their potential all in an effort to love them wholly and completely. By proactively connecting with children and disseminating love in ways they can perceive and receive, you help build children who love themselves, God and others.


I am so excited to put this life changing resource in your hands NOW CLICK HERE to get eBook or paperback!  We can make our world a better place.  And I’m starting here, parenting with purpose, on purpose.  And I hope you’ll join me in the journey of Purposeful Parenting!


Here are a few of my most popular BLOG POSTS on Parenting


The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done


Caught Red-Handed


How Do You Reach a Child’s Heart


Do We Ever Really Know What We’re Doing?


A War Room Prayer for Our Daughters


A Fervent Prayer for Our Sons