
United For The Journey

My Sweet Friends,


You ever have God call you to do the hard thing?


You ever have God challenge you to do the needful thing?


Well last year He did just that to me.


You see, I’ve always been a writer. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew one day I’d write books. I’ve got a purple notebook on my bookshelf that I’ve had for over 20 years with book ideas in it. And last year I was in the process of writing my first book on Honoring The Temple.


But God!


He has a way of stepping right into your situation. He told me to put that book down. He told me to resurrect the dry bones. Those were His exact words. In that, He was telling me to dust off writing I had done year’s prior when I wrote and facilitated an 8-week course called Raising Godly Children. He said He would put meat on the bones of that work and that that would become my first book.


Well I wasn’t really interested in that. It was much more fun for me to write about honoring the temple. It was easy to talk about what God says about proper nourishment, rest and exercise. It was exciting to delve into the scriptures and make parallels between the spiritual temple and the physical temple.


But to dive into a discussion on parenting?! Well….not as much fun for me. While I love being a parent, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It’s not so glamorous. It’s not always easy. It’s the thing that keeps me clinging FIERCELY to the cross. Hence, it is the needful thing. But at times I can be a little more Martha than Mary. But in this instance, He was urging me to choose the better part.


And for that reason, God said that’s the very thing I need you to write about. That thing that makes you cry. That thing that has you calling out to Me. That thing that you have to believe Me for and trust Me for. Yes that thing that you can only do by My power and only with My grace. Yes, you will address THAT THING said the Lord.


Well nearly having a tantrum, I agreed to do that thing. When I went to resurrect that old material, I couldn’t find most of it. That nearly sent me into a tailspin as I panicked that all was lost. And again the Lord eased my worries. He said, “It’s okay. I’ve given you a new perspective and new grace for parenting so some of that old material isn’t applicable anymore. I will give you fresh words for the book”. And that He did.


57,000 words later, Purposeful Parenting was completed.


It was an arduous journey to complete this project. But through the journey God did an amazing work in my own heart. He softened my heart. He showed me His unfailing love toward me. And now I want you invite you to embark on the journey with me.


My book, Purposeful Parenting: Allowing God to Change Your Heart so He Can Reach Theirs will officially be released on May 30th. And I would love for you to experience the life changing transformation that I have experienced in receiving the Father’s love then being able to pass that on to the children in your lives. You will have the opportunity to read the book before it is released and you will be the first to sound the clarion call of Purposeful Parenting.


This group of people, the book launch team, will lead the way in loving children of any age wholly and completely. It starts with us. It starts with adults who know the way, go the way, and then show the way. In this group we will learn:

~How our own beliefs impact our ability to parent

~God’s plan and purpose for our children

~How to accept children for who they are

~How to connect with our children

~An extra bonus of how I was able to complete a book as a busy mama of 6


And much more!


If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, you can sign up by CLICKING HERE. I’d love to have you partner with me as we directly impact our world for the good by pouring love into the hearts of children. And along the way, we will share laughter and maybe even shed a tear or too but that’s okay because we’ll do it in the safety of community. I thank you in advance for joining me in our quest to parent with purpose on purpose.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been inspired to be a Purposeful Parent!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth

4 replies
  1. Candace Playforth
    Candace Playforth says:

    This is SO exciting, my friend!! I would love to do this with you but my writing/reading time is very scarce these days. My daughter is also coming home for the summer and I’m beside myself with excitement. I’ll be basically obsessed with her over those 3 months as I’ve only seen her for one week all year. I know the right people will join your team for this exciting venture. Praying for you and each of them, Tyra. What an important and much needed topic He has brought you to serve with!

  2. Marva | SunSparkleShine
    Marva | SunSparkleShine says:

    I’m on #teammillionthingsgoingon with you and Adrienne, Tyra 🙂 but I’m beyond excited for you and your journey. I too have been called to do a hard thing recently and it is way more than I think I’m capable of — but God!
    I pray that your book will be put in just the right hands who need God’s message at the right time.
    And thanks for commenting on my guest post about Unexpected Dreams on Flourishing Today. Clearly, you know a thing or two about the topic. Lol.
    Blessings to you!

  3. Adrienne Terrebonne
    Adrienne Terrebonne says:

    Don’t you love how the Lord calls us to things we don’t even think are possible? Thank you for sharing. While I can’t be a part of your Launch team (I would actually love to but we have a million things going on right now and I wouldn’t be able to do it justice), I would love to get a copy of your book when it’s available! Visiting from #RaRaLinkup

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Indeed he’s calling us to do a great deal beyond what we think is capable. Thank you for your support and can I ask you to pray for me, my family and for the hearts the Lord intends to receive the book? This uncharted terrain seems scary but I’m all in. Blessings to you friend. #teammillionthingsgoingon ?


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