The Power of the Pen

“I don’t have any talent”.


I vividly recall saying that to my father when I was about 13. I was a decent dancer but not good enough to compete. I was on the softball team but spent little time on the field. I didn’t play an instrument. I couldn’t sing. Yup, talent-less.


But….the notebooks, the journals, the legal pads filled with writing.


Poetry. Short stories. Endless journal entries. Later news stories , articles, essays.


One spoken word piece I wrote 20+ years ago starts, “The pen and pad is all I ever had…”


I always thought that writing was just my way of escape; a coping mechanism I developed in early childhood to disconnect from what was happening in my environment. But with my father’s insight, I came to see that my writing was not only an escape but a vehicle by which I could bless others. My Dad said writing was MY talent.


The power of the written record.


The power of the pen enables you to go back, reflect and see the progress you’ve made. Two nights ago I stumbled upon a large binder with notes from when I was a new Christian. I was completely in awe of how God had taken all that Word, pages and pages of material from classes, workshops and bible study and stored it in my heart. I sat in amazement as I reflected on how those words are now my LIFE. Those words have been inextricably written on my heart.


From written records we learn about people, their cultures, and their habits. We learn about our planet, its variations and its inhabitants from maps, a form of written record. And we learn about the Most High God from the best-selling written record ever, The Holy Bible. The written record has POWER.


For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4


Today we have access to a wealth of information. The Library of Congress has more than 162 million items in more than 470 languages in its collection. And while that is a large breath of information, it is not all applicable to us individually. God has divinely wired us to receive information in ways that are specific and relative to us. There is a saying, “There is nothing new under the sun”. And be that as it may, God has attuned our eyes and ears to see and hear message in ways that we can receive and perceive. [bctt tweet=”God has a group of people whose eyes and ears are attuned to hear from Him, through YOU.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Yes, God has a people who are waiting specifically to hear from YOU. You and I may have something similar to say but your background, age, race, and life experience will color the message differently than mine. So don’t you ever doubt, not for one minute the value of your message. Don’t you ever question if the marketplace is saturated. Don’t second guess if you’re supposed to step into the already flooded arena. If God has called you to it, no matter how many others are doing it, there is only one with YOUR voice and that’s you. So take your wealth of knowledge, understanding and wisdom and write it down!


Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this. Revelation 1:19


God is looking for writers.


Who will chronicle the great and mighty acts He performs?


Who will leave a written record of hope for future generations?


Who will inspire those currently in despair?


I know you can do it. In a matter of months, I wrote 57,000 words and that finished product will be in your hands in late Spring 2017. In fact, I actually have a ridiculous goal of publishing 3 books this year. Yes 3 books in 2017. God is pouring His oil out on writers. He will give us supernatural grace to record His testimony. He simply needs our obedience.   As a busy mom of 6, I too wondered how I’d find time to write a book. From shuttle kids to and fro all day, ministry commitments, along with a nursing baby attached to me constantly, I wondering how I could get it done. He simply told me, “Just follow My lead”. I obeyed and watched him perform the miracle of writing the first of many books. And He can do it for you too.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Write on my friends, WRITE ON. The Holy Spirit flows healing out of your pen.


Have you heard the call to write? If yes, are you obeying? In the comments below tell me what you’re working on so I can pray with you and hold you accountable.


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth, Chasing Community


20 replies
    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thank You friend for the support. The book is coming in less than 2 months and its on parenting. The Lord has a peculiar way of taking our greatest trials and turning them into our strongest testimonies.

  1. Gayl
    Gayl says:

    Tyra, thanks so much for this encouraging word. It’s true that even though we may have some of the same things to say we will say it differently simply because we are unique individuals. God can use our words in ways we couldn’t understand. All He asks is for us to trust Him and write from our hearts the message He gives us.

    Blessings to you! I found you at #Grace&Truth.

  2. Brenda
    Brenda says:

    Oh Tyra, how lovely is this? Yes, I do believe God has called you to write. 🙂 Sweet words of encouragement flow through your keypad. 🙂 “God is looking for writers.” What a fun thought. 🙂 Love it. So true that we’re all wired to receive differently from God and then to give it away to those He’s called us to serve. — Congrats on your upcoming book release! Yay God. — And, 3 books in 2017! I’m sure your words will bless. Prayers for that. — Thanks so much for sharing with #ChasingCommunity today! Great to connect with you. ((hug))

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      And I’m extra grateful for the gift of being in a community of writers who love, support and encourage one another. While it can be therapeutic to write, I’m sure you can attest to the nakedness you feel when baring your soul. So I’m grateful for other writers whose words are a salve for my soul and who are brace enough to share real testimonies, that cause others to overcome! TY for your obedience to gather & nurture community.

  3. Ugochi
    Ugochi says:

    Thanks for this stirring Tyra. I am going to write on and share hope with my generation and beyond. Congratulations on your upcoming book, God’s speed!
    Have a super blessed day!

  4. Denise Crosby
    Denise Crosby says:

    This is so encouraging. “I don’t have any talent” Yes, I have spoken these words. As I look back over my journals and numerous binders and little sticky notes everywhere, I realize God has put a word on my heart… May I use every word for His glory.

  5. Sue Moore Donaldson
    Sue Moore Donaldson says:

    Six kids? Wow – that IS your book! So great that you’re also writing books. I read some good words today by Philip Yancy – that our lives as believers are to be provers-of God. Bless you are you prove God to your world and family by words and ways, all from Him.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Your words are like honey, sweet to my soul. Indeed I desire to live a life that is a testament to God’s love, faithfulness and goodness. And He is giving me ample opportunity to live out loud before the world. Surely this flock of 6 garners plenty of attention wherever we go. PROVERS….gonna chew on that for a while. Thanks for stopping by and hope to connect hearts again.

  6. Kristi Woods
    Kristi Woods says:

    Tyra, I’m so glad we’re neighbors at #chasingcommunity today. You’re a blessing! And yes, what a gift He has given you. Congratulations on the first book. Praise God. I’m in the midst of a manuscript that will be completed this summer. I’d love your prayers and accountability. (Also, I’m a small group leader for a few writers. I’ll be sharing your piece with them because it swells with encouragement for those who might face fear in their writing journey. God bless you.)

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      YES FRIEND! Kudos for your steadfast commitment to complete the manuscript. Hey, you may even exceed your expectations and be done before summer (my spirit did a leap there). TY for sharing with your group. Anything we can do to help people press into their purpose, I’m all for it. Keep me posted on how you’re progressing and how the group is coming along. I’m right here with the Pom Poms cheering you along because there are people waiting at the end of the finish line who need to read your grace words.

  7. Lesley
    Lesley says:

    I love this encouragement in the power of the written word. It is so important in leaving a record for us to look back on and for future generations. I began writing about 18 months ago. I had written a lot in journals but never shared my writing before I began my blog. Now it is an important part of my life- I’m sure there is more God wants me to do with it in the future though I’m not sure what, but getting into writing has been such a positive thing.

  8. Christine Duncan
    Christine Duncan says:

    Who will leave a written record of hope for future generations? Who will inspire those currently in despair?…. love this call to bring words of life from the Life and the Word to any who will listen and need them!!! Amen!

  9. K.Winn
    K.Winn says:

    Hello, I am still working on my first book. Please pray that God will clearly show me the direction He would have me to go in this season. In a season where I feel there is no time, I pray that I will be bedient to the voice of God and allow Him to lead me every step of the way. Thank you!


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