
2017 Ain’t Over Yet!

Let me tell you, my 2017 was HARD! But you know what? It’s okay. I’m not running from it. A young lady in the store said to me, “I can’t wait for the year to be over!” Is that your sentiment too? Y’all, 2017 ain’t over yet. If your year was hard, I want you to rejoice and celebrate because you are here. You are an overcomer. You still stand. So while we are still in 2017, give God a shout of PRAISE that you made it!


Have you seen them? My social media feeds have been FULL of them; all the promises that 2018 claims to hold.


It’s Your Year


Strong, Healthier, Wiser


The Year You Finally Go For It


The Year You Say Yes To More Happiness, Friends, and Love


Your Year To Sparkle


[bctt tweet=”Cute memes filled with sparkle, shine and happy don’t always translate into days filled with peace, progress, productivity and joy.” username=”inspiredfully”] And while the start of a new year may be a welcomed invitation for a do over, it can also induce fear, anxiety and failure. So let me tell you right now, I am praying for you. I pray you aren’t feeling pressured with the end of 2017 chomping at the bit. Yes, the close of the year is fast approaching. In fact, including today there are just 4 days left in this year. If the thought of that makes your pulse quicken, PAUSE. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Remember that the Lord created the world and every thing in it in a mere six days. So here’s the plan for FINISHING 2017 In 3 Easy Steps.


Step 1: No Condemnation


Conviction is from God. Condemnation is from the devil. The enemy of your soul wants you to accept his lies as truth. He wants to sow seeds of doubt, discouragement and dissolution. But God wants HIS truth to liberate you. And the TRUTH says, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2).


Step 2: Focused Reflection


Grab a pen and spend a few quiet moments of focused reflection. One of the hallmarks of successful people is to review their year. So let’s close out 2017 by gaining insight through purposeful reflection. Then use that wisdom as a springboard for launching into 2018. Did you have ONE WORD for 2017? Reflect on how that word manifested this year. Then answer the following questions:


What great accomplishment did God perform through me this year?


What new thing did I learn this year?


What one thing would I have done differently?


What was my biggest challenge?


What caught me by surprise this year?


What was my biggest lesson learned?


In what ways did I grow emotionally and spiritually?


How am I different this year than last year?


For what am I most grateful for this year?


What was one key relationship from this year?


What is one thing from this year that I need to let go of?



So what if you find this year did not go as planned? Well, you’ve had an opportunity then for scripture to come alive in your life. The Word says a man’s heart plans his way but it is the Lord that directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9). Remember, no condemnation. Celebrate the successes you did have. You made it this far and that is evidence enough that a miracle has taken place. You are a walking, talking miracle.


Step 3: Prayer


How sweet it is to commune with God in prayer. As you pour your heart out to God, He will pour into you. As you reflect on 2017, thank Him. Thank Him that you lived to see another year. Thank Him specifically for the myriad of ways he provided for you in 2017. Thank Him for protecting you in 2017. Thank Him for prospering you. Thank Him for being your healer, redeemer and way maker all year long. Ask Him for insight, revelation, and direction. Ask Him for the discipline, courage and fortitude to carry out what He whispers to your heart.


Set your heart on making these last few days of the year count BIG. And you know what? I know that you can do it. You will not look at these last four days and be overwhelmed. You will not use these last four days to condemn yourself for whatever happened the other 361 days of 2017. Through focused reflection and prayer you will be firmly established to conclude this year in a way that honors God and honors yourself. You WILL have a strong finish to your 2017. It ain’t over yet!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Salt & Light, Grace & Truth, Faith N Friends


(First appeared on Inspired Life December 28, 2016 but revised and updated)

14 replies
  1. Lisa notes
    Lisa notes says:

    Such thought-provoking questions. I do love this time of year when everyone is looking forward to a fresh start. I worked through some resolutions this morning for 2018 and am excited about the new year!

  2. Candace Playforth
    Candace Playforth says:

    So many important words of wisdom here, my sweet friend. This has been a rough year for me as well. I’ll definitely be going through your 3 steps here. What a perfect way to end 2017 on a positive note! Thank you for this much needed attitude adjustment, Tyra.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      My sweet Candace. Though both of our years have seen their fair share of challenges, I believe if we look through the eyes of faith, we will see that God’s providential Hand was on us throughout the year. He is faithful! Many lessons learned, character shaped and intimacy with the Father birthed out of that rough season right? 🙂 So let’s reflect, give thanks, and walk into 2018 rejoicing!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      If you get a chance come back and tell us any ah-ha’s you got when completing the questions. I always have a good time reflecting. It help me align my perspective of my year with God’s perspective.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Yes friend you said it, INTENTION. I see so many people rushing to grasp what doesn’t exist yet (2018) I think it wise to be intentional about embracing today and to reflect on the myriad of ways God has shown himself faithful in 2017. Blessings to you as you wrap up an amazing 2017.

      • Rusty
        Rusty says:

        WO&c382#0;sWary. This is exactly what I too thought would happen. I know that any support from the west is the worst thing that the west can do as well. I actually like Obama’s stand to remain neutral. The last thing the people of Iran need is for this bastard to say, told you so the west is the reason for the uprising. I am on pins and needles right now, knowing that something aweful is around the very near future.

  3. Lesley
    Lesley says:

    Lots of wisdom here! I especially like your questions for reflection as we think back over 2016. It’s so important to do that and see what we can learn. I’ll be coming back to look at other these! Hope you have a good end to 2016!

      • Cassie
        Cassie says:

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