
A Baby, A Book, And A Break

Oh Inspired Life Family where have you been? I guess the more accurate question is where have I been. I’ve missed you tremendously. It has always been a delight to meet you here is this sacred space. I thank you for receiving the words of grace that God pours out from His heart, to mine, to yours.





The last 2 months have been filled with cuddles, snuggles & kisses. Throw in constant diaper changes and being milked like a cow, all the while entertaining my other children since school let out, it’s made for a non-stop flurry of activity. But even in all this, I’ve purposed to SLOW DOWN, to take my own words to heart and EMBRACE THE NOW MOMENT. So I’m savoring the sweetness that a newborn brings to the home and enjoying the raucous laughter that the older children bring. Then mix in some sweet sayings from an innocent 5 year old such as, “Mommy, you need that feet thing from off the TV to get all that white stuff off the back of your feet”, endless fun indeed. Even the 3 year old is giving me plenty to smile about with,


“Mommy when I’m a grown up and I have money I’m gonna buy you a lot of stuff.”

Me: “Like what?”

3 year old: “Candy.”

5 year old: “You know mommy doesn’t want candy. She only wants vegetables!”


Didn’t I tell you I’ve been entertained? The Lord had been impressing on my heart to laugh more and He has certainly been providing countless opportunities.   I don’t want you to miss out on any of the fun, so come visit me on INSTAGRAM.




A book & A Baby

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to write. From poems to short stories to news articles, writing has always been in my blood. I’ve got a degree in Journalism. I’ve known for a very long time that I would one day write books. I’ve drafted plans for several books. I’ve got chapters of several different books living on hard drives and flash drives. Last year I began writing 2 books that I thought would come to fruition this year but the pregnancy last year threw me for a loop.

Early 2016 God told me to put those on hold and to resurrect something I began working on nearly 8 years ago. God has called those dry bones forward and is putting flesh on them. I ask friends that you pray for me as I crucify my flesh so that HIS words can flow freely out of me and onto the page. I feel so ill equipped to write THIS book. But I’m comforted to know God specializes in using ill equipped people.

It is said that a dream without a deadline is a fantasy. With that said, my accountability partners challenged me to “PICK A DATE ALREADY!’ So I’ve got a date to have the manuscript complete. And I’m hiding behind fear so I don’t even want to post the date here. See, this is why y’all gotta pray for me. I’ve been slow to obey with this.  And we know that slow to obey = disobedience.  I would be remiss if I did not point out that OBEDIENCE is one of the three pillar THIS ministry is built upon so I’ve got to take my own mission to heart.




A Break

Visiting you weekly is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. I never set out to take a a mini blogging break. Each week I pray for you and each week, in my mind, I’ve met you here in this space. I was quite surprised one day when I looked up and realized I hadn’t blogged in over a month. But the break has given me time to focus on my 1st ministry, HOME. But I feel you are family too, so I’ve missed you a great deal. In the event we don’t meet here in this space, I’d love for us to remain connected. You can find on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Though my goal is to still meet you here weekly to share from Jesus, to my heart, to yours.


So friends, bask in the sun, embrace the now moment and live your days fully inspired.


Until next time, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Titus 2 Tuesday, Grace & Truth

18 replies
  1. Tai East
    Tai East says:

    Tyra, your little one is so very precious! What a sweet little face! XOXO 🙂 I’m so glad your back, Love. Your words of encouragement and wisdom have truly been missed. And I’m just absolutely elated to know that you’re writing book! I know that it will be amazing and I will definitely keep you in my prayers. GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂

  2. Denita Johnson
    Denita Johnson says:

    I will be praying for you, you are an awesome mom and I know the book will be just as awesome. Take care!

  3. Ginger Harrington
    Ginger Harrington says:

    What a precious picture of your sweet baby. Just this morning I took my “baby” shopping for college. I confess I got just a little teary in the shower curtain isle of Bed Bath and Beyond. Blessings as you enjoy your family and work on your book.

  4. Kia Stephens
    Kia Stephens says:

    Tyra, you don’t know me but I feel you with the fear. I’m going to tell you like I tell myself. Keep going! There are people on the other side of your press. Congratulations on all the newness God is bringing into your life and be blessed! – Kia

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Friend I am determined to move beyond myself so that I am obedient doing my part to moving the Kingdom forward. I do not want to be a hinderance or stumbling block for the work God wants and needs to do here in the earth. We do not have a spirit of fear. We will bask in the light of His love.

  5. Thandi
    Thandi says:

    My beautiful sister, I rejoice with you! Yes cherish those moments. Write them down. They will make you laugh for years.
    The other day we were going out and we made our two year sit on the potty. She faithfully obeyed and sat there for about 10 minutes. I asked her if she was finished. She said, “I try but there is no pee pee in my butt!” ? At that point we had to learn the word “bladder” which when she says it sounds more like “bwadder”. It the little moments.

    And on another note: TELL US THE DATES!! We all want to keep you accountable. The smaller dates and the final date. The more you confess it the more you’ll believe it.

    Have faith. It’s not by your strength but by his.

    Love you!


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