How’s Your Focus?

In Focus


Out of Focus


Laser Focus


Focal Point




As soon as I could walk I had a camera in my hand. My father’s passion was photography. He went to photography school when I was a baby then commenced shooting everything possible. Of course I ended up the subject on the other side of the lens many days. One of my favorite pictures is of me at age three taking a picture of my father who was actually talking a picture of me. At three, I knew nothing about focus.


In my pre-teen years I caught the photography bug and entered the dark room, manually dipping paper in solution and watching the images come to life. I learned about aperture, shutter speed and focus. I learned how to focus on what was directly in front of the lens or how to focus on something in the distance.


wet snow 3


But focus is relative, relative to what we see and how we see it. Life experience has a way of morphing, contorting and distorting our focus. While I tend to see ONLY in the present, I think that is a distorted and often out of focus view when compared to how my heavenly Father sees. His FOCUS is perfect, all encompassing, crisp and sharp. [bctt tweet=”Focus is really about being centered and balanced from whatever vantage point we find ourselves.”]


buds ready to bloom1


How’s your focus?


light waves


Open the eyes of our hearts Lord so that we have your FOCUS. Let us be centered, rooted, grounded and balanced – FOCUSED in You.


Happy to connect with others sharing on the topic of FOCUS at Five Minute Friday, Grace & Truth


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

12 replies
    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      I pray that we have the fortitude to remain focused even when our natural eyes don’t “SEE” what’s happening in the sport realm. That we would hold fast and cling to His truth. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Yes Lux,
      Being behind the lens has taught me so much. It allows me to “SEE” in time and draws me closer to the Father. In it I am able to see glimpses of glory captured in their splendor. Praying you a day filled with glimpses of his glory.

  1. Sylvia R
    Sylvia R says:

    Lovely post and beautiful photos. You brought back memories of watching pictures appear in the darkroom my first husband (long deceased) and I enjoyed. I’m still trying to learn more technical stuff about apertures and focus and all that, but am really interested in moving on with this. Your illustrations above inspire me, as do your insightful words about the spiritual focus we can only get from Him. Blessings on your weekend!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thank you Sylvia. And you know when he brings truth to you, he gives opportunity to apply it. Just this morning I briefly lost JESUS focused as I was distracted my the mess my children left in not clearing the dishes and sweeping before they left for school. But God! He realigned my focus back in line with his. Thanks for visiting today friend.

  2. Nisha
    Nisha says:

    I can relate to time spent in the darkroom, one of my favorite places to be when I also learned photography. The careful development in the dark, the process it takes to create a beautiful work (in focus). Never thought of it this way, thank you. ?

    I love how you remind us, in comparison, ” His FOCUS is perfect, all encompassing, crisp and sharp.”

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Yes he totally shifted the direction of where I thought I was going with this post. When I saw the prompt FOCUS, I thought yes I’ll write about how focused I am, how focused has helped me stay on track, keep order in the home…blah blah blah. Well when my fingers hit the keys a different message emerged and they key you’ve quoted above. It is HIS focus that is perfect, mine is distorted even on a good day 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


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