Are You Ready To Receive?

I pray constantly. Upon rising in the morning, all throughout the day, before I fall asleep at night.


Praying, praying and praying some more.


Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Sometimes though, I’m not actively conscious of the fact that my prayers are being heard. You know, like I expect God to answer but I’m not thinking like, “Oh I KNOW at this very second He has heard and is answering”. In my head, I know God hears and answers prayer but it’s not at the forefront of my mind while I’m actually praying that He’s dispatching His reply immediately.


And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.

1 John 5:14-15


I know that I pray in faith.


But am I ready for Him to act?


Am I ready for him to deliver the answer?


Am I ready for Him to move on my behalf?


Is my heart ready to accept?


Am I ready to partake of the answered prayer?


Am I ready to respond?


Am I ready to move as needed?


Are my hands free and open to receive the blessing?


I find that often times we pray a thing and when it is answered we are caught off guard. Perhaps we’d tailor made the manifestation of the prayer. We could see exactly how God should bring it to pass based on OUR expectations. [bctt tweet=”We’ve prayed according to His will, but when He does it His way, can we embrace it?”]


What happens then when the answered isn’t delivered how WE expected?


What happens when the long awaited Christmas gift comes wrapped in burlap instead of red paper with little santa’s on it?


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


Well now it’s here and you’re all out of sorts. You’re blaming the devil. You’re having a temper tantrum. Just all out of sorts.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


When I first got saved almost 13 years ago I prayed, “God please deliver me from being controlling”. My need for control dominated my life. It impacted my relationships and made me quite neurotic. From the way towels were folded to managing my time down to 15 minute increments, I was just out of control with my need for control.   Well God heard and answered that prayer. Little did I know the primary method He would use was by bringing me children. With each birth (five to date) I’ve had to surrender a new level on control. Long gone are the days of perfectly folded towels in my linen closet. Long gone are the days when my time is my own.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


I’ve prayed and asked God for more family time. My husband’s work schedule is very demanding and I just wanted time for us to all be together as a family. When the prayer was answered, I found myself wanting to retreat to a quiet corner or to proceed with the never-ending household chores and let hubby have time with the children. Hey, I see them everyday ALL day, you guys bond. But that was not what I prayed. My prayer for family time had been answered and I was trying to move in the opposite direction of it.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 15:7


When we pray in faith, according to His will, EXPECT that He will answer. Expect His answer to come differently than you can imagine or think. In advance, prepare your heart to receive. Today, I am positioning myself to delightfully receive His answers in the manner in which He executes them.


Are you ready to receive?


With an open mind, an open heart and open hands, receive Him today.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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1 reply
  1. Kelly Balarie
    Kelly Balarie says:

    Oh yes, Tyra! How sad our Dad must be when we pray and ask as if he doesn’t want to give. Yes. You speak goosebumps all over me. I just love your heart. I just love it. I miss you, my kindred friend. I love you so. God has you on my heart. Maybe you can guest post on my blog sometime…email me and let me know a couple topics the Spirit might lead you to write on – if you are interested.


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