Prayer: The Default Mode

When beginning a word a document, I defer to the settings already established. I rarely change the margins, spacing or font. I go right in and get to work! When I am confronted with any life situation or circumstance, I want my prayer life to mirror how I begin a document; I go in and get right to praying.


Instead of focusing on what’s not right about the situation or person, how I could change or fix it or complain about it, just get RIGHT to praying. And while that is my frequent mode of operating, it isn’t quite my DEFAULT mode yet, but I’m working on it.


The Lord crashed this into my consciousness the other day, as I was texting a friend about what someone had done to me. As the chain of texts grew in length, the Lord gentle whispered, “Have you talked to ME about the situation yet?”


Ah, I hadn’t. So it made me aware that my mode was to sort through my feelings then pray. That’s when the Lord said to me, Prayer: The Default Mode. I’ve heard my Pastor John K. Jenkins say many times, “You turn to other before you turn to God.” And when he says that, I nod my head in agreement, “Mmm-Hmm they sure do. Running to complain to someone else. Talk to God first”, is what I utter under my breath about THOSE people.


Well excuse me Miss; you would be one of those people too. Oh no, not Tyra. Well sorry to burst your bubble Little Miss, but yes, that would be you. No you don’t usually call to talk to someone about it but you do engage in dialogue in your head on how you’ll fix the person, what you’ll say to him or her and how you’ll say it. All before talking to God first.


But I’m recalibrating. I’m tweaking the settings. Now it will look like:


Prayer: The Default Mode


So how does one make prayer the default mode?


[bctt tweet=”Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2″]


By praying: praying in faith, praying with a clean heart, praying in alignment with His will, praying with thanksgiving and praying without ceasing.


Like Nike says, Just Do It!


For those who are recently establishing a consistent prayer life, there are recommended models of prayer to help get you into the habit and routine of praying. Years ago I was in a ministry meeting and we were told to pair up and pray. Well the person I was next to was uncomfortable with praying especially aloud as she had come from a Catholic background. So let’s take some of the mysticism out of prayer and make it accessible to all.


Jesus himself provides a perfect model of prayer in The Lord’s Prayer


In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9-13


Here are two similar models.












Supplication (ask for what is needed)


For those with a vibrant, fervent prayer life, keep the fire burning. Are you writing down your prayers? Are you recording the testimonies of answered prayers? Do you have a prayer partner? Are you praying without ceasing?


Pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:17


And what I’m personally working on here lately is making my prayer more specific. For example a daily prayer of mine for my children is that they will continue to grow in wisdom and in stature, in favor with God and with man. Ok great, praying the scriptures over my children. But what does that look like real time? How can I make that even more specific? My specific prayer last week was, “Lord, I thank you for my first born. You’ve given her a spirit of discernment. Let her couple that with the wealth of information she easily retains and empower her to apply it as wisdom when in situations with her friends as school. Let her be a leader among her peers leading them in paths of righteousness for your namesake. Let her find favor among the teachers and administrators to be selected for special projects, tasks and programs in which she can shine bright for you. Thank you for ordering her steps as she walks out your plans for her future and hope.”


I also pray all throughout the day. It begins from the moment I awake. Every morning I awake with a song on my heart. I sing the song in my head, and then I pray specifically related to whatever the song was talking about. Then I read my morning devotions and pray and listen for what they Lord has to communicate with me that morning. Then as I’m driving I continue to pray. Mid-morning prayers, lunchtime prayers, homework time prayers (thank you Jesus for modeling patience) and evening prayers. Then one of my most special times of prayer, shower time prayers. The Lord just really seems to show up in the shower.


Indeed, praying without ceasing.


And they include all types of prayers. Prayers of thanksgiving, petition, supplication, intercession, pleas, repentance and more.


Two excellent new resources out now on prayer are:


The Battle Plan for Prayer



[bctt tweet=”As automatic as breathing is how I want my prayer life to be. To flow effortlessly from my heart to His.”]


As you draw near to Him in prayer, He’ll continue to draw nearer to you.


The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,

To all who call upon Him in truth.

Psalm 145:18


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Grace&Truth #DanceWithJesus

4 replies
  1. Brandi
    Brandi says:

    My dear sis, I was completed blessed by this blog post. My prayer life is everything to me and like you, when I begin any document in Word, I defer right to my default settings as well. I love the analogy you used to illustrate the importance of prayer being our default mode. And I thought I was the only one who held shower prayer times, near and dear. You continue to inspire me to live fully!!!


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  1. […] here is your three step fix to pray right. While there are many modes and methods of prayer, I want to give you three simple steps for approaching the throne of grace so that you don’t find […]

  2. […] we may not have ALL the answers in parenting, we do have THE answer. And the answer is PRAYER. The single most effective thing we can do as parents is to pray for our children Click To Tweet […]

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