It’s My Favorite







We can claim to have a favorite. But times changes. Big hair was in. It was my favorite style then but now it’s gone. Fuchsia lipstick is a thing of the past.


Favorites are relative to what feels good today. My sweet husband is quick to claim, “It’s My Favorite!


Though there is one favorite I’ve had that hasn’t waned and that’s my love of popcorn. It’s truly the one thing that I know withstanding changes in culture, space and time and space that have remained a constant, a favorite. It’s not just my favorite snack but also my favorite food. Yet this popcorn holds a position that would otherwise be easily occupied by another.


What has given my popcorn a place of prominence?


What is it about the popcorn that allows it to hold my taste buds and hold my heart?


What is it about the popcorn that has cemented it as a lifelong favorite?


Simply because it bring me joy.


Popcorn doesn’t merely make me happy. Happiness is fleeting and contingent on too many external circumstances. True joy is a state of mind. And everything about popcorn brings me joy. From the smell, to the taste to the motion of eating it, I am filled with joy. Even thinking about it as I type brings a smile to my face.


Joy is a condition of the heart. External factors can’t stand a chance against joy.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


What are your favorites?


Are they things that make you happy or things that bring you joy?


You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


May you abide in joy that is full and favorites that are fulfilling.


Joy… It’s My Favorite.


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


And if you ever want to make a deposit in my JOY bank, I love Garrett’s Popcorn (hint, hint)


Happy to connect today with #FiveMinuteFriday on the word #Favorite

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